

The Card of This Week: 5
Whenever you tell something to others, remember to talk to Christ inside of others.
Just by being conscious with it, even greeting or business communicaion will be filled with fabulous radiance.
Then, no one else but you are the one who receive its blessing first.
Now, experiment with your family to see if it is true.

Soul #1: 19R → 4
No matter what happens, remember the right position of "being a child of God."
Then, it will be really easy for you to accept what the Holy Spirits say and to give a reaction based on the voice.
By the time the situation settles down, your reputation gets better and better.

Soul #2: 11R → 18
Even if someone close to you makes a obvious mistake, remember that, "There is no world."
If you do so, you will be able to throw out temptations of reacting and criticizing others.
Besides, as you've already experienced, by keeping your mind calm, the mistake will be corrected before you know it.

Soul #3: 12R → 16
Even if what is happening if fronto of you is against your will, that happened because you wished (or, are wishing) for it unconsciously.
If you accept it, admit the mistake, and leave it to the Holy Spirits, miracles will happen.
Never try to deal with it by yourself.
Take it easy.

Soul #4: 1
No matter how beautiful what he says, it doesn't mean anything as long as it comes from ego.
And, you are sensitive enough to feel it.
Praise your talent of being sensitive.
Then, all your words and actions will be filled with radience of Christ.

Soul #5: 20
Even if you have a feeling other than love to yourself, it doesnt extist since it is not created by God.
And, you will see that it is pointless to blame yourself for something that doesn't exist.
If you ask the Holy Spirits to tell this insight to yourself in the past, you will blame yourself much less often.

Soul#6: 2R → 3
If you feel that you are undeserving, it is a mistake by all means.
No matter what kinds of emotions you have, listen to the Holy Spirit for now, and accept it.
By tomorrow morning, you will say that, "It has been this way w that since the beginning. Is there any problems?" lol

Soul #7: the Fool
During this week, something really good and something really bad will happen at the same time.
Both of them may be lied hidden in one thing.
However, no matter what happens, it always start to have a sacred radience by looking at it with the Holy Spirits.
Once you get the hang of it, you will truely be free from this world. 

Soul #8: 13R → 9
Don't bar in the beauty of a child of God just because you are afraid that your family may change their attitudes their attitudes once you stop hiding your radience.
Having said that, it is very possible to happen. 
The only thing you can do to avoid it is to keep just looking at Christ.GL

Soul #9: 7
"I don't know who am I as a child of God."
I bet it was not that hard to accept it.
As soon as you accepted it, you may have become able to do what you used to not be able to do, and you may be surprized by it.
It is ok to be surprized, but don't forget to thank and bless yourself.

week card   5  :  何を伝えるときにも、その人の内なるキリストに語りかけることを忘れないでください。

soul ①    19R→  4 :  どのようなことが起こっても、「自分は神の教師である」という正しい立ち位置を思い出してください。

soul ②    11R→  18 :  たとえ身近な人が明らかに間違ったことをしたとしても、まず「世界はない」ことを思い出してください。

soul ③    12R→  16 : あなたの眼前で起こっていることが、あなたの意に反しているものだとしても、それはあなたが無意識にそう願っている・いたからなのです。

soul ④    1 :  その人がどれほど美しいことを語っているにせよ、それがエゴから生じているものであれば全く意味をなしません。

soul ⑤    20 :  たとえあなたが自分自身に対して愛以外の感情を持ったとしても、それは御父が創造されたものではないのですから存在していません。

soul ⑥    2R→  3 :   もしあなたが自分は称賛に値しないと感じているのなら、もちろんそれは間違いです。

soul ⑦     愚者 :   今週は、とても良いことと悪いことが同時に起こるでしょう。

soul ⑧    13R→  9 :   あなたが自らの輝きを隠さなくなったら家族の態度が変わるかもしれない・・・という理由で神の子の美しさを閉じこめてはいけません。

soul ⑨    7 :  「私は 神の子としての私が何であるのか何も知らない」。


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