the Card of the Week: 8
Make your position clear.
You are in Heaven with the Holy Spirits, and saving yourself in the past who are under an illusion thinking "I'm away from God."
Soul #1: 10R → 9
Love you have been asking for is in your hand and you have changed everything that blocks it into light.
Now,what you should do is to fill your infinite inner space with gratitude.
Soul #2: 13R → 17
Teach your brothers what you sincerely wanted to learn.
As you have known already, teaching your brother makes you see that the eternal Love have existed inside of you since the beginning.
Soul #3: 20
Your parent is God, and J, the Holy Spirits, is your elder brother.
If you accept that, you also have to accept that everyone here is also a child of God,your brother and your family.
Soul #4: 16R → 2
You have never stepped out from Heaven and you have never had a body.
To become aware of that, you should write lots of letters to yourself who misunderstood yourself that you are a body.
Soul #5: 6
There is no path for you other than choosing God.
Since this is the only proper way to live as a child of God, don't worry about others, personas in your dream,and move on uneventfully.
Soul #6: 4R → 14
You have shared what you noticed at moment to moment.
Of course it might seem that not everything was correct, but "shar
ing without hesitation" was the light of it.
Bless the courage and generosity.
Soul #7: 7
This week is a precious time that the vibration of you and the universe match.
To make the most of this opportunity, focus your attention on God and Heaven only.
And look forward to what happens next week as its result.
Soul #8: 1R → 18
Keep walking carefully.
In your case, this means "not to look at what is inside of your brothers other than Christ but overlook it."
In other words, do what you always supposed to do.
Soul #9: 12R → 11
The issue you have procrastinated to slove is now showing up.
Since that is someting you have to work on sooner or later, it is ok to do it now.
In fact, all you have to do is to understand that the issue has gone already and there is no trace of it.
week card 8 : あなた自身の立ち位置を明確にしてください。
soul ① 10R→ 9 : 求めていた愛は既に手の中にあり、それを阻むものも全て光に変えてしまいました。
soul ② 13R→ 17 : あなたが真に学びたいと望んでいたことを、どうぞ兄弟たちに教えてください。
soul ③ 20 : あなたの親は御父であり、J、すなわち聖霊は兄です。
soul ④ 16R→ 2 : あなたはこれまで天国を出たこともなく、ましてや肉体であったこともないのです。
soul ⑤ 6 : あなたの前に、もはや御父以外に選択すべき道はありません。
soul ⑥ 4R→ 14 : あなたはこれまで、その時々の気づきを兄弟へ分かち合ってきました。
どうぞ その勇気と気前の良さを祝福してください。
soul ⑦ 7 : あなたと宇宙の波動が一致する、希有なる時です。
soul ⑧ 1R→ 18 : 慎重に歩を進めてください。
soul ⑨ 12R→ 11 : 先延ばしにしていた問題が今、姿を現してきました。
というか、これらは既に解決して もはや跡形もないことをただ理解するだけで良いのですから。
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