

The Card of the Week: 17
The only thing the Holy Spirits asks for is our will "to remember God."
Declare that you are willing to do so, and outstretch to the declaration to the Holy Spirits.
Then, as you wait quietly, your memory of God that have been asleep inside yourself will be awake slowly.
Once you experience it, you won't be attracted by anything on the earth anymore.
W Child of God!

Soul #1: 4
Make your position, a teacher of God, clear.
It means a decision to keep forgiving and being a model of your brothers for rest of your life.
Also, you should teach it to yourself in the past who didn't realize it.
Of course you can ask the Holy Spirits how to do it.
It will be fun to bail out yourself beyond time and space!

Soul #2: 11R → 21
Even if you feel ashamed looking back on things in your past, they are all "never existed."
That is because only what God created exists, and what you created behind his back doesn't really exist.
You have no other choice than being convinced, right?
Now, as you cry and laugh, receive the redemption and appreciate it profoundly.

Soul #3: 13
This week,  bitter memories on your past will arise to be healed.
Step away from the world and face to your inside with the Holy Spirits.
It's not receding in any way, but it is an essential time just like a caterpillar needs time in a cocoon before it becomes a butterfly.   
Trust the Holy Spirits who lead you, and spend your time quietly.

Soul #4: 15
I assume that you have noticed that you are not a jack-of-all-trades, but you deal with every situation with your only skill.
However, the only skill is the master card, the holy power you inherited from God, that can handle any situations.
Now, once you get it, let's go back to your site and work!

Soul #5: the Fool
You had a head start over your brothers healing many pasts and returning them into light.
Please parise the effort.
You may want to say that, "I merely did what a child of God supposed to do."
But, imagine what would you feel if your family did the same thing.
You would be stunned by the pricelessness of it, and you would acknowledge your achievement in the past.
Then, it's time for you to paise yourself.

Soul #6: 1
By last week, you have returned a lot of stress you experienced in this world of dualism.
In other words,most of your inside was occupied by your desire to have power, but you left the desire to the Holy Spirits and now you obtained a grand space.
This week, getting help from the Holy Spirits, fill the space with love and gratitude.
Yes, spring will start from here.

Soul #7: 14
If the Holy Spirits show up here now and say, "You are a treasure of God.", are you ready to receive it with gratitude?
To tell you the truth, the Holy Spirits are on their tiptoes wanting to show up in front of you, but it is impossible as long as you say, "I cannot make up my mind..."
Why don't you stop bullying yourself and listen to the Holy Spirits obediently.
No matter how much you deny it, you are a treasure of Gid anyway.lol

Soul #8: 6
Even if your brothers lie about who they are or even if they insist that they are unimportant, they cannot fool your eyes.
Forgive your brother's acting and keep merely looking at Christ in others and keep praising the Christ.

Soul #9: 7R → 20
As you have started what you like the best and keep doing it, the world is changing quietly but greatly by God.
It is a great chance for you to say, "I've never been away from God."
It is important to push through what you say, because when we way "9 = I" here, it means "whole."
The Holy Spirits makes you something out of the way, right? lol

week card   17  :  聖霊が求めているのは「御父を思い出そう」という、私たちの意志だけです。

soul ①    4 :  自分は神の教師である、というあなたの立ち位置を明確にしましょう。

soul ②    11R→ 21 :  自分の過去を省みて、とんでもなく恥ずかしいと感じたにせよ、


soul ③    13 :  今週は過去の辛かった記憶が、癒しを求めて蘇ってくるようです。

soul ④    15 :  あなたは、自分が決して器用ではなく、むしろどんな状況でも自分の持つ唯一の技術で対応するような存在だったと気づかれたと思います。

soul ⑤    愚者 :  あなたは兄弟に先駆け、既に多くの過去を癒し光に戻しています。

soul ⑥    1 :   あなたは先週までに、この二元論の世界で体験していた多くのストレスを光に還元しました。

soul ⑦    14 :   聖霊が今、ここに現れて「あなたは神の宝物です」と言われたら、感謝して受け入れる準備は出来ていますか?

soul ⑧    6 :   例え兄弟があなたの眼前で自分の身分を詐称したとしても、あるいはその人がどれほど自分を卑小なものだと力説しても、あなたの眼差しを誤魔化すことはできません。

soul ⑨    7R→  20 :   あなたが遂に自分の一番好きなことを始め、それを続けていることで、この世界は密かに、しかし確かに大きく変化しています。
この際ですから、「私は一度たりとも御父の側を離れたことなど ございません」と言い切っちゃってください。




The Card of the Week: The Fool
There is no opposite to something that doesn't exist.
Trust God and the Holy Spirits who love you unconditionally, and regardless good or bad, leave everything to the Holy Spirits.
Only your courage will lead you to true freedom.

