

The Card of the Week: 7R → 18
Even if something that would shake your feelings happens, remember that there is no world, and then choose the voice of the Holy Spirits.
You might feel like being suppressed, but ego doesn't exist.
Once you understand the system, nothing will have any impacts on you even if you are challenged and shaken by nothingness.

Soul #1: 13R → 2
Facing your issue, you might feel like there is nothing you can do about it and feel at loss.
If you feel powerless during this week, stay on Alter of God and write it down.
Your tie with the Holy Spirits will be clear by the writing, and then the issue will disappear before you know it.

Soul #2: 10R → 4
When a situation get messy, remember that you are always responsible for it. 
Once you understand that the situation happened because you've moved from the right place, you will also understand that everything will adjusted once you go back to the right place.
But...don't move too much.

Soul #3: 14
Move away from the world and stand where you can see the whole picture.
Then, you will understand that so called "annoying people" are also your brothers who are crying for Love. 
The Job you are requested to do is to keep looking at Christ inside of them.

Soul #4: 15
If your wish is in line with Wish of God, it is impossible to not to come true.
If that is true, you are the one who is wrong. 
Once again, re-exam yourself to see if you don't assume that,"I don't have to change, but the world should."

Soul #5: 6
Appreciate yourself who always chose the Holy Spirits at the end in every situation.
If you regard yourself in the past as Christ, you will be able to see the pricelessness of your effort.
Then, this world will be ready to receive the awakening, too.

Soul #6: 17R → 8
True abundance is inside of you.
If you appreciate it and enjoy it, you will be less interested in outer world.
Once you understand that the world exists simply to encourage your awareness and expand Joy, your dream like Heaven will start.

Soul #7: 19
Keep cerebrating your brothers around you who are working with the Holy Spirits.
Even if they don't seem that way, look at them like that and praise them.
You are the one who will be the most abundant by doing so.
Isn't it a good deal?

Soul #8: 1
No matter how messy the world get, even that is a trick of ego.
If you don't get involved in dreams of others and shower them with Love, the world will be calm in time.
Your job is not to stay with thoughts and feelings of others but to look at Christ inside of them merely.

Soul #9: 11R → 12
Even if you don't try to do anything, I bet you have been learning that the world will be adjusted as you simply trust the Holy Spirits and wait. 
The learning is more precious than you think.
During this week, take it easy and think of its preciousnessj.


week card    7R→  18 :  たとえ感情を揺すぶられるようなことが起こっても、世界はないことを思い出し聖霊の声を選択してください。

soul ①    13R→  2 :  目前にある問題は、自分には手の打ちようがないと途方に暮れるかもしれません。

soul ②     10R→  4:  状況が混迷しているとき、その責任は必ず自分にあることを思い出してください。

soul ③    14 : 世界から少し離れて、全体を俯瞰できる場所に立ってください。

soul ④    15 :  あなたの望みが御父のものと一致していたら、それが叶わないわけがありません。

soul ⑤    6 :   これまでどんな状況にあっても、最後には必ず聖霊を選んでいたあなたを心から感謝してください。

soul ⑥    17R→  8 :   真の豊かさはあなたの内にあります。

soul ⑦    19 :   あなたの周囲にいる、聖霊と共に働いている兄弟たちを祝福し続けてください。

soul ⑧    1 :  世界がどれほど混迷を極めようとも、それすらもエゴのトリックです。

soul ⑨    11R→ 12 : 世界に対して何かをしようとしてなくても、ただあなたが聖霊を信頼して待っていれば、世界は整っていくことが分かってきたと思います。




The Card of the Week: 21R → 18
The world will change greatly this week.
However, it did not start now, or it is not the last time.
Don't get involved in the dread made outside, and move forward listening to the Holy Spirits as usual.

Soul #1: 8R → 17
Everything may seem colorless after your long-awaited dream came true.
However, even such disappointment can be transformed into light  by accepting and feeling the disappointment quietly with the Holy Spirits.
The Happiness you feel after that will be too great to put into words.

Soul #2: 3R → 7
Something that feed your anger may happen now,
However, the Holy Spirit would forgive no matter what happens.
Remember that both this incident and that anger are dreams created by you, then forgive and leave them to the Holy Spirit in a matter-of-face way.

Soul #3: 11
Regardless how people around you are or how the world is, there is no doubt that you and everyone around you are Christ.
First, forgive yourself for feeling not wanting to accept it, then leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Then, let the Holy Spirits work the rest out, and stay peaceful.

Soul #4: 16R → 9
If you feel like growing stagnant, it means you did something wrong.
However, don't blame yourself nor look for an answer by yourself, but ask the Holy Spirits where you made mistake.
Probably, your mistake is that you did not fill your inner space with gratitude.

Soul #5: 12
In last few weeks, you have gone through a tremendous control gate. 
I bet you noticed that the trick to keep peace of your mind is to keep assuming them as Christ. Regardless people around you do something or not.
This week, take it easy as you congratulate yourself for noticing that.

