the Card of the Week: 7R → 21
why don't you be happy rather than be logical?
For example, while it is hard to accept "my forgiveness", it gets much easier to accept the whole situation if you see it as "our forgiveness."
During this week, try to practice "our forgiveness" whenever you have a chance.
Then, you will get a hang of creating a dream like Heaven.
Soul #1: 15
I assume you are fully satisfied by delivering "my happiness."
It OK to stay at this stage for a while, or it is also a good idea to start a new learning for making another leap forward delivering "my happiness."
Have no worries one way or another.
The Holy Spirits will keep supporting you until you become capable of thinking and acting like J.
Soul #2: 9R → 14
The healing by the thought system of the Holy Spirits is always practiced based on "there is no world."
Also, through your experience, you have understood how hard it is to have your brothers accept this concept.
On that basis, compliment yourself for trying to tell them that.
By doing so, you will be able to bless your brothers sincerely who are trying to accept a thought that is hard to accept.
Soul #3: 12R → the Fool
Even if the world seems to be something hard to understand (and it really is hard to understand this world), you task is not to understand this world.
Your task is to "keep forgiving" regardless what the situation is.
When you stop asking for a reason to forgive, you will understand what true freedom is for the first time.
It's a wonderful thing to happen.
Soul #4: 17R → 13
Now you have understood that "our abundance (wealth & income)" is the core of your thoughts, you cannot help ignoring yourself in the past who had not understood that yet.
However, as long as you keep procrastinating working on it, your task offered by the Holy Spirits (aka your boss) won't be completed,and you have to stay in this world (aka detached duty).
If you want to complete your task promptly and go back to Heaven (aka headquarters office/home),share your current understanding with yourself in the past and maintain your mind to be able to work on your task in integrated condition.
Soul #5: 8
Your abundance was given with blessing when God created you.
You are wasting your time doubting or denying that, aren't you?
Of course, it is not a sin, but the thought isn't aligned with your biggest wish,"contribution to the world."
This week, reflect on your life throught the view point of "How fortunate and happy am I?", which you haven't thought about too much.
With the help of the Holy Spirits, you will notice that you have been terribly fortunate, but it will be comfortable with it once you understand that that is something every one of your brothers has.
True contribution to the world will start from this understanding.
Soul #6: 20R → 19
The circle of Holy Family will expand dramatically by walking with the Holy Spirits.
Even if a person in front of you say something unlike J,it is important to keep looking at Christ inside of him and trusting him.
It's not like he will change by doing so, but your mind will be able to stay peaceful by God.
Then, from bottom of your heart,you will thank him who play the role as a very good opener for your awakening.
Can you accept "him" as a member of the Holy Family?
Soul #7: 18R → 1
Even if you try your best,to be misunderstood by others would happen.
If you get dippressed about it each time, you cannot be a teacher of God.
You should rather understand that "I need more healing."; step behind the Holy Spirits; and ask what is needed to be amended.
This humility is a very important credential as a teacher of God.
Soul #8: 3R → 5
Never rush to tell your brothers the message you received from the Holy Spirits.
However, when you try to tell something beyond words, the principle is "as promptly as possible."
By doing so, you will have to face the situation that you have to tell verbally, but in most of such situations, they are the one who come to you asking for words.
Soul #9: 4
During this week, you may have a problem of emotions that you don't do well.
If you still have an anger even after the problem is solved and the situation is better, remember that the cause is not outside but inside.
Or it could be just a simple desire to "be angry."
In other words, you just have a gigantic energy that has no place to go.
If you show the energy direction, such as creativity, it will be the foudation of your new stage of your life.
Have fun working on it.
week card 7R→ 21 : 論理的であることよりも幸福であることを優先してはいかがでしょう。
soul ① 15 : 「私の幸福」を実現し、充分に満足されたと思います。
soul ② 9R→ 14 : 聖霊の思考システムによる癒しは、必ず「世界はない」を基盤に実施されています。
soul ③ 12R→ 愚者 : たとえ世界が理解し難いものに見えたとしても、そして確かにこの世界はそのようなものなのですが、この世界を理解することはあなたに課された仕事ではありません。
soul ④ 17R→ 13 : 「私たちの豊かさ(富・稼ぎ)」が自分の思考の核であると理解した今、そうでなかった過去を「信じ難いもの」として無視しがちになるのは否めません。
soul ⑤ 8 : あなたの豊かさは、御父があなたを創造された時、祝福と共に贈られたものです。
soul ⑥ 20R→ 19 : 聖霊と共に進むことで、聖家族の輪が飛躍的に拡張します。
soul ⑦ 18R→ 1 : たとえ最善の策を尽くしたとしても誤解されることは多々あります。
それにいちいち へこんでいるようでは、神の教師とは言えません。
soul ⑧ 3R→ 5 : 聖霊から受け取ったメッセージを兄弟に伝えるときには決して急がないこと。
soul ⑨ 4 : 今週はあなたの苦手とする感情の問題が浮上してくるかもしれません。
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