

the Card of the Week: 17
The outer world is going to be really harsh this week.
To not get involved in it, try to bring your attention toward inner-self as much as possible, focus on acknowledging your past and spend your time calmly.

Soul #1: 14R → 11
You are getting used to your new environment and you have begun to have room to breathe.
However, it is the exact timing "what is done" emerge from your subconscious.
No matter what comes, keep forgiving and leaving in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #2: 5R → 9
You have noticed that you already have what your brothers want. 
Your important task now is to convey it gently and in the easiest way for them to receive.
Promote your research as you have a talk with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 8
Focus on what you are working on.
Outer world don't exist.
It is a waste to spent your precious time for what doesn't exist.

Soul #4: 15R → 6
Old temptation might come back again.
However, it will not attract you since you already know that you are a child of God.
You rather won't be able to believe that you used to attracted by such thing.
That is the right reaction as a child of God.

Soul #5: 2R → 1
You might have not noticed yet, but you have been doing a excellent job as a child of God.
If you are not positive, read your diary again. 
You probably will find yourself as a genuine person who search for light  sincerely.
You will deepen your awareness as a child of God by appreciating and blessing the person.

Soul #6: 7
Make a brave try to challenge "something new."
It might be something lacks in common sense.
However, you should keep in your mind that "setting out for Heaven" is also uncommon in this illusionary world" that you focus on.lol

Soul #7: 16R → 10
You might experience disappointment that makes you feel that what you have built up is collapsed.
But if you can leave the disapointment to the Holy Spirits,if can you remember to do so at that moment,it will transform to Heaven instantly. 

Soul #8: 13R → 19
Stop holding up a hope to your family and people around you.
If you can always rember that they are also children of God like you are, you will understand that there is no point to have any expectations.

Soul #9: 20R → the Fool
Even if the world become chaotic,don't forget that it is just a dream.
Your mind that have such dream is the only thing you should heal and wake up.
Realize that and run away from the noisy outer world.

week card   17  : 今週、外側の世界は とてもハードになりそうです。

soul ①    14R→  11 :  新しい環境にも慣れて、ようやく気持ちにも余裕が出てきました。

soul ②    5R→  9 :  あなたは、兄弟たちが求めているものを既に自分が持っていることに気がつきました。
それをいかに優しく 受け取りやすく伝えていくかが、この時期の重要な課題です。

soul ③    8 :  あなたが取り組んでいくことに専念してください。

soul ④    15R→  6 :  古い誘惑が再び蘇ってくるかもしれません。
それが神の子としての もっとも正しい反応です。めでたし!

soul ⑤    2R→  1 :  気がついていないかもしれませんが、既にあなたは神の教師として優秀な仕事をされています。

soul ⑥    7 :   勇気を出して「これまで やったことがないこと」に挑戦してください。

soul ⑦    16R→  10 :  これまで地道に積み上げてきたものが崩壊してしまうかのような 失望感を味わうかもしれません。

soul ⑧    13R→  19 :   家族や周囲の人々に期待することは止めましょう。

soul ⑨    20R→  愚者 :   世界が混迷を極めて行くとしても、それはただの夢であることを忘れないでください。
それを理解して、喧騒そのものである外界から さっさと逃げ出してください。

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