Soul #6: 5
Now, number of people know your radiance.
However, the radiance expanded because you chose the Holy Spirits instead of yourself.
Celebrate it and tell all of yourself in the past what you know now.

Soul #7: 1
One who needs the Holy Spirits is not a rounded person, but someone who is willing to follow the Holy Spirits and work.
I'm not ready but the Holy Spirit is.
Thus, that is "you " who trust the Holy Spirits that are asking for you, and who had decided to work for the world crying out for Love.  

Soul#8: 4
Be careful with your habit to get close to troubles whenever the world is disturbed.
Your place to be is "a little away from the world where you can see the whole picture."
Focus on showering your brothers with everlasting Love from there.

Soul #9: 2
Do you keep writing on the alter of God?
If you stay there and keep writing, you, people around you, and even your environment will be filled with "light like Heaven".
Now, take your pen! or turn on your PC!

week card    21R→  18 : 今週、世界は大きく揺れ動くでしょう。

soul ①    8R→  17 :  憧れ続けていた夢が現実になって、急に何もかもが色褪せていくように感じられるかもしれません。

soul ②    3R→  7 :  この時期、あなたの怒りを煽り立てるようなことが起こるかもしれません。

soul ③    11 :  周囲の人々が、あるいは世界がどうあろうと、あなたが、そしてここにいる全ての人々がキリストであることは間違いありません。

soul ④    16R→  9 : 今あなたが停滞を感じているのなら、それはあなたが何かを間違った証です。

soul ⑤    12 :  あなたはこの数週間をかけて、とてつもなく大きな関門をくぐり抜けてきました。

soul ⑥    5 :  あなたの輝きは、もはや多くの人の知るところとなりました。

soul ⑦    1 :  聖霊が必要としている人は、自分を完成させた人ではなく聖霊に従って働く意欲のある人です。

soul ⑧    4 :  世界が騒然としてくると、ついそこに近づきたくなる自分の癖に気をつけてください。
あなたの立ち位置は、「世界から少し離れた 全体を見渡すことが出来る場所」です。

soul ⑨    2 :  御父の祭壇の上で書き続けていますか?
さあ、ペンを取って! あるいはPCを立ち上げて!




The Card of the Week: 5R → 19
Your inner peace is never influenced by any kinds of mistakes.
Even the mistake is something you made when you were away from God.
That is because it is impossible for you to make something being away from Creator since you are made by God.
Unless you play along..., it is impossible for you to be scared by something that doesn't exist.lol

Soul #1: 7R → 15
If you are asking for abundance, run up to the alter of God and yell out your mind without hiding anything.
Ego is the one who says that, "It's inappropriate as a child of God to say such thing."
If you are a child of God, there is nothing shameful in front of God.
If it is something other than Love, it will simply disappear.
And that expands after that is the abundance.

Soul #2: 3
Peace is the treasure you received when you are made by God.
Nonetheless, if you simply own the treasure, you will know now its value.
Only after you share it with your brothers and witness how they transform beautifully, you will realize you precious you are and how great what you received from God is.

Soul #3: the Fool → 18
If you feel like loosing your freedom in your complicated relationships, it is a great opportunity for healing.
By remembering that you don't know true freedom and wishing for learning that sincerely, you will be lead to the true freedom slowly.

Soul#4: 9R → 20
You are here now because you have devoted yourself to helping many of your brothers at an invisible level.
Once you direct your attention to this fact, you will be in a tremor of gratitude and you will never feel powerless or cry in loneliness.

Soul #5: 8
True abundance,that you finally noticed, really really appreciate
that you noticed.
Please receive Joy of Heaven given to you.
With 800millions of yourself in the past, staying behind you, receive it with delight.

Soul #6: 17
If you wish to fill this world with Love and Joy, you have already gone back to an abstruct existance.
That is because the wish never changes since it is received by God, and the wish will leade your brothers to heaven for sure on eternity.

Soul #7: 14
Now, the world is about to receive a great healing.
It may seem marvelous to you, but undoing ego that you have experienced will help many of your brothers now.
If it is hard you to describe it verbally, help them from somewhere beyoud words.
Make a resolution to expand this recognition to the world by asking the Holy Spirits for help.
Then, something terribly wonderful will start.

Soul #8: 10R → 1
You may feel that world became tragic as soon as you came back to the right position.
However, the world is emptiy to begin with. 
You could barely keep yourself because you supported yourself with inhuman effort.
Let what supposed to disappear disappear, and be happy unrelentingly.

