

the Card of the Week: 17R → 11
Like last week, the world will continue to fluctuate greatly this week.
However, if you notice that it is also a dream you have created, you won't get involved in it. 
As you forgive all kinds of incidents happening in front of you, spend your time calmly.

Soul #1: 16R → 3
Don't choose anything other than love even if thing don't proceed as you have expected.
If your mind stay calm and nothing happens, that is the best outcome.

Soul #2: 21R → 4
Stay at your position as a child of God.
If you are clear about it in any situations, almost all problems will be solved instantly.

Soul #3: 19R → 2
You are recommended to write this week.
Regardless something happens or not, you will retrieve the contact with the Holy Spirits by putting down your feelings and thoughts of each moment.

Soul #4: 5
We are here as the Holy Spirits to encourage your brothers' awakening.  
If you acknowledge the purpose, the Holy Spirits will tell you when, where, who and how you support.

Soul #5: 18R → 15
Make a list of things you need the most currently.
Will of God will be practiced if we share Joy with our brothers.
Thus, giving you the necessary tools is part of jobs of the Holy Spirits.
Tell them what you need without reserve.

Soul #6: the Fool → 6
Acknowledge being a child of God as you spend your time.
Then you will see that undertaking what is asked by God is your joy and you don't want to do anything else.
That awareness is the beginning of your true freedom.

Soul #7: 1R → 12
You cannot change your situation no matter how much effort you put sometimes.
In such case, leave everything to the Holy Spirits, stay calm and take it easy.
Then, things will get better sometime soon.

Soul #8: 20R → 10
If you wish the world to be safe and calm, that is the sign of your job.
Focus sorely on Christ consciousness within your brothers and keep blessing.
The more delightfully you work, the more world will be filled with miracles.

Soul #9: 8R → 7
Intend "to learn Wisdom of Heaven."
The quality of silence of inner self will expand by the intention, and the Holy Spirits will bring Wisdom there. 
When you try to put it into words, you will know the real meaning of writing and telling for the first time.

week card    17R→  11 : 先週に続いて、今週も世界は大きく変動するようです。

soul ①    16R→  3 :  物事が期待通りに動かないとしても、愛以外のものを選ばないでください。

soul ②    21R→  4 :  私たちは神の子である、という立ち位置を保ちましょう。

soul ③    19R→  2 : 今週は特に書く事をお勧めします。

soul ④    5 : 私たちは聖霊として、兄弟たちの目覚めを促すためにここにいるのです。
その目的に感謝していれば、いつどこで どのような人々を、どのようにサポートするのかは聖霊が教えてくれます。

soul ⑤    18R→  15 :  あなたが今、最も必要としているものをリストアップしてください。

soul ⑥    愚者R→  6 :   私たちが神の子であることに感謝して過ごしましょう。

soul ⑦    1R→  12 :   どんなに努力しても状況が変わらない時もあります。

soul ⑧    20R→  10 :   世界を安全に、より穏やかなものにしたいと願うのなら、それが仕事の合図です。

soul ⑨    8R→  7 :  「天国の智識を学ぼう」と意志してください。

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