

The card of the Week: 5R → 12
When you try to convey something and it doesn't go well, check yourself if you talk to Christ in them.
When it is hard of you to do it, it is the sign that you need to be healed.
Step away from there promptly and ask the Holy Spirits for help.

Soul #1: 16R → 18
When you are about to success, ego will show its fangs.
It brings up what is over and trys to make you  confused.
Be careful with it!
Don't let the voice of ego mislead your heard but move forward carefully.

Soul #2: 6R → the Fool
Your happiness and other's hapiness are not related much.
However, the happiness of people around you is important for you to go back to Heaven.
And, since the true happiness for you is Heaven itself, it is inevitable for you to devote yourself for other's happiness.
Isn't it a great system? 

Soul #3: 1
You have your goal and a clear will to reach to the goal.
When you understand that that will is the same as God, your creator, it's time to start your task.
Then, regardless what kind of dream you have, it will always come ture.

Soul 4: 4R → 10
The more you disappear, the better things goes.
It might be really hard for you to admit it, but remember that this world is an illusion.
Hug yourself who have tried to be happy at "where you don't exist", and cry at the top of your bent.
It is Bon. lol

Soul #5: 14R → 11 
When you mean well and do something, but ends up having an unfortunate consequence, it means something is wrong inside of you.
Go back to the basic and review your past throgh the view of the Holy Spirits.
Did you deal with others looking at Christ inside of them rather than looking at their actions?
Like the Holy Spirits, did you bless yourself, who keep putting the hard effort?

Soul #6: 8
You know bellyfull of understanding that this world the piece of your work.
However, the situation doesn't change even if you forgive and leave the piece to the Holy Spirits.
That is because you and your piece is the same.
If you forgive and leave the authour who made such stupid world to the Holy Spirits, light will reach before you know it.

Soul #7: 13R → 19
You might get fed up with the world that doesn't change at all no matter how much put your effort.
In that event, even if you are in the middle of your task, step away from people and be alone.
Then, you will instantly be able to remember that you go wrong when you are not with the Holy Spirits.
For the world peace, place importance on your alone time, the time with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #8: 20R → 2
As soon as you step away from this world, the world came back to the original condition.
However, it was not all beautiful, but I bet it was rather disappointing for you.
Think a great deal of "the feeling of disappointment."
It is called "enlightment". lol

Soul #9: 7
Do you train yourself to accept everything what happens as the best thing for you?
For example, your work is expanding drasticall, it means that is what the Holy Spirits want you to do.
Since you came this far, don't wriggle but declare that, "I'm a teacher of God."
It makes the rest easier.

week card      5R→  12  :  何かを伝えようとしてうまく行かない時は、相手のキリストに向かって語りかけているか確認してください。

soul ①     16R→  18 :  あなたの成功が目前になると、エゴは牙を剥いてきます。

soul ②     6R→  愚者 :  あなたが幸福であることと周囲の人々の幸福は、実はあまり関係がありません。

soul ③    1 :  あなたには目的も、それを達成しようとする明確な意志もあります。

soul ④    4R→  10 :  あなたがいなくなればいなくなるほど物事はうまく行きます。

soul ⑤    14R→  11 :  よかれと思ってやってきたことが残念な結果しか生まないとしたら、それはあなたの中の何かが間違っているという印です。

soul ⑥    8 :   この世界が自分の作品であることは、嫌と言うほど分かったと思います。

soul ⑦    13R→  19 :   あなたがどれほど努力しても、全く変わらない世界を見て呆然とするかもしれません。

soul ⑧    20R→  2 :   あなたがこの世界から離れた途端、世界は元々あるような姿に戻ってきました。

soul ⑨    7 :   たとえあなたが望んでいないことが起こったにせよ、それを一番良いこととして受け取る訓練はしていますか?



