

the Card of the Week: 2
Try to respect people close to you.
Just by doing so, a great learning will arise.
And you also realize that your family is the most important messenger of God for forgiveness.

Soul #1: 11
Accept that you were also Christ in the past and bless that fact.
By doing so, your past, present and future will be integrated into one and you will take up the job to "welcome brothers as Christ." 

Soul #2: 1R → 7
Notice that you already have been in a safe place with the Holy Spirits.
If you remember to look at your past from that place, your feeling of shame will disappear and you will be able to thank God sincerely for having atonement.

Soul #3: 20
Accept everyone you meet this week as your sacred family.
It doesn't matter how they look or what mistakes they make.
The only thing you have to look is the sacred part of inside of him.

Soul #4: 13R → 14
I assume you have been experiencing a great learning as soon as you became conscious of learning from people close to you.
Just by admitting that the great learning is your projection, all criticism and judgment disappear and only feeling of love will expand.
That is the view which is equivalent to the view of God and the Holy Spirits.

Soul #5: 3
Yell out everything in your mind standing on the alter of God.
There is the only safe place in the world you know where you can be honest.
Once you decide not to hide anything from God and the Holy Spirits and practice it, your mind will be so much more relieved.
This is the only right way to use your creativity. 

Soul #6: 17R → 16
Acknowledge yourself who have stepped up right efforts.
Check if your mind is peaceful to judge if what you have stepped is right or not.
If your mind is peaceful, of course you are OK.

Soul #7: 10
What you have been waiting for is arriving now.
Offer the Joy to God diligently and receive blessings by God as "We" diligently.
The, offer the joy and appreciation to God, and so on...
And then, understand that you job is to expand abundance infinitely like this.

Soul #8: 8
This week, vibrations of you and the Universe are united.
Catitalize on this opportunity, and imagine your wish as if it has come true now and appreciate it. 
The more you thank in advance, the sooner it will come true by God.

Soul #9: 
Now is the moment to decide.
Who is your parent?
Set your long term issue, "the authority issue," straight now.
Admit yourself who want to leave things ambiguous,forgive yourself who wants to regard "being a child of God" as an aberration and leave yourself to the Holy Spirits.

week card    2  :  身近な人々を尊重しようと心がけてください。

soul ①    11 :  過去の自分もまたキリストであったことを認め、祝福してください。

soul ②     1R→  7 :  既に自分が聖霊と共に安全な場所にいることに気づいてください。

soul ③     20 :  今週出会う人々を、全て聖なる家族として受け入れてください。

soul ④     13R→  14 : 身近な人々から学ぼうと意識し始めた途端、大きな学びが起こってきたことを体験していると思います。

soul ⑤     3 :  心に浮かんだ物事を全て御父の祭壇の上で叫んでください。

soul ⑥     17R→  16 :   これまで正しい努力を重ねてきた自分に感謝してください。 

soul ⑦     10 :   待ち続けていたものが、今ようやく届き始めました。

soul ⑧     8 :   今週、あなたの波動と宇宙の波動が一致します。

soul ⑨     6 :   今こそ決断の時です。
あなたの親は誰なのか? 長年の課題だった「権威問題」を、今こそ解決してしまいましょう。


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