

the Card of the Week: 11R → 18
When you are attacked by an emotion, notice that it is a seduction by ego.
For some, the seduction may be an anger, for others it may be depression caused by comparing with others.
If you can: notice that; stop once; and leave it to the Holy Spirits, great miracles will appear there. 
Although havind said that, go slow and move forward with caution.

Soul #1: 21R → 17
In some cases, fear or anger may rise by choosing the Holy Spirits.
However, these emotions have been hidden deep under your consciousness but surfaced "to be healed."
Regardless what they are, inhale these emotions with white light, and exhale as you leave them to the Holy Spirits.
It surealy takes time, but they will be attenuated by God.

Soul #2: 12
Have you accepted that, "In this world, what you love the most is equal to yourself."?
For a while, taste this world that is too wonderful to do something about it.
If you stay "here" with the Holy Spirits, silence will be filled with Love, and deep rooted discomfort, distrust and even confusion will disappear.

Soul #3: 3R → 16
To maintain this world, you have given so much effort and dedication.
Of course, it is done unconsciously, but it is time to look at the fact.
If this world is not worth serving, look at the fact that, "there must be other way of thinking than this.

Soul #4: 9
"Intrenchment" inside of you is a great gift.
Please don't cut it off as "hopeless stubbornness", but leave it to the Holy Spirits as it is.
The Holy Spirits will transform it into "steady awareness as a holy existance."
This transformation will be done in a blink of an eye, because, to tell you the truth, it was your original quality.lol

Soul #5: 5R → 10
The path the Holy Spirit is showing you is a path of light filled with joy and life forth.
However, Ego will scream that, "If you choose it, you will corrupt!", and show you "a path for a decent human." that you would never like.
Don't listen to such temptation.
Instead, walk of the path shown by God, that is, "nothing other than your favorite thing exists."

Soul #6: 20
Neither God nor the Holy Spirits belong to this world.
Therefore, the path they show is not necessarily based on the common-sense of this world.
If doesn't mean understanding this will get rid of fear of following the Holy Spirits.
However, it gives you courage to "trust the Holy Spirits and move forward even if I'm scared."
This courage is really useful right now.

Soul #7: 7
For people with quality of 7, temptation by ego means "spitefulness."
If it goes toward others, it is curse.
If it goes toward oneself, it is anger, wrecking, or losing one's will to live.
However, if you leave it to the Holy Spiirts, it will be "bullying ego,", and you will start working on undoing ego with infinite hardiness.
Isn't it amazing?

Soul #8: 13
Praise your intense desire inside of you that is, "I want to serve others."
Instead of thinking like, "Since there is no world, so there is no person.", leave the precious quality of your desire to the Holy Spirits.
There is no point thinking, "What would happen then?"
Something terribly wonderful that is beyond your imagination is prepared for you.

Soul #9: 14R → 4
I bet you noticed that whatever rubs your time is actually always
"a golden path prepared by the Holy Spirits to lead you to Heaven."
Praise yourself for trying to accept any situation inhumanly saying, "the best thing is happening."

week card    11R→ 18 : あなたが感情に襲われたとき、それはエゴによる誘惑だと気づいていてください。

soul ①    21R→  17 :  聖霊を選択することで恐怖心、あるいは怒りがこみ上げてくる場合があります。

soul ②    12 :  「実相の世界では、あなたがもっとも愛するものとあなた自身は等しい」ということを受け入れたでしょうか?

soul ③    3R→  16 :  この世界を維持するために あなたは途方もない努力と献身を捧げてきました。

soul ④    9 :  あなたの内にある「揺るぎのなさ」は大いなる宝です。

soul ⑤    5R→  10 :  聖霊があなたに示している道は、喜びと生命力に満ちた光の道です。

soul ⑥    20 :   御父も聖霊もこの世のものではありません。

soul ⑦    7 :   7の質を持つ人にとって、エゴによる誘惑とは「意地悪」です。
びっくりでしょ? w

soul ⑧    13 :   あなたの内にある「人のために役に立ちたい」という強烈な願望を誉め讃えてください。

soul ⑨    14R→  4 :   あなたの時間を奪っていると思われていたものは、実は全て「あなたを天国に導くために 聖霊によって用意されていた黄金の道だった」と気づかれたと思います。




the Card of The Week: 10R → 19
When it is hard to hear the voice of the Holy Spirits, take a moment and ask yourself a question.
You might be just saying that, "Even though world doesn't exist, I don't want to forgive this issue."
With the Holy Spirits,look at yourself acting like that.
Then, you will become charming all the sudden, and start feeling that, "Well, I will forgive it sooner or later...may be I should forgive now."
Bless you!

