the Card of the Week: 18R → 11
Having the goal of "going back to Heaven," none of your thoughts and emotions are important.
That is because there is no such thought in Heaven.
If you have this understanding, you will see it is not necessary to sympathize with someone's feelings.
Since it is totally meaningless, just keep forgiving and leaving everything to the Holy Spirits without being held up with it.
Soul #1: 10
Keep looking at the whole picture of the situation with the Holy Spirits.
As you do what you currently supposed to do,have your mind stay quietly with the Holy Spirits.
Then, you will receive a great opportunity in front of you now.
Soul #2: 16R → 6
No matter what the situation is, the question you should ask is "What would J do?"
You know that light will shine through the world closed in darkness if you think of the question and follow the answer,
The moment of choosing the the Holy Spirits and following Them is called "Holy Moment."
It is a whisper to encourage awakening of a sleeping child of God.
As you build it up, the world will be filled with light.
Soul #3: 9R → 4
No matter how deeply you contemplate by yourself without the Holy Spirits, your thoughts are completely meaningless.
If you want to come back to right position to stand and keep your mind peaceful, what you should work on first is to accept this concept, "my thoughts are meaningless."
It is upsetting, but the Holy Spirits know that you will accept this concept.
That is because the Holy Spirits are yourself in the future who are back in Heaven after overcoming numerous hardships.
Soul #4: 3
The right way of using creativity is to use it to amend wrong creation in the past.
It seems passive, but if you don't want to create any more such nightmares,isn't it the best way of using your creativity?
Soul #5: 13
All kinds of small but annoying issues is gone while you are unaware.
What you are facing now is like the source of your thoughts and fears that are your core elements.
However, there in no large nor small in miracles.
No matter what kind of thought attacks you, it is just a mistake.
As usual,keep forgiving and leaving it to the Holy Spirits without being emotional.
Soul #6: 5
Your task to share the understanding, that you have reached, with your brothers have started.
People,who are given to the Holy Spirits,are still in a deep sleep, and they can react to something visible only
Therefore, turn your understanding into something physical such as meals, sweets, sewing flowers and so on to deliver to your brothers.
It is fun job to do(,too)♪
Soul #7: 2
Regardless what you do or what you don't do,we are always one with God.
Try to remember and appreciate this simple fact as often as possible during this week.
Then, something wonderful that will solve all your problems will happen.
Soul #8: 21
Walk as you imagine sharing your happiness with the world.
If you spend your time as if you are dancing, its Joy will expand toward your brothers by God.
When they receive the Joy, you will truely understand what you received from God.
Soul #9; 7R → 15
Like last week, various emotions will come to you, but none of them is the truth.
Bring your consciousness to rather what is eternal and steady than such wavering emotions.
It is a quiet space.
And your only wish is to invite the Holy Spirits and God to this space.
week card 18R→ 11 : 「天国に帰る」という目的からすると、あなたの思考や感情は何一つ重要ではありません。
この理解があれば、次々に沸き上がってくる思いや感情を汲み取る必要はない と分かります。
soul ① 10 : 聖霊と共に、静かに状況全体を見つめ続けてください。
そうすることで、今 目前に迫っている大きなチャンスを受け取ることができます。
そうすることで、今 目前に迫っている大きなチャンスを受け取ることができます。
soul ② 16R→ 6 : どのような状況下にあっても、あなたが自らに問うべき質問は「Jならば どうするか?」です。
soul ③ 9R→ 4 : 聖霊のいない場所で、あなたが一人でどれほど深く考えたとしても、その考えには全く意味がありません。
自分の立ち位置を正しい場所に戻し、心を平和な状態に保ちたいと願うなら、まず取り組むべきことは できるだけ早くこの概念(自分の思考には意味がないこと)を受け入れいることです。
だって聖霊とは、「数々の困難の後に天国に戻った 未来のあなたである」とも言えるのですから。
soul ④ 3 : この世界での創造性の正しい使い方は、過去の誤創造を訂正するために使うことです。
soul ⑤ 13 : あなたを悩ませていた細々とした物事も、いつの間にか消え去りました。
soul ⑥ 5 : あなたが到達した理解を、今、兄弟へと分かち合う仕事が始まりました。
soul ⑦ 2 : 何をしていてもしていなくても、私たちは常に御父とひとつです。
soul ⑧ 21 : あなたの幸福を世界に分かち合うようにイメージしながら歩いてください。
soul ⑨ 7R→ 15 : 先週に続いて様々な感情が去来しますが、それらに何一つ真実はありません。