the Card of the Week: 11R → 7
It will be easier for the core quality of ego to emerge this week.
This accompanies an intense fear, but, in reality, it is a great opportunity of healing.
Once you remember "I have been using this as an excuse for avoiding to expand Love", you will burst out laughing.
Soul #1: 9R → 10
No matter how seriously you think, our intellect is limited.
Salvation starts by asking the Holy Spirits who exist beyond this world for the answer.
And your self confidence will deepen by waiting quietly until the answer comes.
Soul #2: 14
Whole world is waiting for your healing.
If you feel like running away from the situation, that is because you are under a misapprehension that there is a (sick) world.
After forgiving and entrusting it to the Holy Spirits on the spot, keep healing in a matter-of-fact way from somewhere a little away from the world.
Let's get to work♪
Soul #3: 6
Even though we have an excellent mind, the mind doesn't have an ability to discern good and bad.
If you rather wish to cook up a kludgey dream with ego than wish to create eternal beauty and virtue with the Holy Spirits, your mind will also follow your wish and cook it up.
It is just like "a disciple of a wizard" who tried a magic before he had learned how to stop the magic.
Soul #4: 2
Your true quality behind ego, the quality of Trinity,will emerge.
If you wish to devote this 7 days that is filled with miracles (we really hope you to do so), try to "think and act like God" as often as possible.
It will become ubiquitous for you by next week.
Soul #5: 4R → 8
As you already know, Salvation by God is reaching no matter when and where.
Once you realize that it is happening to you, you will instantly be able to accept that it is also happening to people in front of you (who seems far from Love).
Soul #6: 3
You have acquired ability to pray "May all brothers in this world be happy as I am."
The next stage is to pray "All my brothers in this world are happy like me. Thank you, Father."
It will come true if you have a faith as you do the work you love.
Soul #7: 19 → 15
It's time to shed light on your humanly desire.
By noticing that it disappears in an instant and it won't stay forever, you can recognize that the intensive suction of the desire is not real.
Plainly putting, it is just a drama written and enacted by yourself, and it just a time killer.
Putting that aside, turn your attention to something more wonderful...such as Heaven.
Soul #8: 21R → 1
One rounded world came to the end, and a new door has opened.
This journey continues until you go back to Heaven with your brothers and become one with God.
Then, Beauty, Abundance and Joy will keep expanding infinitely.
Soul #9: the Fool
You have noticed that what binds your mind is a complete bupkes.;)
At the same time, you must have realized that it even doesn't have a humanly sentiment which makes up for your wasted time.
Now, a festival begins.
Focus on what you love and have whole world involve in it.
The Holy Spirits will take care the rest for sure.
week card 11R→ 7 : 今週はあなたのエゴの中核を成す性質が浮上しやすくなります。
soul ① 9R→ 10 : どれほど真剣に考えたところで私たちの思考には限界があります。
soul ② 14 : 世界中があなたの癒しを求めています。
その間違いを即座に赦し、聖霊にゆだねた後に、世界から少し離れたところから淡々と癒し続けてください。 お仕事、お仕事。
その間違いを即座に赦し、聖霊にゆだねた後に、世界から少し離れたところから淡々と癒し続けてください。 お仕事、お仕事。
soul ③ 6 : 我々のマインドは非常に優秀ですが、それもまた物質である以上、善悪を判断する力を持ちません。
soul ④ 2 : エゴの背後にあるあなた本来の質、三位一体の質が浮かび上がってくるでしょう。
soul ⑤ 4R→ 8 : すでにお分かりのように、御父からの救済は、あらゆる場所・あらゆる時に届いています。
soul ⑥ 3 : 「世界中の兄弟が私のように幸せでありますように」と祈ることが出来るようになりました。
soul ⑦ 19R→ 15 : 自分の人間的な欲望に光を当てる時です。
それよりも もっと素敵なものがあることに目を向けましょう。例えば天国とか。
それよりも もっと素敵なものがあることに目を向けましょう。例えば天国とか。
soul ⑧ 21R→ 1 : ひとつの完成された世界が終わり、また新しい扉が開かれました。
兄弟と共に天国へ帰り御父とひとつになるまでは、この旅は続きます。 美しさが、豊かさが、喜びが無限に拡張し続けるのです。
兄弟と共に天国へ帰り御父とひとつになるまでは、この旅は続きます。 美しさが、豊かさが、喜びが無限に拡張し続けるのです。
soul ⑨ 愚者 : 先週、自分の心を縛るものが実につまらないものだったと気づきました。
Naoko Nakamura