

The Card of the Week: 7
Every card exept 8 is reversed this week.
It means that you are strongly asked to put your thoughts and feelings aside and always follow the opinion of the Holy Spirits.
Regardless what happens around you or inside of you, always listen to the Holy Spirits and try to stay calm.

Soul #1: 8R → 16
To expand abandance, it is important to thank and bless yourself in the past.
That is because praising yourself who have been walking along the salvation plan of the Holy Spirits means praising God standing behind the plan.
And that acknowledgement and abunbance will come back to you as-is.

Soul #2: 10R → 17
Don't pay attention to your small mistakes anymore.
They have already been forgiven and went back to light.
Instead, devote yourself to think about how to share with your brothers what you received from God.

Soul #3: 12R → 6
Looking at Christ inside of your brothers means nothing but awakening and expanding Christ inside of you.
What is especially important here is understanding that you were always Chirist at any moments in the past.
With this foundation, continue thanking yourself.

Soul #4: 1R → 3
Look at only God.
Just doing so will make you remember how much you are loved.
Then, you will realize how strongly you desire to go back to heaven.
This desire is the source of work ethic of you and a healthy #4.

Soul #5: 18R → 14
When you heal your body and mind, put your thought aside and try to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirits.
Regardless what is happening, choose to think that, "The best thing is happnening for me, now.", leave everything you see to the Holy Spirits and take it easy.

Soul #6: 21R → 15
When things don't go as you wish, you should not suppress the anger.
Go to Alter of God as soon as you can and scream "Father, listen to me!"
The only thing you should try during this week is to devote all your thoughts to God without hiding anything.

Soul #7: 9R → the Fool
The world will fall apart in front of you.
However, you don't have to feel sorry for the dream for falling apart.
Instead,what is important is to help your brothers who are suffeing in the chaos with the Holy Spirits.
Keep the good work in a matter-of-fact way, this week.
Go 7s!

Soul #8 19
With the help of your brothers, you finally became able to accept that there is no past.
However, what is right is the recognition of "There is no past,but Love."
Your salvation is the understanding that "even if you are gone, Love will stay." 

Soul #9: 5R → 11
As you have noticed already, accepting the magnifience of a child of God measing undoing "I"
However, even the understanding that it never existed cannot heal your sorrow.
Please leave the desperation to the Holy Spirits.
Then, for the first time, you will know that that the Holy Spirits don't belong to this world. 

week card    7 :  今週は8番以外、全てが逆位置になっています。 

soul ①    8R→  16 :  豊かさを拡張するためにも、過去の自分に感謝し、祝福することが重要です。

soul ②    10R→  17 :  あなたの起こしたささやかな間違いには、もう目を向けないでください。

soul ③    12R→  6 :  兄弟の内にキリストを見ていくことは、とりもなおさずあなたの内にあるキリストを目覚めさせ、拡張することに他なりません。

soul ④    1R→  3 :  御父だけを見つめてください。

soul ⑤    18R→  14 :  心身を癒す際には、自分の考えは脇に置いて聖霊の声に耳を傾けるように心がけてください。

soul ⑥    21R→  15 :   思い通りにならないことが起こったとき、その怒りを抑圧してはいけません。


soul ⑦    9R→ 愚者  :   あなたの眼前で世界は崩壊していくでしょう。

soul ⑧    19 :   兄弟たちの援助で、あなたもようやく過去はないことを受け入れられるようになりました。

soul ⑨    5R→  11 :   あなたが既に気付いているように、神の子の壮大さを受け入れることは「私」の消滅を意味します。