

The Card of the Week: 1
Before Christmas, the fresh wind blows in.
Hold the hands of the Holy Spirits,and take care of old issues on a roll. 
Decide to clean your mind especially what you have been procrastinating to take care of.
The decision will move you to take the next action (because the Holy Spirits are around), and you will be surprised by yourself standing on the next stage and fitting in there.

Soul #1: 2R → 21
No matter what happens, see your situation as "the best thing for me to happen."
Don't look for the reason for the situation but always ask the Holy Spirits.
When you do so, the aspect of the Holy Spirit of the incident will be clear and you will thank it from bottom of your heart.
Then, it's time for you to graduate from the incident.
Step forward to the next stage, the world filled with light.

Soul #2: 5
When you tell something to others, always remember that, "there is no one outside."
There is only yourself in the past searching for the truth in wrong places, and crying out for Love in despair.
Once you recognize that, your words will be filled with Love and Forgiveness more than ever, and the world will bring back its light little by little.

Soul #3: 16
Finally the entire picture of what you have learned and built up consistently is becoming visible.
However, you can't rest easy yet, even though it is getting pulled into shape.
Unless Light of God come through, our learning, Forgiveness, will not be over.
Let Him decide when it comes, and continue your task for a while.

Soul #4: 12R → 11
When everything is going well, people often get depressed without any reason.
If it happens, inhale the heaviness of the feeling as it is with white light, exhale as you leave it to the Holy Spirits, and keep breathing.
And then, you will go beyond the rule of the world of dualism (light/darkness), and find yourself in the true world that you have always longed for.

Soul #5: 14
Great power of healing is poured into you.
However, it is a great opportunity for forgiveness.
During this week, keep your mind calm and peaceful as much as you can.
If you get sleepy, is possible, say "I devote this sleep to the Holy Spirits." and go to sleep.
When you wake up, the world will be filled with a little more light than before.

Soul #6: 18R → 13
When you are involved with thoughts of others and the peace of your mind is untuned, step away form the situation promptly.
After that, once you remind yourself that your task is to keep your mind calm and keep sending love, peace and blessing to your brothers no matter when,go back to there again.
Thanks to your work, the situation is working out completely by the time you are back.

Soul #7: 17R → 9
A teacher of God with experience teach his student,who is searching for the answer, forgiveness first.
That is because he knows that unless the student learn forgiveness and the student's mind gets peaceful, the answer of the Holy Spirits won't reach there.
It certainly is a task that takes patience.
However, if you remember that, "Even I could come this far.", it is not that hard thing to practice.
Even the memory of yourself being at rock bottom can be gracefully exploitable once you leave it to the Holy Spirits.   

Soul #8: The FoolR → 10
When you regain ture freedom is when you understand that your love and trust for God is actually love for yourself.
Of course, you would cry out, "Such a violate thought is unacceptable as a man!", but God is not a man in the first place.
In other words, your crying will be ignored.
I'm sorry!

Soul #9: 20
You health and exertion of your gift is up to how much you love and thank people aroung you, expecially your family.
In other word, if you are not in your best physical condition, there is only one thing you should do!
As if you are the angel of card #20, forgive and bless all mankind with your egoistic reason♪ 

week card    1 :  クリスマスを前に新鮮な風が吹き込んで来ました。

soul ①    2R→  21 :  どのようなことが起ころうとも、「全て良いことが起こっている」と判断してください。

soul ②    5 :  誰かに何かを伝えようとするときには、必ず「外側には誰もいない」ことを思い出してください。

soul ③    16 : これまでコツコツと学び、築き上げてきたものの全貌が、ようやく見えてくるようになりました。

soul ④    12R→  11 : 全てが上手くいっているときに限って、意味もなく心が沈みこむことがあります。

soul ⑤    14 :  大きな癒しの力があなたへ注がれています。

soul ⑥    18R→  13 :  身近な人々の思考に巻き込まれ心の平安が乱されそうなときには、速やかにその場から離れてください。

soul ⑦    17R→  9 :   経験を積んだ神の教師は、急いで答を求める学習者に、まず赦すことを教えます。

soul ⑧    愚者R→ 10 :   あなたが真の自由を取り戻す時とは、あなたの御父に対する信頼と愛が、実は自分自身への愛だったと理解する時なのです。
もちろん今のあなたの段階では「そんな冒涜的な思考は 人として許されない!!」と叫ぶでしょうが、もとより御父は人間ではありません。

soul ⑨    20 :   あなたの健康と才能の開花は、あなたが身近な人々、特に家族をどれほど愛し感謝で満たすかにかかっています。

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