

the Card of the Week: 11R → 7
It will be easier for the core quality of ego to emerge this week.
This accompanies an intense fear, but, in reality, it is a great opportunity of healing.
Once you remember "I have been using this as an excuse for avoiding to expand Love", you will burst out laughing.

Soul #1: 9R → 10
No matter how seriously you think, our intellect is limited.
Salvation starts by asking the Holy Spirits who exist beyond this world for the answer.
And your self confidence will deepen by waiting quietly until the answer comes.

Soul #2: 14
Whole world is waiting for your healing.
If you feel like running away from the situation, that is because you are under a misapprehension that there is a (sick) world.
After forgiving and entrusting it to the Holy Spirits on the spot, keep healing in a matter-of-fact way from somewhere a little away from the world.
Let's get to work♪

Soul #3: 6
Even though we have an excellent mind, the mind doesn't have an ability to discern good and bad.
If you rather wish to cook up a kludgey dream with ego than wish to create eternal beauty and virtue with the Holy Spirits, your mind will also follow your wish and cook it up.
It is just like "a disciple of a wizard" who tried a magic before he had learned how to stop the magic.

Soul #4: 2
Your true quality behind ego, the quality of Trinity,will emerge.
If you wish to devote this 7 days that is filled with miracles (we really hope you to do so), try to "think and act like God" as often as possible.
It will become ubiquitous for you by next week.

Soul #5: 4R → 8
As you already know, Salvation by God is reaching no matter when and where.
Once you realize that it is happening to you, you will instantly be able to accept that it is also happening to people in front of you (who seems far from Love). 

Soul #6: 3
You have acquired ability to pray "May all brothers in this world be happy as I am."
The next stage is to pray "All my brothers in this world are happy like me. Thank you, Father."
It will come true if you have a faith as you do the work you love.

Soul #7: 19 → 15
It's time to shed light on your humanly desire.
By noticing that it disappears in an instant and it won't stay forever, you can recognize that the intensive suction of the desire is not real.
Plainly putting, it is just a drama written and enacted by yourself, and it just a time killer.
Putting that aside, turn your attention to something more wonderful...such as Heaven.

Soul #8: 21R → 1
One rounded world came to the end, and a new door has opened. 
This journey continues until you go back to Heaven with your brothers and become one with God.
Then, Beauty, Abundance and Joy will keep expanding infinitely.

Soul #9: the Fool
You have noticed that what binds your mind is a complete bupkes.;)
At the same time, you must have realized that it even doesn't have a humanly sentiment which makes up for your wasted time.
Now, a festival begins.
Focus on what you love and have whole world involve in it.
The Holy Spirits will take care the rest for sure.

week card    11R→  7 :  今週はあなたのエゴの中核を成す性質が浮上しやすくなります。

soul ①    9R→  10 :  どれほど真剣に考えたところで私たちの思考には限界があります。

soul ②    14 : 世界中があなたの癒しを求めています。
その間違いを即座に赦し、聖霊にゆだねた後に、世界から少し離れたところから淡々と癒し続けてください。 お仕事、お仕事。  

soul ③    6 : 我々のマインドは非常に優秀ですが、それもまた物質である以上、善悪を判断する力を持ちません。

soul ④    2 : エゴの背後にあるあなた本来の質、三位一体の質が浮かび上がってくるでしょう。

soul ⑤    4R→  8 :  すでにお分かりのように、御父からの救済は、あらゆる場所・あらゆる時に届いています。

soul ⑥    3 :   「世界中の兄弟が私のように幸せでありますように」と祈ることが出来るようになりました。
soul ⑦    19R→  15 :  自分の人間的な欲望に光を当てる時です。
それよりも もっと素敵なものがあることに目を向けましょう。例えば天国とか。

soul ⑧    21R→  1 :  ひとつの完成された世界が終わり、また新しい扉が開かれました。
兄弟と共に天国へ帰り御父とひとつになるまでは、この旅は続きます。 美しさが、豊かさが、喜びが無限に拡張し続けるのです。

soul ⑨    愚者 :  先週、自分の心を縛るものが実につまらないものだったと気づきました。


Naoko Nakamura



the Card of the Week: the Fool
You are Christ, and he is also Christ.
If you understand that, you will notice that there is no difference between giving from Christ to Christ and receiving from Christ to Christ.
Acknowledge that we are all Christ. 
That is the beginning of the absolute freedom.