Soul #9: 11R → 16
Bless what you have built up good deal.
Its joy may not move anyone other than yourself, but no one else exist exept you anyway.
Don't hold back, but bless yourself like fun.
Althought having said that, the more you rejoice, the more the world will be filled by Joy.
(Leave your disappointment knowing that to the Holy Spirits.lol)


week card    5R→  19 :  あなたの内なる平安はどのような種類の誤りにも影響を受けることはありません。

soul ①    7R→  15 :  もしあなたが豊かさを望んでいるのなら、今すぐ御父の祭壇に駆け上がり、今の心を隠さず叫んでください。

soul ②    3 :  平安とはあなたが御父から創造された時に受け取った宝物です。

soul ③    愚者R→  18 : 複雑な人間関係の中で、あたかもあなたの自由が損なわれているかのように感じたら、それは大いなる癒しのチャンスです。

soul ④    9R→  20 : あなたが今ここにいるのは、多くの兄弟たちが目に見えないところで献身的に援助してきたからなのです。

soul ⑤    8 :  あなたがようやく気がついた、あなたの真なる豊かさは、あなたが気がついてくれたことを本当に本当に感謝しています。

soul ⑥    17 :   もしあなたがこの世界を愛で喜びで満たしたいと願うなら、既にあなたは抽象的な存在へと戻っています。

soul ⑦    14 :   世界は今、大きな癒しを迎えようとしています。

soul ⑧    10R→  1 :   あなたが正しい立ち位置に戻った途端、世界は悲劇的になったかのように思えるかもしれません。

soul ⑨    11R→  16 :   あなたが積み上げてきたものを大いに祝福してください。
とはいえあなたが喜べば喜ぶほど世界も喜びに満たされていくのですが。(そのがっかりも聖霊にゆだねてね w)



The Card of the Week: 15
Recognize that since is happening now is the outcome of your thoughts, all incidents are attributed to you.
Upon your understanding of the principle of cause and effect, for you to declare that,"It is not what I want." and to wish for different result will trigger to remedy the current situation.

Soul #1: 6R → 21
No matter how many mistakes you made, it have been forgiven by atonement at as soon as it happened.
If you accept its loveliness and preciousness, "the dream like Heaven" will appear straight away.

Soul #2: 8R → 7  
What you need now is not "What should I do?", but "What's there?"
If you recognize that, "I'm a child of God." and celebrate it, you will naturally act like a child of God, just like green shoots in the spring. 

Soul #3: 4R → 3
What God gave you is not words but a silence.
Thus, if you stay in silence you will be able to adjust your place to stand easily.
Remember that once you are aligned, people around you also will be aligned.

Soul #4: 18R → 1
When you feel turbulent by outer incidents, think of a flame in your mind.
If you can remember that a flame is your eternal essence, and not other than that, you can laugh away your self being turbulent.
Now, it's show(work)time!

Soul #5: 10R → 19
Sometimes, you may feel life is too harsh, but that is because you are too harsh to yourself.
If you can admit that the harshness did not provide any benefits, you will be able to decide to be more kind to yourself.
This decision will be the beginning of a great turning point.

Soul #6: 2R → 12
Indeed, there are times you feel that both starting something and waiting for something is too difficult.
Then, trust the Holy Spirits and take it easy.
Why don't you amuse yourself by going to cafe you always wanted go; reading novel and comics you always wanted to read; or giving yourself over to movies?

Soul #7: 13
Like you, many of your brothers are in a great transition.
In great changes of the times, instead of doing something for them directly, offer them your support from "where they cannot see", which you are good at, and remove their anxiety safely.
With this commitment, you als will be able to leave this time safely.

Soul #8: 11
The world is changing greatly, the change will not reach your place filled with happiness.
Your tranquility is the key to salvation and the treasure of the world.
Be aware of your impulse to be naggy, hold it, and stay quiet.

Soul #9, 17
It's time to praise yourself for trying to be careful and polite as much as possible in any situations.
It's time to bless all of you in the past who recognized that even if you are disgraced, the disgrace didn't exist since the world doesn't exist, and tried to forgive it, sometimes forcibly.
This blessing will lead you to the New World.

week card    15 :  今起こっている全ての出来事は、かって自分が考えたことの結果であり、原因は自分にあると認めましょう。

soul ①    6R→  21 :  あなたがどれほど多くの間違いをしたにせよ、それらは贖罪によって起こった瞬間に赦されています。

soul ②    8R→  7 :  あなたに必要なことは「今 何をするか?」ではなく「今 何であるか?」です。

soul ③    4R→  3 : 御父があなたに与えたものは、言葉ではなく沈黙です。

soul ④    18R→  1 : 外側の出来事によって動揺したと感じられたときは、胸の内にある炎を想起してください。

soul ⑤    10R→  19 :  時折、人生はなんと過酷だろうと感じられる事がありますが、それはあなたがあなたに厳しいからなのです。

soul ⑥    2R→  12 :  何かを起こすことも、静かに待つことも、ともに難しく感じるときが確かにあります。            

soul ⑦    13 :  あなたと同じように、多くの兄弟も大きな過渡期を迎えています。 

soul ⑧     11:   世界は大きく変動していますが、幸福に満たされたあなたの場所にそれが届くことはありません。

soul ⑨    17 :   どのような状況でも、できるだけ丁寧に礼儀正しくあろうとした自分を誉め讃える時です。