
6/18 〜 6/24

the Card of the Week: 21
Light has already come.
Trust that enormously good thing is happening.
Even if part of you feel otherwise, just accept it gently and leave it to the alter of God.

Soul #1: 13
Your past value is shattering and falling apart.
However, it merely is that you are going back to a child of God.
As you trust the Holy Spirits and do what you supposed to do diligently, it will pass soon enough.

Soul #2: 4
Everything happening in front of you is the best opportunity for forgiveness.
It is happening at this timing because you declared "I'm going back to Heaven with my brothers.
Now, let's forgive!

Soul #3: 6R → 20
This environment and this reality is the outcome of your thoughts.
If you want to change this situation, it is so much more effective to correct the cause, "your thoughts", rather than anything else.

Soul #4: 18
You are now going through the most important process of this year.
Instead of paying attention to words and movements around you, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirits resonating inside of you and keep walking carefully.

Soul #5: 11R → 8
First, accept that you are abundant.
If we are truly abundant,we will expand Love and Joy naturally.
And by that, the world will transform to a beautiful dream.
You are truly abundant because you have already been sharing Joy.   
Soul #6: 12R → 3
You might get bewildered by "too perfect world" that is completely new and different.
If so, escape to something creative, such as cooking, sawing, dancing. 
As you enjoy it, you will forget that you were bewildered.

Soul #7: 7R → 14
Part of you already have been suppoed to go beyond the kingdom of human and to belongto the kingdom of angel.
The Holy Spirits are inviting you to simply ignore the commonsense of this world and to follow the rule of Heaven rather than denying the common sense of this world.lol

Soul #8: 19R → 10
Unfortunately, you will end up in smoke even if you try to trust that person. 
Instead,try to trust his sacred part inside.
Then, something beautiful beyond your imagination will happen.

Soul #9: 15
Finally, what you always wanted to do have started. 
Ride on this wave and keep doing "what you really like." everyday. 
This small effort will lead you to bigger world in time.

week card    21 :  既に光は訪れています。

soul ①    13 :  これまでの価値観が覆され、崩壊しつつあります。

soul ②    4 :   目の前で起こっている出来事は、全て赦すための絶好の機会です。 

soul ③    6R→  20 : この環境、この現実は、あくまでもあなたの想念の結果です。

soul ④    18 : あなたは今、今年もっとも重要なプロセスを通過しています。

soul ⑤    11R→ 8 :  まず私たちが豊かであることを受け入れましょう。

soul ⑥    12R→  3 :  これまでとは全く異なった「あまりにも良すぎる世界」に戸惑うかもしれません。

soul ⑦    7R→  14 :   あなたの一部は、既に人間界を越え天使界に属するようになっています。 

soul ⑧    19R→  10 : 残念ですが、この世界ではその人を信頼しようとしても徒労に終わります。

soul ⑨    15 :  ついに、あなたがずっとやりたかったことが始まりました。


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