

the Card of the Week: 21
Beyond long sloping road, you finally have come out to radiant plain.
You could come here because of your perpetual effort and brothers'dedicated support.
Recognize and cerebrate that and thank God as "we."

Soul #1: 6
You finally have found a hint of a solution for the problem you have been facing to.
Acknowledge "yourself in the past" who always kept trusting your brothers and looking at Christ withing them no matter what happened. 

Soul #2: 4
Even difficulties you have to face at moments in your life is greatly useful to make your position clear.  
Having said that, if you have an unyielding wisdom that "we are children of God," those difficulties will be unnecessary.

Soul #3: 9R → 1
Before you ask yourself "Who am I?", ask yourself "Who is my parent?"
Of course, the answer for that question is here clearly.
Therefore, it is merely matter of "when" you accept the answer.

Soul #4 8R → 18
Keep focusing on your inner self for now. 
Even if it seems that the outer world is crying for your help,it is also just a dream.
Recognize that it is rather an enticement by ego trying to interrupt your "true work" and choose calmness.

Soul #5: 20R → 2
When you have something to say,write it down as it is on the alter of God.
If there are anything other than Love,they will disappear from your mind as soon as you write them down.
If they don't, that is because something more important is hidden behind them.
Keep writing to search for them.

Soul #6: 1 
Keep a little distance from people and continue what you supposed to do this week.
Your calmness and industriousness will be helpful for many of your brothers.

Soul #7: 19
Try to remind yourself that you are following the Holy Spirits as you walk.
How you spend your time this week will determine how later half of this year will be.
Try to be more careful than usual

Soul #8: 15
Almost all your materialistic wish will come true.
However, as soon as it happens, you will notice that what you really wish for is not in this world.

Soul #9: 16R → 10
It is time to wait while you trust the Holy Spirits.
Remember how important it is to thank God when you are pressed for time.
Something wonderful beyond your imagination will come by building up your appreciation for God. 

week card    21 :  長い登り坂を超えて、ようやく光り輝く平原へと出てきました。

soul ①    6 :  あなたを悩ませていた事柄に、ようやく解決の糸口が見つかったようです。

soul ②    4 :  時として人生に訪れる困難でさえ、自分の立ち位置を明確にするという意味では大いに役に立ちます。

soul ③    9R→  1 : 「自分は誰か?」と問いかける前に、「私の親は誰か?」と問いかけてください。

soul ④    8R→  18 : 今しばらく、自分の内側だけに目を向けて過ごしてください。

soul ⑤    20R→  2 :  人々に対して何か言いたいことがあるときは、御父の祭壇の上でありのままを書いてください。

soul ⑥    14 :   人々から少し距離を置き、静けさの中でやるべきことを続けてください。

soul ⑦    19 :   自分は聖霊の後に従って歩いている、といつも思い出すように心がけてください。

soul ⑧    15 :   物質的なジャンルに限りますが、あなたの願いはほとんど叶います。

soul ⑨    16R→  10 :   今は聖霊を信頼して待つ時です。


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