

the Card of the Week: 3R → 9
When what you have been calling for appears in front of you and your wish is about to come true, people often feel an urge to wreck it.
However, since it is not Love, hang in there and leave the urge to the Holy Spirits.
Then the violent energy will transformed into gigantic Love and Joy.
Viva, a child of God!

Soul #1: 4R → the Fool
You have accepted a great challenge, worked on it and succeeded more than you imagined.
By acknowledging this experience as "our experience," you will be able to digest it smoothly and lead it to then nest development.

Soul #2: 10R → 16
What you supposed to do now is to support the awakening of your brothers as "the Holy Spirit."
Instead of trying to be someone special, just continue to be a lovely child of God.
That is the most artistic way of waiting for God on the earth.

Soul #3: 17
You can receive something only by giving. 
This concept is impossible for you to understand as long as you identify yourself with your body.
If you repeat saying to yourself over and over round the clock that you are not body but immortal Holy Spirit because your father is God,you will slowly be able to go beyond the world of ego.

Soul #4: 5
You really need to have a great courage to share what you love the most.
Therefore, don't push yourself and start where you can with a light heart.
As you gradually get used to expanding Joy, you will get ready to start something real.

Soul #5: 1
A completely new world has begun already.
And, you must be surprised by yourself being promptly used to this "world of solely Joy."
Just feel good about it and keep being surprised.
And thank God sometimes, that makes Him veeeeeery happy.lol

Soul #6: 13
Even if you are with the Holy Spirits, it is very scary to look at inside of yourself.
However, that is not because something scary is there but  because the ego is scared since ego is scard of you to notice that there in only light inside.

Soul #7: 18
Understand that you are in transition now.
As you respect ulterior motive, don't get involve in it.
Go about your daily business looking at the world throgh the memory of Heaven and thanking it.

Soul #8: 20
As you can accept yourself as Christ, you will be able to understand that others are also Christs.
This recognition will joyfully expand to others and to the world.
We are one as Christ. 
This is the Holy Family.

Soul #9: 19
Since last week, you must have found your spare time and started working on what you always wanted to do.
This week, you will have will start to be supproted by the Holy Spirits.
Leave the quality of your product and keep on creating. 

week card    3R→  9 : 望んでいたものが目前に現れ、現実のものになってくると、人々はしばしばそれを破壊したい衝動に駆られます。

soul ①    4R→  愚者 : 既にひとつの大きな挑戦を受け入れ、果敢にそれと取り組み、想像以上の成功を受け入れました。  

soul ②    10R→  16 :  今あなたがやるべき事、それは兄弟たちの目覚めを「聖霊として」サポートすることです。  

soul ③    17 : 与えることによってのみ受け取ることが出来る。

soul ④    5 : 自分のもっとも愛するものを分かち合おうとするのは、本当にたくさんの勇気が必要です。

soul ⑤    1 :  既にこれまでとは全く異なる世界が始まっています。
そして、この「喜びしかない世界」に すぐになじんでいる自分にも驚いているでしょう。

soul ⑥    13 :  例え聖霊と共にあったとしても、自分の内側を見つめることはとても恐ろしいものです。

soul ⑦    18 :   今、自分が過渡期にいることを理解してください。

soul ⑧    20 :  キリストとしての自分を受け入れられるようになると、身近な人々もまたキリストであると理解できるようになります。

soul ⑨    19 :  先週から時間を見つけては ずっとやりたかったことを始めていると思います。



6/18 〜 6/24

the Card of the Week: 21
Light has already come.
Trust that enormously good thing is happening.
Even if part of you feel otherwise, just accept it gently and leave it to the alter of God.

Soul #1: 13
Your past value is shattering and falling apart.
However, it merely is that you are going back to a child of God.
As you trust the Holy Spirits and do what you supposed to do diligently, it will pass soon enough.

Soul #2: 4
Everything happening in front of you is the best opportunity for forgiveness.
It is happening at this timing because you declared "I'm going back to Heaven with my brothers.
Now, let's forgive!

Soul #3: 6R → 20
This environment and this reality is the outcome of your thoughts.
If you want to change this situation, it is so much more effective to correct the cause, "your thoughts", rather than anything else.