Soul#1: 16
You have built up acknowledgement for God and being a child of God.
If you have done that and If you look forward with Christ as Christ by looking forward having consciousness as Christ consciousness,you will immediately see others as Christ as well.
Build up the expanded understanding and the expanded acknowledgement in the day ahead.

Soul#2: 12R → 19
If someone is not filled with happiness,that is because he has forgotten who his parent is and because he is overwhelmed assuming that he has to solve all his problems by himself.
However, these problems have already been solved.
Solve his problems with the Holy Spirits from far without being seen by him. 

Soul #3: 17
Follow Will of God and continue what you love the most with Joy.
That is the correct way of using creativity and one of the (best) way to go toward Heaven.
That is because three is no difference between Joy and Love, and Joy is the infinite power of creation of Heaven like dream.

Soul #4: 6
You still might not believe it, but "he" who you know is your projection.
However, it doesn't mean he and you are the same. 
It means that your feeling toward him is always aimed at you unconsciously.
Therefore, forgiving him means stopping to persecute yourself inside.

Soul #5: 20R → 5
It is a great opportunity for healing when you cannot see someone as Christ.
If so, understand "my unconscious aggressiveness came out now."
Since there there is no world, ask yourself "Is this aggressiveness pointed to me?"
If you trust the Holy Spirit, you must be innocent and something innocent cannot be hurt.
Then, you would recognize that there is no meaning to this aggressiveness, and you must be too busy for keep doing something meaningless.
This is how forgiveness gets completed "logically." lol

Soul #6: 15
Accept and celebrate that we are now at work staying at the right position.
If you declare that expanding the celebration to the world is Will of God and that we will follow that delightedly...the work of you and your brothers will expand miraculously. 

Soul #7: 8R → 10
Having inifinite abundance in front of you, you might feel stagnation without a reason.
It is a perfect timing to remember words by the Holy Spirits saying that true salvation comes from somewhere beyond this world. 
This Wisdom will calm you down and makes you "extend your gratitude."
When your heart is filled with gratitude completely, something will happen by itself. 

Soul #8: 1
Fresh power is erupted inside of you.
It is an opportunity to address the challenge.
Especially, you can work at the task thinking what you can do to let people know about your work to expant your work.
Just by deciding to work at these, excellent guide will come.

Soul #9: 14R → 11
If a situation doesn't change even though you are working at it earnestly, you might be missing the point of healing.
If there is no world, there is no problem regardless the situation changes or not.
If you are still disaffected, what you need to heal is your hidden (doubtful?) desire of holding up this illusionary world by keeping disaffection. On noーーーーー!!

week card    愚者  : あなたはキリストであり、その人もまたキリストです。

soul ①    16 :  これまで、自分が神の子であることに感謝し、御父に感謝することを積み重ねてきました。

soul ②    12R→  19 :  誰かが幸福に満たされていないとしたら、その人は自分の親が誰なのかを忘れているからです。

soul ③    17 :  御父の意思に従い、喜んで自分の一番好きなことを続けること。

soul ④    6 : 未だに信じられないかもしれませんが、あなたの知っている「あの人」はあなたの投影なのです。

soul ⑤    20R→  5 :  誰かをキリストとして見られない時ほど、大きな癒しのチャンスです。

soul ⑥    15 :   私たちが今、正しい位置に留まって仕事をしていることを認め、祝福してください。

soul ⑦    8R→  10 :   無限の豊かさを目前にして、しかし理由もなく停滞している気がするかもしれません。

soul ⑧    1 :   あなたの内に、新鮮な力が沸き起こっています。

soul ⑨    14R→  11 :   真面目に取り組んでいるにも関わらず状況が変化しない場合、癒しのポイントがズレているのかもしれません。
もしかすると癒すべきところは、不満を感じ続けることでこの幻想世界を維持したい(のではないのか?)というあなたの隠された欲望です。 きゃ~~!!