Soul #1: 10R → 14
Even though "there is no world.", ego seduces you "to be unique."
Remember that you tend to get seduced by it easily.
If you stay careful with it and keep holding the hands of the Holy Spirits, you will be able to stay very calm this week.

Soul #2: 17R → 12
No matter how deeply you are dedicated to your brothers,it may take 100years to be reflected on you.
When, even if it is the case, you can work on merely this task just because there is nothing else you want to do....you will experience that time doesn't exist.

Soul #3: 21R → 8
Don't lose your hope even if the world doesn't go the way you want. 
Remember that this world is an illusion, and it changes every seconds based on your thoughts.
If you decide "to leave my thoughts to the Holy Spirits," it is possible for the world to change in a blink of an eye.

Soul #4: 18
Most of you mind is under your consciousness.
However, if you start living your live following the voice of the Holy Spirits, "I'm not away from God.", the field will begin to be filled with light.
Then...you should experience your own what happens from there.

Soul #5: 4R → 20
You may lose a chance to get what you have searched for at the last moment.
However, according to the Holy Spirits, that is "the best thing for you to happen."
By looking at the incident with the view of the Holy Spirits, you will notice that "something fantastic" is hiding behind it.
Spend your time with delight with this recognition.

Soul #6: 19
You have already become able to view your daily life from distance as you stay with the Holy Spirits.
Then, you have become able to see that everything in your daily life is "non-existence", and be able to keep your mind calm.
And, you found out that if your mind is calm, your family and people around you will be calm also.
Expand that calmness and peaceful mind this week,too.

Soul #7: 1
I bet you understood that how unrelyable upi are by looking at your mind with the Holy Spirits.
This week, go back to the basic, and train yourself "to rely on the Holy Spirits for everything."
Sometimes, you may feel that the advice of the Holy Spirits is hard to accept, but you will find out that, "I'm happy that I follow the advice, soon enough.
Don't hold on to a weird pride, and do your best.lol

Soul #8: 6R → 3
Heaven, what you feel the most intimacy, is complete, infinite and eternal.
Also, since it is abstract, if you start having desire to have something concrete or temporal, it is yours.
Move away from it quickly and let the Holy Spirits take care of it.
The Holy Spirits will be happy to do the job.

Soul #9: 7
Truth is alway simple.
However, if you try to accept it, emotional resistance will show up automatically.
Once you understand that it is the self-defence system of ego, what happens next is that you will be askd to decide if you choose it or not.
Of course, your recognition is so deepened that it is impossible for you to make a wrong choice.

week card    愚者 :  全てを包み込むものに対極はありません。

soul ①    16R→  14 :  「世界はない」にも関わらず、エゴはあなたに「個性的であれ!」と囁きます。

soul ②    17R→  12 :  あなたがどれほど心を砕いて兄弟に尽くしたとしても、それが反映されるのは100年後かもしれません。

soul ③    21R→  8 :  世界があなたの望むように行かないからといって絶望してはいけません。

soul ④    18 :  あなたの心は、そのほとんどが無意識の領域に潜んでいます。 

soul ⑤    4R→  20 :  あなたが求めていたものが直前で手に入らなくなるかもしれません。

soul ⑥    19 :   既にあなたは、毎日の生活を聖霊と共に少し離れたところから眺められるようになりました。

soul ⑦    1 :   聖霊と共に自分の心を見つめることで、自分がいかに頼りにならないかを理解されたと思います。

soul ⑧    6R→  3 :   天国、すなわちあなたが何よりも親密さを感じるものは、完全であり、永遠であり、不変なるものです。

soul ⑨    7 :   真実は常にシンプルなものです。




the Card of the Week: 2R → 11
A miracle is something quite natural.
If it doesn't happen, we are the ones who are wrong.
For example, if you try to overlook your mistakes in the past or if you ask for a miracle without expanding Love, you won't get the result you want.
However, don't try to find such mistakes by yourself. 
Instead, try to getinto the habit to ask the Holy Spirits.
Just by doing so saves you a great amout of time.

