

The Color of the Week: the FoolR → 10
If you feel that, "I have no freedom.", it is a great opportunity of your release.
Keep breathing for a while: Inhale its weight as it is with white light, and exhale with the picture of leaving it to the Holy Spirit.
Then, you will find yourself have become lighter, and you will be able to get a glimpse of what freedom is. 

Soul #1: 18
When something you have been waiting for comes in front of you, we often get an urge to run away from there. 
For example,the urge show up as a feeling of helplessness or destruction.
However, it's not real but merely something to other the peace of your mind. 
As you understand it, leave it to the Holy Spirits and forgive it, you will find yourself have reached to the middle of light.

Soul #2: 2
One journey is over, but new journey has not started yet. 
The most important lesson now is to understand how you accept this "blank time" or understand how the Holy Spirits take "this time."
As if you are writing down your future on a white page of brand new notebook, write down "this time", that is filled with all kinds of opportunity, as Love for God.

Soul #3: 13R → 21
This world is always changing and any situations are changing every minute.
However, everything is neutral no matter what happens. 
Thus, the only important thing is that, "Who do you look at it with?"
Subsequent deployment may differ depends on who you look at it with: the Holy Spirits or ego.
Keep choosing the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 16 → 1
When you are seized by a sense of helplessness as if you haven't accomplished anything, it is actually a great opportunity of understanding. 
Accept the feeling with white light, and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Then, ask the Holy Spirits what their take is.
You will eventually understand that "I" am nothing other than "nothing" and that you could not make nothing other than "nothing" even if you tried to make "I" do something.
And that will make you crack up.

Soul #5: 15R → 14
When all of what you wanted fade out and you don't care for anything in this world anymore, it means your understanding as a man is getting close to completion.
However, like what Buddha did 2500 years ago, I don't recommend you to stop there.
Decide to go beyond "there is no world." and vault toward "the world where only God is."
Then, Heaven is come closer to you more and more as you walk following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #6: 5
When you whare what you have learned with your brothers, we tend to think that, "Since there is no world nor body, sharing it within mind is enough."
However, since a body doesn't really exist, it can became a brilliant tool as your mind wish.
And, God is the one who is asking you to use your body like that and, as the Holy Spirit, work on your brothers who only can recognize your body.

Soul #7: 4
In our case, to be realistic means that, "your feet firmly fixed to Heaven."
Stay, think and act "Heavenly" no matter what happens this week.
Don't worry about how.
As always, ask the Holy Spirits every time.

Soul #8: 11R → 12
You might be bored to death a little as you understand where you stand objectively.  
It is difficult to accept that you thought of yourself pretty awesome but you are not.
However, remember that this world is a school.
If you want to pass the test, what is important is your effort to know your level first and to overcome your shortcomings as you laud your strength.
I'm sorry for such a low-key advice...

Soul #9: 20R → 9
No matter what the situation is, the hint or the shortcut of solution is to remember "I as God created" 
Your task of this week is to not to get involved with your natural emotions or thoughts (because you are just being "natural" in the way of ego, and you know that ego doesn't extist.), stay away from them and look at them with view of the Holy Spirits.
Here is a drill for you♪

week card      愚者R→  10 :  もしあなたが「自分は自由ではない」と感じているのなら、それは解放の大いなるチャンスです。
soul ①   18 :  待ち望んでいたものが目前に来たとき、私たちはしばしばそこから逃げ出したくなる衝動に駆られるものです。

soul ②    2 :  ひとつの旅が終わり、しかしまだ新しい旅は始まりません。

soul ③    13R→  21 :  この世界は常に移ろっていくものであり、状況は刻一刻変化していきます。

soul ④    16R→  1 :  自分がこれまで何もやってこなかったような無力感に襲われたときは、実は大きな理解のチャンスなのです。

soul ⑤    15R→  14 :  かって自分が欲しかったものがことごとく色褪せ、もはやこの世界に欲しいものはないと感じたならば、それは人としての理解が完成の域に近づいた証です。

soul ⑥    5 :   自分が学んだものを兄弟に分かち合うとき、時として私たちは「世界はないし肉体もないのだから、分かち合いは心の中だけで充分である」と考えがちです。           

soul ⑦    4 :   現実的であることは、私たちの場合「天国に足をつけて考えること」を意味します。  
具体的にどうすればいいの? なんて心配しなくても大丈夫。

soul ⑧    11R→ 12 :   自分の立ち位置を客観的に分かってきて、いささかゲンナリしているかもしれません。

soul ⑨    20R→  9 :   どのような状況であっても「御父が創造されたままの自分」を想起することが問題解決の糸口、あるいはショートカットになります。


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