The Card of the Week: 11R → 14
Be careful with your thoughts.
Regardless they positive or not, keep your thoughts quietly with the Holy Spirits.
As time passes, you will realize that truth comes through science.

Soul #1: 1
If you decide to live like J, J will continue to help you infinitely.
Unless you decide to do so, J will wait for you infinitely.
The moment you decide to do so is the beginning of the course.

Soul #2: 5R → 17
When you get frustrated while you teach Love to your brothers, remind yourself that J waited for you for 2000 years.
It will crack yourself up, and make you realize that it is time to learn to trust your brothers and wait for them.

Soul #3: 7R → 9
Aren't you replying automatically trying to living up to the expectations?
If so, stop once and remember "there is no world."
Why you hold back even though there is merely Love?

Soul #4: the Fool
Stay who you are regardless what kind of agenda your brothers have.
Even if it is something strange, the Holy Spirits will support you totally.
That is because such strange way of living is closer to true yourself. Are you surprised?

Soul #5: 15
Like last week, it is time to face your desire honestly.
However, it will be more challenging this week.
As you make your list, ask yourself "Is this desire the same level as Will of God?"
If not, take the desire from your list.

Soul #6: 6R → 2
When you accepted your abundance (=our abundance), you went beyond the setup of ego.
That is because the quality of #6 is choice but choices will disappear when you notice there is no existence nor concept against ultimate abundance.
Viva, child of God without proof of existence (alibi)!

Soul #7: 3
Last week, you experienced the limit of creation by dualism (wrong creation), and I bet its absurdity made you laugh so hard.
There is no explanation nor description for true creation. 
There is no ingratiating nor arrogance. 
There is merely irresistible joy.

Soul #8: 4
As always, be careful with the position where you stand this week.
If you want to give the most precious Love to the person, see him as you prize Christ inside him.
But, don't talk too much.

Soul #9: 20R → 13
The love that is recognized in this world is actually a kind of emotion called affection and hatred.
Of course, since truth is something immutable, an emotion that keep swinging is not truth.
So, do you want to give "non-being" to the family you sincerely love?
(Or perhaps I should say "Would your family want that?"

week card    11R→  14 : 自分の想念に気をつけてください。

soul ①    1 :  もしあなたが今、自分はJのように生きる、と決めたら、Jはどこまでもどこまでもあなたを助け続けるでしょう。

soul ②    5R→  17 : 兄弟に愛を伝える時、もどかしく感じることがあるかもしれません。

soul ③    7R→ 9 : 周囲の人々の期待に応えようとして、

soul ④    愚者 : 兄弟たちの思惑がどうであろうと、あなたはあなたのままでいてください。

soul ⑤    15 : 先週に続いて、自分の欲望と正直に向かい合う時です。

soul ⑥    6R→  2 :  自分の豊かさ(=私たちの豊かさ)を認めたとき、 あなたはエゴの設定を超えてしまいました。

soul ⑦    3 :   先週、二元性における創造(誤創造)の限界を体験し、そのバカバカしさに大笑いをしたと思います。

soul ⑧    4 :   いつものことではありますが、今週もまた自分の立ち位置に気をつけてお過ごしください。

soul ⑨    20R→  13 :  この世界で言われている愛は、正しくは愛憎と表現されるもので感情の一種です。



the Card of the Week: 21
Beyond long sloping road, you finally have come out to radiant plain.
You could come here because of your perpetual effort and brothers'dedicated support.
Recognize and cerebrate that and thank God as "we."

Soul #1: 6
You finally have found a hint of a solution for the problem you have been facing to.
Acknowledge "yourself in the past" who always kept trusting your brothers and looking at Christ withing them no matter what happened. 

Soul #2: 4
Even difficulties you have to face at moments in your life is greatly useful to make your position clear.  
Having said that, if you have an unyielding wisdom that "we are children of God," those difficulties will be unnecessary.

Soul #3: 9R → 1
Before you ask yourself "Who am I?", ask yourself "Who is my parent?"
Of course, the answer for that question is here clearly.
Therefore, it is merely matter of "when" you accept the answer.

Soul #4 8R → 18
Keep focusing on your inner self for now. 
Even if it seems that the outer world is crying for your help,it is also just a dream.
Recognize that it is rather an enticement by ego trying to interrupt your "true work" and choose calmness.