Soul #1: 10R → 18
This week, listen to the Holy Spirits even more carefully than usual.
Even though you are walking the right path following the Holy Spirits, you might notice yourself feeling pressed or getting jealous unconsciouslybecause the way you walk the path is hardly reflected on your reality.
Hug yourself gently and leave yourself to the Holy Spirits.
As you do so, many miracles will start to happen.

Soul #2: 4R → 12
You may feel a fear of collaption of "reality of I" that you have relied on.
If there is no world, it means that "you" in the world don't exist either.
Is it scary to recognize something doesn't exist as something doesn't exist?
Although having said that, it is a great opportunity to depend on the Holy Spirits, so be scared and lean on the Holy Spirits extravagantly. lol

Soul #3: 17
By the forgiveness you have practiced, a lot of mis-creations were corrected and went back to light.
Through the view of the Holy Spirit, please look at your work in the past. 
If you do so, you will recognize your own pricelssness, and notie that it is achieved with the support by your brothers.
Then, true gratitude will well up.

Soul #4: 8
I bet you "finally" have noticed that abundance you wished for have always been inside of you and kept waiting quietly until you recognize it.
The more you appreciate its your gentleness, faith and patience, the more abundance you will be with.
But then again, since it is so wonderful that it is beyound your imagination, you might get overwhelmed.
Accept it gently and dance with it.

Soul #5: 14
Through the view of the Holy Spirits, look at people around you, expecially people who give you hard times.
By doing so, you will see that they are also brothers asking for Love and you might feel strange.
Accept the feeling with white light as you inhale and leave it to the Holy Sipirits as you exhale.
Continue this breathing until you feel calm.
Then, even when you thing of them, the feeling of pressure that you had before will be gone.
This comfortable distance is important for you.

Soul #6: 13
It is time to look at inside of you deeply.
If there is something other than LOVE, heal it, and if there is infinitely expanding Love, keep praising its beauty.
If you have a solid sense of happiness, the world also will be happpy.

Soul #7: 5
When you try to tell something to others, think that the are they are also Christ.
As you keep this attitute, your words, expression and even contents will start having beauty that is appropriate for Christ to talk and receive.

Soul #8: 1
You are not here to be happy, because you know that you cannot be happier.
Your purpose to be here and your right standing position is to share this Joy with your brothers and help them to be as happy as you are.

Soul #9: 21
I bet you feel certain that your learning have blossomed out and that you have always been connected with true abundance.
However, as you know, it is not a goal but just a new start.
Unless you go back to Heaven and become One with God, you have not reached "Goal."
As you bless yourself, move, move, move forward like a house on fire.
(Gate gate paragate parasamgate.)  

week card    2R→  11 :  奇跡は極めて自然なものです。

soul ①    10R→  18 :  今週は、いつも以上に慎重に聖霊に耳を傾けましょう。

soul ②    4R→  12 :  これまであなたが頼ってきた「あなたという現実」が崩壊してくるような恐怖を感じているかもしれません。

soul ③    17 :  あなたが行ってきた赦しにより、多くの誤創造が訂正され光に還っていきました。

soul ④    8 :  あなたが望んでいた豊かさはずっと自分の内にあって、あなたに認めてもらうまで静かに待ち続けていたと「ようやく」気がつかれたことでしょう。

soul ⑤    14 :  身近な人々、特にあなたを困らせている人々を聖霊の眼を通して眺めてください。

soul ⑥    13 :  自分の内側を深く見つめるときです。


soul ⑦    5 :   あなたが何かを伝えようとするとき、その内容以前に大切なことは、その人もまたキリストだと想起することです。

soul ⑧    1 :   あなたは幸福になるためにここにいるのではありません。

soul ⑨    21 :   これまでの学びが実り、ようやく自分が真の豊かさとつながっていたことを確信されてきたと思います。
ここまで来た自分を祝福しながら、進め 進め どんどこ進め(ギャーティ ギャーティ パーラーギャーティ)♪




The Card of This Week: 5
Whenever you tell something to others, remember to talk to Christ inside of others.
Just by being conscious with it, even greeting or business communicaion will be filled with fabulous radiance.
Then, no one else but you are the one who receive its blessing first.
Now, experiment with your family to see if it is true.

