

The Card of the Week: 6
The point to distinguish difference between opinion of Ego and that of the Holy Spirits.
As the Holy Spirits always tell you, if you are an innocent child of God, any thoughts other than that are all simply worng.
Even if a voice blaming on you seems right, judge that the voice is wrong, leave it to the Holy Spirits and focus on the work as a child of God.

Soul #1: 13
Since you made a dicision with the Holy Spirits, a great change is happening in the world.
That is because, by the Holy Spirits, your decision is expanded to your brothers whom you love and expanded to even around them.
Although having said that, you don't have to be responsible for it.
All you have to do is to accept the way things move.

Soul #2: 7R → 18
"Our decision", including yours, is about to change consciousness of people from the deep level.
However, it is just to heal what has been hidden.
No matter what happens, keep forgiving and leaving it to the Holy Spirits as always.

Soul #3: 21
This week, you get closer the vivration of this world and it is easier for your thoughts to come true promptly.
In other words, as you keep choosing the Holy Spirits consciously, the world becomes stable.
Thus, your work of this week is "to keep choosing the Holy Spirits all the time."
All right.

Soul #4: 14R → 19
You judged that the interpretation of the Holy Spirits is better than yours and choose it consciously.
Thus, don't let your thoughts wonder anymore.
If they wonder, bring them back promptly and celebrate yourself for noticing that.
It seems that what you are asked to do now more than anything is to be strict in such way.

Soul #5: 9
Imagine yourself as a space with a radius of 3 meters wrapping the physical body.
As you fill the space with the appreciation towerd God, your mind and body will feel better and it will make you feel like starting something fun.
Like that, your physical body is an important tool to express and expand your joy.

Soul #6: 5R → 8
Bring your consciousness to your inner abundance merely.
The abundance has the same quality and the same size.
Everytime you thing of that, you and your environment will change greatly.
Are you ready to accept miracles?

Soul #7: 10R → 2
No matter how a situation changes, we are innocent children of God and we have never been away from God.
If you know that, you will not get involved in changes.
Once you know that this world is an illusion and will never become stable, you mind will be rather stable.  

Soul #8: 17R → 16
For your goal, work on what you supposed to do in a matter-of-fact way.
If you focus on that, it become easier for the Holy Spirits to do their jobs.
For example, even an incident in the past that seemed sterile will transform to something precious and it become possible to send it back to light as it is.

Soul #9: 1R → 15
Stop here once and look at your desire.
If what you truely waht is peace, you would not dwell on being right.
If not, you might have to start from scratch.

week card    6 :  エゴと聖霊の意見を見分けるポイントは実にシンプルです。 

soul ①    13 :  あなたが聖霊と共に決断したことで、世界に大きな変化が起こっています。

soul ②    7R→  18 :  あなたも含めた「私たちの決断」により、人々の意識は深層の部分から変化しようとしています。

soul ③    21 :  今週、あなたはこの世界の波動と近づき、思ったことが即座に実現しやすくなります。

soul ④    14R→  19 :  あなたは自分より聖霊の解釈を良しとし、意識的に選んだのです。

soul ⑤    9 :   自分自身を、肉体を包む半径3メートルほどの空間だとイメージしてください。

soul ⑥    5R→  8 :   あなたの内なる豊かさだけに意識を向けてください。
soul ⑦    10R→  2 :   状況がどれほど変化しようと、私たちは無垢なる神の子であり、御父から離れたことはありません。

soul ⑧    17R→  16 :   目標に向かって、淡々と今やるべきことに取り組んでください。

soul ⑨    1R→  15 :  ここで一度立ち止まって、あなた自身の欲望を見つめてください。  


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