

the Card of the Week: 17
It is more wonderful than you realize that you keep choosing the Holy Spirits.
Cerebrate yourself a great deal doing a great job.

Soul #1: the Fool
There are indications that you will be free from what your heard was bound by.
Share the Joy with your brothers all over the world. 
By being thankful first, it will be easier for things you deserve to happen. 

Soul #2: 10
From bottom of your heart, cerebrate the years you have entrusted to Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
The compliment for your courage and effort from God is "that's not all♪"

Soul #3: 20R → 7
Being saved by taking the hands went out toward you means ten thousands of your brothers behind you are also saved.
Now, take hands of your brothers who is crying out for love. 

Soul #4: 4R → 6
You might be feeling fear that turn the way you have lived upside down. 
However, what is frightened is not you but your "disappearing ego."
Keep choosing this concept.

Soul #5: 8R → 12
Take it easy. 
Even something not love is in front of you, that is just a incident in your dream. 
If you know that, your mind will stay peaceful and your outer world will be peaceful again in time.

Soul #6: 1R → 15
Become aware of yourself that you are not a beginner anymore. 
The love and gratitude you have nurtured consistently is now grown in abundance and waiting to be gathered.
Gather them!

Soul #7: 14
Look at your mind from above.
If your mind is peaceful, your thoughts match the thought system of the Holy Spirits.
If not, you don't need to keep holding the thought since it is "just a mistake."
Promptly, leave it to the hands of the Holy Spirits, and let them amend the mistake. 

Soul #8: 13R → 11
What changes or desappears is not the truth. 
Variety of fears has come in the past, but now there is no sign of them.
What lasts forever is the peace filled in your mind. 

Soul #9: 18R → 19
No matter how dark the tunnel you have gone through was, threre is no need to remember once you went through it. 
With the Holy Spirits, enjoy the glorious "now."

week card   17  : あなたが聖霊を選び続けていることは、あなたが自覚している以上に素晴らしいことです。


soul ①    愚者 :  これまで心を縛っていたものから解放される兆しがあります。

soul ②    10 :  聖霊の叡智にゆだねて過ごしてきた この歳月を心から祝福してください。

soul ③    20R→  7 : あなたへと差し伸べられた聖霊の手を取ってあなたが救われたことは、あなたの背後にいる一万人の兄弟もまた救われるということです。

soul ④    4R→  6 : これまでの生き方を根底から覆されるような恐怖を感じているかもしれません。

soul ⑤    8R→  12 :  気楽に過ごしてください。

soul ⑥    1R→  16 :  もはや初心者ではないと自覚しましょう。

soul ⑦    14 :   自分の心を上空から眺めてください。

soul ⑧    13R→  11 :   変化するもの、消えていくものは真実ではありません。

soul ⑨    18R→  19 :  くぐり抜けてきたトンネルがどれほど暗く長かったにせよ、抜けてしまえば思い出す必要はありません。



the Card of the Week: 4
Make your position as a child of clear.
Your brothers are offered for you to expand Love.
Think and act like the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 17R → 13
"Something other than Love" that appears in front of you doesn't actually exist. 
On top of understanding that,simply forgive and leave it to the hands of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #2: 2R → 7
Following last week, you are asked to recover the Wisdom of the Holy Spirits.
Keep choosing the opinion of the Holy Spirits rather than yours.

Soul #3: 10R → 20
Look at your brothers as your holy family.
If we are one as Christ, anything other than that are just mistakes. 
Offer them to the Holy Spirits and have them amend them.

Soul #4: 5
Your brothers are gathered to receive your Wisdom and Love. 
Please change its shape and give it to them, so that it will be easier for them to receive. 

Soul l#5: the FoolR → 18
Something you've never experienced is happening. 
This is the outcome of choosing peace instead of fight.
Keep receiving it with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #6: 8
Cerebrate that you have already been affluent. 
Even if everything in front of yourself seems against it, the true affluence will appear by appreciating what you cannot see. 

Soul #7: 16
The result of your constant effort is about to appear. 
Thank yourself who came this far, and thank yourself who is going to keep walking in the same way. 

Soul #8: 15R → 1
God is proud of you who have stayed being a child of God and kept expanding Love dlligently.
By reveiving it obediently, its Joy will be expanded to your brothers. 

Soul #9: 12
By looking at the situation with the view of the Holy Spirits, any problems will disappear. 
By forgiving what did not happen and leaving it to hands of the Holy Spirits, only peace will expand to the world.  

soul ①   17R→  13  :  眼の前に現れる「愛以外のもの」は、実は存在していないものです。

soul ②    2R→  7 : 先週に続いて、今週も聖霊の智識を回復させることが求められています。 

soul ③   10R→  20 : 聖なる家族として兄弟たちを眺めましょう。

soul ④    5 : 兄弟たちは あなたの智識や愛を受け取るために集っています。

soul ⑤    愚者R→  18 :  これまで経験してこなかったことが起こっています。

soul ⑥    8 :  あなたが既に豊かであることを祝福してください。

soul ⑦    16 :  これまで絶え間なく努力し続けてきたことの結果が現れてきます。

soul ⑧    15R→  1 :   神の子であることから動かず、淡々と愛を拡張してきたあなたを、御父は誇りに思っています。

soul ⑨    12 :   聖霊の視点から状況を眺めることで、どのような問題も消えていきます。


12/10 〜 12/16

the Card of the Week: 10
It's time to learn to wait.
To wait while you trust the Holy Spirits is to merely listen to the Holy Spirits and follow what you receive there.

