

the Card of the Week: 1R → 5
Recognize that you are not a beginner anymore.
Since the moment you receive the new recognition, your new job have started already.
As you ask the Holy Spirits how t complete the job, start working in the job promptly.

Soul #1: 17
No matter what the person do or not do, look at the person as Christ.
Your job is to look everyone you are going to meet as an innocent child of God.

Soul #2: 3
If you want to bring out the creativity you have received from God, the best way to express it is "forgiveness."
Forgive what you have created by mistake and have the Holy Spirit fix them by leaving them to the hands of the Holy Spirits.
And then, make them closer to a dream like Heaven.
I cannot think of any better way to use the creativity other than that.

Soul #3: 4R → 18
You might have been experiencing a significant transformation that turns your foundation upside down.
However, this is also an essential path to move toward Heaven.
Keep walking carefully as you listen to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 8R → 20
The key of abundance you have been searching for is in your family.
If your family is happy, you are in abundance, and if not, you are far from abundance. 
It's time to share the exercise to see Christ within people with your family.

Soul #5: 11
Keep forgiving uneventfully.
You don't have to think about it anymore.
If it still makes you concerned even after you offer everything at the alter, ask the Holy Spirits if it is necessary to learn something from it. 

Soul #6: 10
Since you already have left all your concerns with the Holy Spirits,all you can do now is to wait confidingly.
Worry about what you have offered alreay this or that is like throwing away calmness, peace and abundance voluntarily.
If you are tempted to do so, remember that you are waiting for God now.

Soul #7: 7R → 19
If you are asking for salvation sincerely, offer your special hatred the alter of God as it is.
It will transform to "the special love toward the person you have been hating."
It is a miracle, but are you ready to receive it? lol

Soul #8: 12R → the Fool
Salvation is merely to remember "this world is not my home."
Heave, your true home, is something eternal and there is no point asking for it in this world. 
The only eception is your Love toward God, but unfortunately, if doesn't belong to the earth.

Soul #9: 9
All your judgement toward yourself had transformed to blessing by the Holy Spirits.
If you declare that it was blessing from the beginning rather than shocke by it, you can transfer to the advanced course of miracles.
Way to go!

week card   1R→  5  :  もはや初心者ではないことを理解してください。

soul ①    17 :  その人が何をしようとも、あるいは何をしなくてもキリストとして見てください。

soul ②    3 :  この世界で御父から受け取った真の創造性を発揮したいのなら、最も望ましい表現方法は「赦し」です。

soul ③    4R→  18 :  あなたの土台が根底から覆されるかのような、大きな変化を体験されているかもしれません。

soul ④    8R→  20 :  家族の中にこそ、あなたが求めている豊かさの鍵はあります。

soul ⑤    11 :   淡々と赦しを続けてください。それに対して、もはやあれこれ考える必要はありません。
全て「単なる間違い」として祭壇に捧げたあと、もし気になるようでしたら そこから何か学ぶ必要があるかどうか聖霊に問いかけてください。

soul ⑥    10 :   あなたは既に全ての気がかりを聖霊にゆだねたのですから、あとは信頼して待つことです。
そんな誘惑にかられそうになったら、自分は今 御父を待っているのだ、と思い出してください。
soul ⑦    7R→  19 :   もし心から救済を望んでいるのなら、あなたの特別な憎悪を、そのまま御父の祭壇へ捧げてください。 

soul ⑧    12R→  愚者 :   救済とは単に、「この世界は自分の家ではない」と思い出すことです。 

soul ⑨    9 :   これまであなたが自分自身に下してきた判断は、全て聖霊によって祝福へと変えられました。

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