the Card of the Week: 12R → 7
The sacred power guiding us now is transforming from the stage of supporting "my joy" to the stage of supporting "our joy."
But,it is not too difficult to join to the next stage.
All you have to do is to be conscious of what you enjoy as "what we enjoy."
By practicing that on a frequent basis, you will be able to move into the next stage smoothly.
Soul #1: 11
You already have been treating joy not only as a small limitation like "mine" but also as "ours."
During this week, please watch for a brother with the Holy Spirits:who hasn't reached to this point; and who is attached to "his joy"and running around in circles.
Soul #2: 16R → 4
Understand that the history of mis-creation and the history of separation started at the wobbly moment of a thought,"it's possible to be away from God,and I can have my own joy."
Then, also understand that at that moment, God set it right and it is treated as something never happened.
In other words, our task is to convince your brothers, who still don't accept it, to understand it.
Well, in fact, for us to accept it is enough. hahaha
Soul #3: 18R → 13
This week,you will have a great challenge regarding your inner creativity or its amendment.
A person tend to think "my joy"is the source of creation.
However,if you look at it from the world of truth, "I" doesn't exist.
In other words, your will be able to see the system of this world by understanding that respecting "what doesn't exist/void" is "the creativity of this world."
It seems this message is not only for soul #3 but also for every brother who has his inner creativity.
Soul #4: 8R → 21
Figuratively speaking,a child of God is as abundant as Him regardless the amount of cash has.
If you accept this concept and act accordingly (a little deed is enough), you've finish the task of this summer with flying colors!
Soul #5: 3R → 5
Every wrong creation is caused by the assumption that "I can be separated from God."
Of course, it is impossible and we are with God as we speak.
However, to remember that clearly, we need to understand "what separation is" by applying the concept to our everyday life.
Simply put, for you to think "I don't have enough" means that you keep creating the wrong world where "it is possible to be separated from God."
Thus, whenever you notice your thought of "lacking," stop it promptly.
Soul #6: 14
Soul #6 people have a very important task this week.
Please keep remembering that the Holy Spirits are always standing by you no matter what happens to the world or no matter how wobbly you thoughts or feelings get watching the world.
Just by keeping your thoughs to that, the Holy Spirits can accomplish a great task of amendment of mis-creation and make it look effortless.
Soul #7: 1R → 6
Notice that you still pretend like you are a beginner even though you know that you are not.
After recognizing your unconscious wish clearly,you should let go of your learning skill given by God and declare that it's OK to stay here for another 500 years.
You will be OK since the Holy Spirits will come to sit on your
Soul #8: 19
You may have a significant lesson this week.
In other words, regardless what seems to be happeniong in front of you: can you keep your mind peaceful and stay away from the situation with the Holy Spirits?; and Can you keep focusing on Christ inside of your brothers rather than their words you hear in the outer world?
If you complete this lesson (no worries. You will pass.), something wonderful will happen one after another.
Soul #9: the FoolR → 9
Since you made a decision last week, you brought back "Our view/the view of the Holy Spirits" that you've already had by right.
With the grand view, look at your brothers once again.
Then, you will see clearly that nothing is happening even though it seems something is happening.
By admiring the fact "nothing is happnening," you will be able to stay in this world while you resonate with Heaven.
It is a quite beautiful experience.
week card 12R→ 7 : 今私たちを指導する聖なる力は、「私の喜び」から「私たちの喜び」をサポートする段階へと移行しています。
soul ① 11 : あなたは既に、喜びとは「私」という小さな枠だけのものではなく「私たちのもの」としてとらえています。
soul ② 16R→ 4 : 誤創造の歴史、分離の歴史は、まさしく「御父から離れて 私だけの喜びが可能だと思った」、その一瞬の揺らぎから起こったと理解してください。
soul ③ 18R→ 13 : 今週は私たちの内なる創造性に対して、あるいはその訂正に関して大いなる挑戦が起こるようです。
これはsoul ③の人だけに留まらず、自身の内に創造性を持つ全ての兄弟に届けられたメッセージのようです。
soul ④ 8R→ 21 : 比喩的な言い方をすれば、目の前に現金があってもなくても神の子は御父と同じくらい豊かなのです。
soul ⑤ 3R→ 5 : 誤創造の全ては、私が御父から離れることが出来る、と思いこんだことから生じています。
soul ⑥ 14 : 今週、soul ⑥の人々は とても重要な仕事を任せられています。
soul ⑦ 1R→ 6 : もはや初心者ではないことを知っているにも関わらず、いまだに初心者のふりをしたがっていることに気づきましょう。
soul ⑧ 19 : 今週、あなたにとって重要なレッスンが訪れるかもしれません。
soul ⑨ 愚者R→ 9 : 先週行われた決断により、あなたは自分が本来持っていた「私たちの視力、聖霊としての眼差し」を取り戻しました。
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