Soul #1: 21R → 13
Everything other than what you have received from the Holy Spirits in silence is like a burden you have learned to carry in your dream.
Leave the burden to the hands of the Holy Spirits and be a light traveller.

Soul #2: 8R → 7
To share Love of God with your brothers, you need a logical explanation.
Write down your own experience, ask someone you trust to proofread the explanation to see if it is clear enough for others to understand. 

Soul #3: 6R → 11
Look at what is not love sitting in front of you with the Holy Spirits quietly. 
It there is nothing outside, they are all projections of your inner self, so forgive them and leave them to the hands of the Holy Spirits. 

Soul #4: 18
Be careful with your words. 
Are they appropriate thoughts and words for the Holy Spirits?
Do you have a will to be with the Holy Spirits and deliver them to your brothers?

Soul #5: 16R → 2
You know the power of writing. 
By writing, you have organized yourself, and by organizing, you have kept deepening "the awareness of being a child of God" and "the awareness of being Loved."
Enhance the awareness by writing this week as well. 

Soul #6: 14
Many brothers are screaming for Love
If you realize that heir appearances are projections of yourself in the past, you will see it is important to save them "ASAP."
Let's work as the Holy Spirit.

Soul #7: 20
In this world, there are many brothers who keep suffering without realizing themselves that they are calling for salvations.
Learn what the Holy Spirits are doing for them and act like them.

Soul #8: 19
Celebrate "the Path to Heave" you have walked being one with the Holy Spirit.
Of course, it's happening in the future.
But by cereblating in advance, the amout of time will be reduced dramatically. 

Soul #9: 3
Finally, it's time to start "sharing" that you kept putting off.
Admit that the reason why you have kept saying "Now is not the time yet." is that you were actually afraid of becoming happy, and jump into the happiness amenably.

soul ①     21R →  13 :  沈黙を通して聖霊から受け取ったもの以外は、全て夢の中で学んだ重荷のようなものです。

soul ②    8R →  7 :  御父の愛を兄弟へ分かち合うためには、論理的な説明がどうしても必要です。
soul ③    6R →  11 : 眼前にある愛以外のものを、聖霊と共に静かに見つめしょう。

soul ④    18 : あなたから発される言葉に慎重になってください。

soul ⑤    16R →  2 :  あなたは書くことの力を知っています。

soul ⑥    14 :  多くの兄弟が愛を求めて叫んでいます。
soul ⑦    20 :   この世界には、自分が救済を求めていることも知らず、苦しみ続けている兄弟が大勢います。

soul ⑧    19 :   聖霊とひとつになって歩いてきた「天国までの道のり」を祝福しましょう。

soul ⑨    3 :  ずっと先延ばしにしてきた「分かち合うこと」を、いよいよ始める時がきました。



the Card of the Week: 5R → 14
If the healed healers realize how strange the dream they have created, decide, to be awake from it and keep leaving it to the hands of the Holy Spirits,their words will come across to others.

Soul #1: 10
Keep looking at the world with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirits are trying to teach you something important by looking at your brothers who are holding on to dreams from a little distance with the Holy Spirits.  

Soul #2: 3
As an existence of Trinity, continue to enjoy expanding Love.
By living such way,miracles will be something more 
natural to you and His presence also will be something natural for you.
Viva, dreams like Heaven!

Soul #3: 6
It's time of choice.
Are you going to share what you have received from God with your brothers as it is? Or are you going to arrange it into your style?
Of course, the right answer is to share as it is, and it will be be easier later that way.

Soul #4: 1
You have realized that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is one, and the I think you have experienced the wonder of it as the Source and the expansion of the Source itself.
Even if you have not experienced it, it's matter of time. 

Soul #5: 11R → 21
No matter how much you doubt yourself in your dream, you won't remember anything once you wake up. 
Having said that, it is such a joke that bucket brigade of forgiving your doubts and leaving them to the hands of the Holy Spirits was the key to go back to Heaven. 

Soul #6: 8R → 15
Regardless what kind of desire you have, if you devote it to the Holy Spirit and ask for it with the Holy Spirits, you will realize immediately that you have already had it.
Miracles are created by the gratitude at such moment.

Soul #7: 9R → 20
Instead of feeling helpless, remember that you are a member of the Holy Family, and look at people with that view.
Look at your brothers who are trusted by the Holy Spirits. 

Soul #8: 12
Everything what seems happening in front of you is an incident happening in your dream you have created. 
There is no point to put too much of yourself into a dream. 
Let them do whatever they like, and keep forgiving without being emotional.

Soul #9: 17R → 4
Even though it is an important step to be with the Holy Spirit, it is a process to be one with the Holy Spirits and then to be one with God. 
To make your standing position clear, sometimes it is important to come to a stand. 

week card    5R →  14 :

soul ①    10 :  
夢にしがみついている兄弟たちを 少し離れたところから共に見守ることで、聖霊は何かしら大切なものをあなたに教えようとしています。

soul ②    3 :  

soul ③    6 : 

soul ④    1 : 
もし まだだとしても、時間の問題ですよ~。

soul ⑤    11R →  21 :  

soul ⑥    8R →  15 :  
soul ⑦    9R →  20 :

soul ⑧    12 :   

soul ⑨    17R →  4 :
自分の立ち位置を明確にするために 時には立ち止まることも重要です。