The Card of the Week: the Fool → 13
You are changing greatly at an invisible level.
Thus, you might feel uncomfortable without a reason and feel an impulse to flee.
In such cases, rely on the Holy Spirits.
If you leave your feelings to the Holy Spirits as they are, you will be able to sneak through this sensitive time safely.l

Soul #1: 2R → 14
You might be feeling suffocated preparing for big events.
At time like this, rely on the Holy Spirits.
If you remember that you were helped by the Holy Spirits many times and If you thank for it, you will genuinely feel that this time will be ok again.

Soul #2: 20
Your dedicated help support many of your brothers.
Thus, all their dedication to the world is also your wealth.
We live in the abundance of God and we share that with pleasure.
Toast to this beautiful summer and beautiful life!

Soul #3; 6R → 17
When you decide something important, make sure to relax yourself.
If time permits, go to the waterfront.
Simply watching running water and lapping waves let you see the path you should choose.
If you don't have time, taking a bath is ok.
Let yourself relax!.

Soul #4: 8
If you feel impatient or sad now, that is because you consider yourself as a snow flake melting away in a summer morning.
However, the Holy Spirits sings that this rich summer morning is your true color, the true color of "us" that you belong to.
Now, after coming this far, how long you can keep misunderstanding yourself as an existance away from Heaven? lol

Soul #5: 3
Regardless how shameful an event is, it will be transformed into light if you experience that with the Holy Spirits.
That is because the past is in your memory, and it the Holy Spirits rewrite the impression of it, the memory itself, your past, will disappear.
Having said that, your approval is neccessary for all of this.
Please be proactive and ask the Holy Spirits to rewrite.

Soul #6: 21R → 12
You might feel that everything you have chosen is wrong and feel like blaming yourself.
However, that is ego's trap.
Right before your success, ego orchestrate your feeling to get depressed and put a cripm in your success.
Ask the Holy Spirits for help with large voice as soon as you notice the trap of ego, all right?

Soul #7: 4R → 16
Regardless how complicated it is, you will be able to understand it as you study over and over.
In other words, when you cannot learn the ropes, it simply means "you have not repeated enough."
Since you are the one who set your goal, what you should do is clear.
Train yourself by repeating over and over in the matter-of-fact way.

Soul #8: 1R → 15
The feeling you have since your childhood, that you lack a sense of belonging, is a hard evidence that you don't belong to this world.
If you regain the correct self-recognition that you belong to Heave, your wish come true instantly.
It is so easy that you may flip out, but it's ok. 
Just move forward. lol

Soul #9: 19R → 9
The mood of your day is decided by the mood you have when you get up. 
In other words, if you remember and appreciate how much you are loved by God everytime you get up, the day will become wonderful.
If you work on it as your assignment of this summer, you will have days of miracles from this fall.

week card    愚者R→ 13  :  今あなたは、眼に見えないところで大きく変化しています。


soul ①    2R→  14 :  大きな行事を控え、息が詰まるような気持ちになっているかもしれません。

soul ②    20 :   あなたの献身的な援助が多くの兄弟たちを支えています。 
この美しい夏に 美しい生に 乾杯!               

soul ③    6R→  17 :  大切なことを決める時は、必ずあなた自身をリラックスさせてあげてください。 

soul ④    8 :  あなたが今焦りや悲しみを味わっているなら、それはあなたが自分を夏の朝に消えていく雪の一片だと思っているからです。

soul ⑤    3 :    どんなに恥ずかしい出来事でも、聖霊と共に再体験することで光に変容されます。

soul ⑥    21R→  12 :  自分のこれまでの選択が全て無駄であったかのように感じ、自分を責めたくなるかもしれません。

soul ⑦    4R→  16 :   どれほどややこしいことでも、繰り返し学習するうちに理解できてきます。

soul ⑧    1R→  15 :   あなたが幼い頃から持ち続けているアゥエー感は、あなたがこの世界に属していないという確かな証拠です。

soul ⑨    19R→  9 :   起きたときの気分で1日は決定されます。