Soul #4: 18
You are now going through the most important process of this year.
Instead of paying attention to words and movements around you, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirits resonating inside of you and keep walking carefully.

Soul #5: 11R → 8
First, accept that you are abundant.
If we are truly abundant,we will expand Love and Joy naturally.
And by that, the world will transform to a beautiful dream.
You are truly abundant because you have already been sharing Joy.   
Soul #6: 12R → 3
You might get bewildered by "too perfect world" that is completely new and different.
If so, escape to something creative, such as cooking, sawing, dancing. 
As you enjoy it, you will forget that you were bewildered.

Soul #7: 7R → 14
Part of you already have been suppoed to go beyond the kingdom of human and to belongto the kingdom of angel.
The Holy Spirits are inviting you to simply ignore the commonsense of this world and to follow the rule of Heaven rather than denying the common sense of this world.lol

Soul #8: 19R → 10
Unfortunately, you will end up in smoke even if you try to trust that person. 
Instead,try to trust his sacred part inside.
Then, something beautiful beyond your imagination will happen.

Soul #9: 15
Finally, what you always wanted to do have started. 
Ride on this wave and keep doing "what you really like." everyday. 
This small effort will lead you to bigger world in time.

week card    21 :  既に光は訪れています。

soul ①    13 :  これまでの価値観が覆され、崩壊しつつあります。

soul ②    4 :   目の前で起こっている出来事は、全て赦すための絶好の機会です。 

soul ③    6R→  20 : この環境、この現実は、あくまでもあなたの想念の結果です。

soul ④    18 : あなたは今、今年もっとも重要なプロセスを通過しています。

soul ⑤    11R→ 8 :  まず私たちが豊かであることを受け入れましょう。

soul ⑥    12R→  3 :  これまでとは全く異なった「あまりにも良すぎる世界」に戸惑うかもしれません。

soul ⑦    7R→  14 :   あなたの一部は、既に人間界を越え天使界に属するようになっています。 

soul ⑧    19R→  10 : 残念ですが、この世界ではその人を信頼しようとしても徒労に終わります。

soul ⑨    15 :  ついに、あなたがずっとやりたかったことが始まりました。




the Card of the Week: 2
Try to respect people close to you.
Just by doing so, a great learning will arise.
And you also realize that your family is the most important messenger of God for forgiveness.

Soul #1: 11
Accept that you were also Christ in the past and bless that fact.
By doing so, your past, present and future will be integrated into one and you will take up the job to "welcome brothers as Christ." 

Soul #2: 1R → 7
Notice that you already have been in a safe place with the Holy Spirits.
If you remember to look at your past from that place, your feeling of shame will disappear and you will be able to thank God sincerely for having atonement.

Soul #3: 20
Accept everyone you meet this week as your sacred family.
It doesn't matter how they look or what mistakes they make.
The only thing you have to look is the sacred part of inside of him.

Soul #4: 13R → 14
I assume you have been experiencing a great learning as soon as you became conscious of learning from people close to you.
Just by admitting that the great learning is your projection, all criticism and judgment disappear and only feeling of love will expand.
That is the view which is equivalent to the view of God and the Holy Spirits.

Soul #5: 3
Yell out everything in your mind standing on the alter of God.
There is the only safe place in the world you know where you can be honest.
Once you decide not to hide anything from God and the Holy Spirits and practice it, your mind will be so much more relieved.
This is the only right way to use your creativity. 

Soul #6: 17R → 16
Acknowledge yourself who have stepped up right efforts.
Check if your mind is peaceful to judge if what you have stepped is right or not.
If your mind is peaceful, of course you are OK.

Soul #7: 10
What you have been waiting for is arriving now.
Offer the Joy to God diligently and receive blessings by God as "We" diligently.
The, offer the joy and appreciation to God, and so on...
And then, understand that you job is to expand abundance infinitely like this.

Soul #8: 8
This week, vibrations of you and the Universe are united.
Catitalize on this opportunity, and imagine your wish as if it has come true now and appreciate it. 
The more you thank in advance, the sooner it will come true by God.

