The Card of the Week: 21R → 18
The world will change greatly this week.
However, it did not start now, or it is not the last time.
Don't get involved in the dread made outside, and move forward listening to the Holy Spirits as usual.
Soul #1: 8R → 17
Everything may seem colorless after your long-awaited dream came true.
However, even such disappointment can be transformed into light by accepting and feeling the disappointment quietly with the Holy Spirits.
The Happiness you feel after that will be too great to put into words.
Soul #2: 3R → 7
Something that feed your anger may happen now,
However, the Holy Spirit would forgive no matter what happens.
Remember that both this incident and that anger are dreams created by you, then forgive and leave them to the Holy Spirit in a matter-of-face way.
Soul #3: 11
Regardless how people around you are or how the world is, there is no doubt that you and everyone around you are Christ.
First, forgive yourself for feeling not wanting to accept it, then leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Then, let the Holy Spirits work the rest out, and stay peaceful.
Soul #4: 16R → 9
If you feel like growing stagnant, it means you did something wrong.
However, don't blame yourself nor look for an answer by yourself, but ask the Holy Spirits where you made mistake.
Probably, your mistake is that you did not fill your inner space with gratitude.
Soul #5: 12
In last few weeks, you have gone through a tremendous control gate.
I bet you noticed that the trick to keep peace of your mind is to keep assuming them as Christ. Regardless people around you do something or not.
This week, take it easy as you congratulate yourself for noticing that.
Soul #6: 5
Now, number of people know your radiance.
However, the radiance expanded because you chose the Holy Spirits instead of yourself.
Celebrate it and tell all of yourself in the past what you know now.
Soul #7: 1
One who needs the Holy Spirits is not a rounded person, but someone who is willing to follow the Holy Spirits and work.
I'm not ready but the Holy Spirit is.
Thus, that is "you " who trust the Holy Spirits that are asking for you, and who had decided to work for the world crying out for Love.
Soul#8: 4
Be careful with your habit to get close to troubles whenever the world is disturbed.
Your place to be is "a little away from the world where you can see the whole picture."
Focus on showering your brothers with everlasting Love from there.
Soul #9: 2
Do you keep writing on the alter of God?
If you stay there and keep writing, you, people around you, and even your environment will be filled with "light like Heaven".
Now, take your pen! or turn on your PC!
week card 21R→ 18 : 今週、世界は大きく揺れ動くでしょう。
soul ① 8R→ 17 : 憧れ続けていた夢が現実になって、急に何もかもが色褪せていくように感じられるかもしれません。
soul ② 3R→ 7 : この時期、あなたの怒りを煽り立てるようなことが起こるかもしれません。
soul ③ 11 : 周囲の人々が、あるいは世界がどうあろうと、あなたが、そしてここにいる全ての人々がキリストであることは間違いありません。
soul ④ 16R→ 9 : 今あなたが停滞を感じているのなら、それはあなたが何かを間違った証です。
soul ⑤ 12 : あなたはこの数週間をかけて、とてつもなく大きな関門をくぐり抜けてきました。
soul ⑥ 5 : あなたの輝きは、もはや多くの人の知るところとなりました。
soul ⑦ 1 : 聖霊が必要としている人は、自分を完成させた人ではなく聖霊に従って働く意欲のある人です。
soul ⑧ 4 : 世界が騒然としてくると、ついそこに近づきたくなる自分の癖に気をつけてください。
あなたの立ち位置は、「世界から少し離れた 全体を見渡すことが出来る場所」です。
あなたの立ち位置は、「世界から少し離れた 全体を見渡すことが出来る場所」です。
soul ⑨ 2 : 御父の祭壇の上で書き続けていますか?
さあ、ペンを取って! あるいはPCを立ち上げて!
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