Soul #1: 19R → 4
No matter what happens, remember the right position of "being a child of God."
Then, it will be really easy for you to accept what the Holy Spirits say and to give a reaction based on the voice.
By the time the situation settles down, your reputation gets better and better.

Soul #2: 11R → 18
Even if someone close to you makes a obvious mistake, remember that, "There is no world."
If you do so, you will be able to throw out temptations of reacting and criticizing others.
Besides, as you've already experienced, by keeping your mind calm, the mistake will be corrected before you know it.

Soul #3: 12R → 16
Even if what is happening if fronto of you is against your will, that happened because you wished (or, are wishing) for it unconsciously.
If you accept it, admit the mistake, and leave it to the Holy Spirits, miracles will happen.
Never try to deal with it by yourself.
Take it easy.

Soul #4: 1
No matter how beautiful what he says, it doesn't mean anything as long as it comes from ego.
And, you are sensitive enough to feel it.
Praise your talent of being sensitive.
Then, all your words and actions will be filled with radience of Christ.

Soul #5: 20
Even if you have a feeling other than love to yourself, it doesnt extist since it is not created by God.
And, you will see that it is pointless to blame yourself for something that doesn't exist.
If you ask the Holy Spirits to tell this insight to yourself in the past, you will blame yourself much less often.

Soul#6: 2R → 3
If you feel that you are undeserving, it is a mistake by all means.
No matter what kinds of emotions you have, listen to the Holy Spirit for now, and accept it.
By tomorrow morning, you will say that, "It has been this way w that since the beginning. Is there any problems?" lol

Soul #7: the Fool
During this week, something really good and something really bad will happen at the same time.
Both of them may be lied hidden in one thing.
However, no matter what happens, it always start to have a sacred radience by looking at it with the Holy Spirits.
Once you get the hang of it, you will truely be free from this world. 

Soul #8: 13R → 9
Don't bar in the beauty of a child of God just because you are afraid that your family may change their attitudes their attitudes once you stop hiding your radience.
Having said that, it is very possible to happen. 
The only thing you can do to avoid it is to keep just looking at Christ.GL

Soul #9: 7
"I don't know who am I as a child of God."
I bet it was not that hard to accept it.
As soon as you accepted it, you may have become able to do what you used to not be able to do, and you may be surprized by it.
It is ok to be surprized, but don't forget to thank and bless yourself.

week card   5  :  何を伝えるときにも、その人の内なるキリストに語りかけることを忘れないでください。

soul ①    19R→  4 :  どのようなことが起こっても、「自分は神の教師である」という正しい立ち位置を思い出してください。

soul ②    11R→  18 :  たとえ身近な人が明らかに間違ったことをしたとしても、まず「世界はない」ことを思い出してください。

soul ③    12R→  16 : あなたの眼前で起こっていることが、あなたの意に反しているものだとしても、それはあなたが無意識にそう願っている・いたからなのです。

soul ④    1 :  その人がどれほど美しいことを語っているにせよ、それがエゴから生じているものであれば全く意味をなしません。

soul ⑤    20 :  たとえあなたが自分自身に対して愛以外の感情を持ったとしても、それは御父が創造されたものではないのですから存在していません。

soul ⑥    2R→  3 :   もしあなたが自分は称賛に値しないと感じているのなら、もちろんそれは間違いです。

soul ⑦     愚者 :   今週は、とても良いことと悪いことが同時に起こるでしょう。

soul ⑧    13R→  9 :   あなたが自らの輝きを隠さなくなったら家族の態度が変わるかもしれない・・・という理由で神の子の美しさを閉じこめてはいけません。

soul ⑨    7 :  「私は 神の子としての私が何であるのか何も知らない」。