the Card of the Week: 21
Everything is healed and complete.
As the Holy Spirits see the world this way, you should see the world the same way.
With your intention, the world will start to be adjusted correctly.
Soul #1: 14
What you have to learn first as a healer is to know that the more a person call for healing, the more they resist.
Therefore, to wait for the person to accept healing, aka 'patience', is important.
Soul #2: 12
Take it easy.
If 'here and now' is filled with happiness and you appreciate it, the next moment will be filled with even greater happiness.
Soul #3: 5
Share the joy that you had experienced with your numerous brothers who even have not noticed what they are calling for.
If you work on this job with the Holy Spirits, you will learn "the art of extending beyond words."
Soul #4: 16R → 18
Keep walking carefully.
People tend to get careless when you come within the range of a goal.
However, by remembering the true goal, you will see that these happiness are merely what you come by during your journey.
Soul #5: 8
True abundance starts by knowing that you have something to share with your brothers and brothers to share it with.
Thus, you are truly abundant.
Soul #6: 7R → 9
If you see that you always have been in the garden of Heaven and merely having a dream of "calling for Heaven", you will get serious about waking up.
The trick to wake up quickly is "staying within Joy."
Soul #7: 3
If you keep learning "I have nothing to do", you will start to see that what is truely important happens naturally.
Therefore, be honest with your fear.
Whenever you notice it, keep forgiving it and leaving it to the hands of the Holy Spirits.
Soul #8: 20R → 10
No matter what happens, everything will transform into brilliance by keeping your mind peaceful.
Trust the Holy Spirits, stay happy and wait for the world to get ripe.
Soul #9: 17
By giving Love you have received from God to your brothers as it is, the world will be filled with light.
If people around you are not so, take a look back to see if you are doing the job as a child of God correctly.
week card 21 : 全ては癒され、完成されている。
soul ① 14 : 癒された癒し手として最初に学ぶべき事は、癒しをめている人ほど抵抗が強い、と言うことです。
soul ② 12 : 気楽にいきましょう。
soul ③ 5 : あなたが体験した喜びを、それを求めているとも気づかずに過ごしている多くの兄弟たちへ分かち合ってください。
soul ④ 16R→ 18 : 慎重に歩き続けてください。
soul ⑤ 8 : 真の豊かさとは、自分には兄弟へ与えるものがあり、それを喜んで受け取ってくれる兄弟がいる、と知ることから始まります。
soul ⑥ 7R→ 9 : 自分がずっと天国の庭にいて、「天国を求める」という夢を見ていたと分かると・・・早く起きなくちゃ、と本気で思うようになります。
soul ⑦ 3 : 「自分には何もやる必要はない」ことを学び続けると、真に大切なことは自然に起こる と分かり始めます。
それに気づいたら 淡々と赦し聖霊にゆだね続けてください。
それに気づいたら 淡々と赦し聖霊にゆだね続けてください。
soul ⑧ 20R→ 10 : どのようなことが起こったとしても、あなたの心が平穏なら、全ては光り輝くものへと変容していきます。
soul ⑨ 17 : あなたが御父から受け取った愛を、そのまま兄弟へ与え続けることで 世界は光に満たされます。
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