

the Card of the Week: 1
Once again, go back to basic, and make sure you understand it and practice it.
You are innocent. And unyieldingness of the innocence is projected on this world. 
And then it will transform into "a dream like heaven."

Soul #1: 9R → 19
Remember that you have always chosen the Holy Spirits.
Your concern of future will disappear in time by acknowledging your persistent effort in the past. 

Soul #2: 3
The true Creativity came by God is about to activate. 
With the power of the Creativity, cultivate yourself as an artwork, and keep refining it. 

Soul #3: 15
If you entrust all your envy toward material abundance,it will transform into the power to support your awakening. 
Don't hesitate but offer all of your envy to the Holy Spirit. 

Soul #4: 17
Plenty of light is casted on you.
It's so rich that a child of God cannot help himself kneeling down and sharing it with his brothers.
In other words,it means "you should keep receiving it until that point."

Soul #5: 13R → 8
If you look back yourself in peace, you will notice that it was "the great turning point" when you feel refreshed.
From bottom of your heart, appreciate your effort in the past that you received "the gift" given to you repeatedly and transformed it into a light.

Soul #6: 18R → 4
You are not looking for Heaven, but you are in Heaven.
Ask the Holy Spirits what you can do to make it unyielding. 
Of course, the answer is "always be in a good mood", and you can be so by "sharing only Joy."

Soul #7: 12R → 21
Remember that all the incidents in this world is neutral.
By putting your opinion on the side and listening to the interpretation of the Holy Spirit, the color of this world will change and you will notice that "the dream like Heaven" has already started. 

Soul #8: 16
Following the Holy Spirits, you have made your goal clear and took steady steps. 
By stepping forward, you have experienced the transformation of  the view around you and the panorama of the future you had never noticed before.
Also accept the fact: its Joy reaches the hearts of people around you and then the Joy expands.

Soul #9: 10R → 5
Have you noticed that there is no point trying to find a consisitency between the thought system of the Holy Spirits and your thought system?
Truth is saying "Are you acceping everything now?""Or shold I wait until you accept everything?"
week card    1 :  今一度基本に戻り、自分がそれを理解しているか、それを実践しているかを確認しましょう。

soul ①    9R→  19 :  これまでも、いつも聖霊を選び続けてきたことを思い出してください。

soul ②    3 :  御父から受け継いだ真の創造性が、活性化してきました。

soul ③    15 :  物質的な豊かさへ対する憧れも、その全てを聖霊にゆだねたら、あなたの目覚めをサポートする力に変わります。

soul ④    17 :  光があなたへと、ふんだんに降り注がれています。
言い換えると、「そこまでは ただ受け取り続けるべし」ということなのですね。

soul ⑤    13R→  8 :  今、穏やかなところから振り返れば、気分の晴れなかった時こそ「大いなる転機の時だった」と気が付くでしょう。

soul ⑥    18R→  4 :   あなたは天国を探しているのではなく、すでに天国にいるのです。

soul ⑦    12R→  21 :   この世界で起こる出来事は、全て中立であることを思い出しましょう。

soul ⑧    16 :   聖霊の導きに従って、あなたは目標を明確にし、地道に歩き続けてきました。

soul ⑨    10R→  5 :   聖霊の思考システムと、自分の思想体系に整合性を見出そうとする努力は不毛であると気づいたでしょうか?
真実は「今、あなたは全てを受け入れますか?」 と問いかけています。 
「あるいは あなたが全てを受け入れてくれるまで 待ちましょうか?」 と。

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