Soul #5: 20R → 2
When you have something to say,write it down as it is on the alter of God.
If there are anything other than Love,they will disappear from your mind as soon as you write them down.
If they don't, that is because something more important is hidden behind them.
Keep writing to search for them.

Soul #6: 1 
Keep a little distance from people and continue what you supposed to do this week.
Your calmness and industriousness will be helpful for many of your brothers.

Soul #7: 19
Try to remind yourself that you are following the Holy Spirits as you walk.
How you spend your time this week will determine how later half of this year will be.
Try to be more careful than usual

Soul #8: 15
Almost all your materialistic wish will come true.
However, as soon as it happens, you will notice that what you really wish for is not in this world.

Soul #9: 16R → 10
It is time to wait while you trust the Holy Spirits.
Remember how important it is to thank God when you are pressed for time.
Something wonderful beyond your imagination will come by building up your appreciation for God. 

week card    21 :  長い登り坂を超えて、ようやく光り輝く平原へと出てきました。

soul ①    6 :  あなたを悩ませていた事柄に、ようやく解決の糸口が見つかったようです。

soul ②    4 :  時として人生に訪れる困難でさえ、自分の立ち位置を明確にするという意味では大いに役に立ちます。

soul ③    9R→  1 : 「自分は誰か?」と問いかける前に、「私の親は誰か?」と問いかけてください。

soul ④    8R→  18 : 今しばらく、自分の内側だけに目を向けて過ごしてください。

soul ⑤    20R→  2 :  人々に対して何か言いたいことがあるときは、御父の祭壇の上でありのままを書いてください。

soul ⑥    14 :   人々から少し距離を置き、静けさの中でやるべきことを続けてください。

soul ⑦    19 :   自分は聖霊の後に従って歩いている、といつも思い出すように心がけてください。

soul ⑧    15 :   物質的なジャンルに限りますが、あなたの願いはほとんど叶います。

soul ⑨    16R→  10 :   今は聖霊を信頼して待つ時です。




the Card of the Week: 17R → 11
Like last week, the world will continue to fluctuate greatly this week.
However, if you notice that it is also a dream you have created, you won't get involved in it. 
As you forgive all kinds of incidents happening in front of you, spend your time calmly.

Soul #1: 16R → 3
Don't choose anything other than love even if thing don't proceed as you have expected.
If your mind stay calm and nothing happens, that is the best outcome.

Soul #2: 21R → 4
Stay at your position as a child of God.
If you are clear about it in any situations, almost all problems will be solved instantly.

Soul #3: 19R → 2
You are recommended to write this week.
Regardless something happens or not, you will retrieve the contact with the Holy Spirits by putting down your feelings and thoughts of each moment.

Soul #4: 5
We are here as the Holy Spirits to encourage your brothers' awakening.  
If you acknowledge the purpose, the Holy Spirits will tell you when, where, who and how you support.

Soul #5: 18R → 15
Make a list of things you need the most currently.
Will of God will be practiced if we share Joy with our brothers.
Thus, giving you the necessary tools is part of jobs of the Holy Spirits.
Tell them what you need without reserve.

Soul #6: the Fool → 6
Acknowledge being a child of God as you spend your time.
Then you will see that undertaking what is asked by God is your joy and you don't want to do anything else.
That awareness is the beginning of your true freedom.

Soul #7: 1R → 12
You cannot change your situation no matter how much effort you put sometimes.
In such case, leave everything to the Holy Spirits, stay calm and take it easy.
Then, things will get better sometime soon.

Soul #8: 20R → 10
If you wish the world to be safe and calm, that is the sign of your job.
Focus sorely on Christ consciousness within your brothers and keep blessing.
The more delightfully you work, the more world will be filled with miracles.