Soul #9: 
Now is the moment to decide.
Who is your parent?
Set your long term issue, "the authority issue," straight now.
Admit yourself who want to leave things ambiguous,forgive yourself who wants to regard "being a child of God" as an aberration and leave yourself to the Holy Spirits.

week card    2  :  身近な人々を尊重しようと心がけてください。

soul ①    11 :  過去の自分もまたキリストであったことを認め、祝福してください。

soul ②     1R→  7 :  既に自分が聖霊と共に安全な場所にいることに気づいてください。

soul ③     20 :  今週出会う人々を、全て聖なる家族として受け入れてください。

soul ④     13R→  14 : 身近な人々から学ぼうと意識し始めた途端、大きな学びが起こってきたことを体験していると思います。

soul ⑤     3 :  心に浮かんだ物事を全て御父の祭壇の上で叫んでください。

soul ⑥     17R→  16 :   これまで正しい努力を重ねてきた自分に感謝してください。 

soul ⑦     10 :   待ち続けていたものが、今ようやく届き始めました。

soul ⑧     8 :   今週、あなたの波動と宇宙の波動が一致します。

soul ⑨     6 :   今こそ決断の時です。
あなたの親は誰なのか? 長年の課題だった「権威問題」を、今こそ解決してしまいましょう。



6/4 〜 6/10

the Card of the Week: the Fool
Everything happening in front of you is neutral.
You will have the best freedom ever at the moment when you let the Holy Spirit make judgement and follow it.

Soul #1: 3R → 20
When you start something new, think of the happiness of your family as the foundation first.
In other words,always consider "us" rather than "me" as rule.
Then, your idea will expand dramatically.

Soul #2: 18
Try to choose your words carefully when you tell something to your brothers.
Your expressing will more courtesy by imagining that these words come from the Holy Spirits, and you will be able to receive these words at the same time.

Soul #3: 21R → 19
Even though one journey is almost over and another journey is about to start, everything will be fine because you are always walking with the Holy Spirits.
Get on with your like!

Soul #4: 13
Don't put the lid back on the memory emerged. 
The only way to correct the mistake is to leave the memory to the Holy Spirits and offer it to the alter of God.
Look at it without hiding anything and leave the emotion to the Holy Spirit as it is. 

Soul #5: 6R → 16
Offer all of your history to the alter of God with acknowledgement.
If it is one with Will of God,it will come back with even brighter light. 
If not, it will dissolve in light and you won't remember it anymore.    

Soul #6: 12
Look at your situation with relaxed view that is different from the past.
No matter how seriously you see the problem, everything will be a joke once you see it with the view of the Holy Spirits.
It might be non-universal, but your heart will be peaceful and delighted.

Soul #7: 8
Acknowledge the fact that you are living in immense abundance. 
The abundance will be 100 times more and come back to you if you offer it God. 
Your job for this week is to reveive it as "We" and offer even bigger acknowledgement to God.

Soul #8: 5
Now, you are learning to teach your brothers things.
When you do so, consider if you are having fun or not rather than consider if you are choosing the right word or not looking at their attitudes and needs.

Soul #9: 14
Stay in your position where you are a little apart from the situation so that you can see the whole picture. 
If you do so, the situation that seemed fragmented will come together, and what you have to do now will be clear.  
Then, you will re-realize that every incident in this world is the best opportunity for forgiveness.

week card    愚者 :  目の前で起こっていることは全て中立です。

soul ①    3R→  20 :  何か新しいことを始めるときは、まず家族の幸せを基盤に置いて考えてください。

soul ②    18 :  兄弟に何かを伝えるときは、いつもより慎重に言葉を選ぶようにしてください。

soul ③    21R→  19 :  ひとつの旅が終わり、新しい旅が始まろうとしています。

soul ④    13 :  過去の記憶が浮上してきたからといって、埋め戻してはいけません。

soul ⑤    6R→  16 :  これまでのあなたの歴史を、全て感謝して御父の祭壇へ捧げてください。

soul ⑥    12 :    これまでとは違う、より気楽な視点で状況を見てください。
soul ⑦    8 :   自分が途方もない豊かさの中で生きていることに感謝してください。

soul ⑧    5 :   今あなたは、兄弟に物事を教えることを学んでいます。

soul ⑨    14 :   状況から少し離れて、全体が見渡せる立ち位置に自分をとどめてください。