Soul #9: 8R → 7
Intend "to learn Wisdom of Heaven."
The quality of silence of inner self will expand by the intention, and the Holy Spirits will bring Wisdom there. 
When you try to put it into words, you will know the real meaning of writing and telling for the first time.

week card    17R→  11 : 先週に続いて、今週も世界は大きく変動するようです。

soul ①    16R→  3 :  物事が期待通りに動かないとしても、愛以外のものを選ばないでください。

soul ②    21R→  4 :  私たちは神の子である、という立ち位置を保ちましょう。

soul ③    19R→  2 : 今週は特に書く事をお勧めします。

soul ④    5 : 私たちは聖霊として、兄弟たちの目覚めを促すためにここにいるのです。
その目的に感謝していれば、いつどこで どのような人々を、どのようにサポートするのかは聖霊が教えてくれます。

soul ⑤    18R→  15 :  あなたが今、最も必要としているものをリストアップしてください。

soul ⑥    愚者R→  6 :   私たちが神の子であることに感謝して過ごしましょう。

soul ⑦    1R→  12 :   どんなに努力しても状況が変わらない時もあります。

soul ⑧    20R→  10 :   世界を安全に、より穏やかなものにしたいと願うのなら、それが仕事の合図です。

soul ⑨    8R→  7 :  「天国の智識を学ぼう」と意志してください。



the Card of the Week: 2R → 19
In whole, we all tend to feel inner stir this week.
However, no matter what is happening inside, the Holy Spirits are always beside you and bring you love.
If you can remember this, peace will expand in your mind instantly.

Soul #1: 20R → 12
Try to take it easy consciously.
Don't worry even if you feel something other than love in your brothers' words of deeds.
Keep looking at sorely Christ beyond your brothers.

Soul #2: 9R → 8
By giving love and blessing to your brothers, you will find what you have been searching for.
That is "you at this moment" who keep giving love and blessing to your brothers at any time.

Soul #3: 17R → 7
If you wish to be intelligent,start with leaving all judgment to the Holy Spirits.
By trying to do so,someday you will notice that there is no more vainness.

Soul #4: 1R → 6
Keep working as a teacher of God uneventfully.
The work will start under the resolution that "I will keep forgiving rest of my life," but don't forget that whom you forgive first is yourself in the past. 

Soul #5: 11R → 16
Fear comes from unhealed past and it will develop to anxiety.
For example, if you have economic anxiety, that is because you chose fear rather than gratitude now.
In other words, by offering gratitude to God 24/7 like breathing, even economic anxiety will disappear.

Soul #6: 21R → 14
Even if the world is about to end, you will be fine as long as you stay with the Holy Spirits.
Since this world started with sorrow, the world will definitely end with Joy.
If you trust the Holy Spirits talking this way,you and your brothers whom you love will awake instantly.

Soul #7: 5
You are the only people who hold the card in correct position.
In term of its responsibility, eclare that you will convey all the virtues you have to your brothers.
By doing so, it will reach to people beyond words, and heal your brothers and yourself in the past beyond time and space.

Soul #8: the Fool → 10
The Holy Spirits are lauding you now who overcame one big challenge.
Don't be shy nor run away.
Stay where you are and receive the gratitude given by God with bravery.

Soul #9: 15R → 4
Once again, make where you stand clear. 
You might have something to complain, but leave such assessment with the Holy Spirits since you have decided to follow the Holy Spirits.
They are greatly pleased.

week card    2R→  19 : 今週は全体的に精神的な動揺を感じやすいようです。
それさえ思い出すことができたら、その瞬間 心に平和が広がってきます。

soul ①    20R→  12 :  意識して気軽に過ごすように努めてください。

soul ②    9R→  8 :  兄弟に愛と祝福を与え続けることで、あなたは自分がずっと探し求めていたものを見出すでしょう。

soul ③    17R→  7 : 知的でありたいと願うのなら、全ての判断を聖霊にゆだねることから始めることです。

soul ④    1R→  6 : 神の教師としての仕事を淡々と続けてください。

soul ⑤    11R→  16 :  恐れは癒されていない過去から生じ、それは未来に対する不安へと発展します。

soul ⑥    21R→  14 :   たとえ世界が終わろうとしても聖霊と共にあれば大丈夫です。

soul ⑦    5 :   今週、唯一の正位置のカードを抱く人々です。

soul ⑧    愚者R→  10 :   ひとつの大きな挑戦を乗り越えたあなたを、聖霊が今、褒め称えようとしています。

soul ⑨    15R→  4 :   自分の立ち位置を 今一度明確にしてください。