Soul #1: 9R → 7
No matter how hard the situation is, the answer of the Holy Spirits is always "to forgive."
When you cannot accept that, take it as, "Ego is attacking me since I'm choosing the Holy Spirits."
You already know that the only way to be free from ego is to forgive ego and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
To feel better ASAP, remember this theory ASAP.

Soul #2: 12R → 2
The closer you come to Heaven, the fiercer the resistances of ego become.
If you know that, you will be imperturbable.
Also, you will know that being perturbable is an opportunity for a great forgiveness.
If you can recognize any trouble as a gift to be transformed into light, you are really close to Heaven.
Soul #3: 8
Truth is something abstract and it is nothing to do with figure.
However, once you accept yourself as something abstract and see the world with the point of view as an abstract being, the world will change dramatically.
That is because the world is just a image that "changes based on your thoughts.l"

Soul#4: 6R → 11
As you give full play to your talent given by God, you will remember who you are and you will accept it.
Then, you will start working on your brothers who obstinately assume that "I'm not a child of God." surely but without letting them notice it.
Miracles happen in a blink of an eye.

Soul #5: 3
Now is time for you to let go of your conception of work,that is deeply rooted yet totally meaningless for Heaven.
A child of God works because it fun to work.
It is exactly the same quality as God, and there is nothing but Joy.
Don't you want to expand the new (superterrestrial) concept without letting anyone know about it on this earth?

Soul #6: 15
No matter how much your brothers cry out, "The world is! Lack is!", you cannot move your mind from Truth anymore.
To make it even firmer, less such youself to a great extent,and pray (in private) that, "I wish all brothers filled with happiness like me."

Soul #7: 16
This world is made to make it impossible to escape from problems."
And, no matter what form it takes, a temptation will never be away from the following concept:
With the insanity that, "I want to recogize myself as someone other than as a child of God.", you have a wish to stay in this hell.
Isn't it informative?

Soul #8: the FoolR → 14
If you acknowledge a brother as "completely forgivable", it is a beginning of a miracle.
That is because it means that you put him as a mirror and sensed that, "I'm totally worth forgiving."
Now, don't sway from this self-recognithion.

Soul #9: 13
While you live in this world, you live in the real world at the same time.
However, the difference between these two worlds, or difference between two concepts(=thought system) inside of you, is so enormous that it is far beyond your understanding.
Therefore, the only thing you can do is to choose one of them and to be asked again and again until you pick the right one.

week card    10R→  19 :  聖霊の声が聞き取り難いと感じられたときは、少し立ち止まって自分に問いかけてください。

soul ①    9R→  7 :  どれほどハードな状況でも、聖霊の答えは常に「赦しなさい」です。

soul ②    12R→  2 :  あなたが天国に近づくほどエゴの抵抗は熾烈になってきます。

soul ③    8 : 真実とは抽象的なものであり、真実と形象とはどのような関わりもありません。

soul ④    6R→  11 : あなたが御父から受け取った才能を喜んで使うほど、あなたは自分が何者なのかを思い出し、それを受容するようになります。

soul ⑤    3 :  今こそ、あなたの内にある「労働に対する(根深く、しかし天国的には全く意味のない)概念」を手放す時です。

soul ⑥    15 :  あなたの兄弟がどれほど「世界はある、欠乏はある!」と叫んでも、もはやあなたの心を真実から動かす力はありません。
「全ての兄弟が、私のように 幸福で満たされますように」。

soul ⑦    16 :   この世界は「問題から逃げられなくするために」作られたものです。

soul ⑧     愚者R→  14:   あなたが一人の兄弟を、「彼は完全に赦しに値する」と知覚できるなら、それが奇跡の始まりです。

soul ⑨    13 :  あなたはこの世界で生きているのと同様に、実相世界でも生きています。
しかしこのふたつの世界、あるいは「あなたの内側にある ふたつの概念=思考システム」の違いは、あなたが理解できる限界を超えて遙かに巨大です。




The Card of the Week: 7R → 3
It is impossible to know "I as God created" in this world.
That is because God is real and this world is not, so there is no bridge in between.
What is sought-after now is:to gain a insight that it is unproductive to have a high hope to merge incompatible thought systems; and to admit that, "I don't know who I am." with humility.

Soul #1: the FoolR → 15
What the Holy Spirits are questioning now is if you look at physical body or recognize the Holy Spirits in this world.
Understanding that you lose one as you choose the other, then look at both of them carefully.
There is no need to pick one in haste.
Since "your future" will be established based on your choice, compare them over first.

Soul #2: 20R → 5
The only thing you can do for most of your brothers you meet in this world is just to forgive them, to give them comfort, and to bless them from a distance.
That is because while they think this world "exists", your most beautiful words don't come through.
Although having said that, J waited for you for 2000 years, so you can wait for them at least that much.lol

Soul #3: 8
It is extremely important for path of inquisition to understand that there is nothing valuable and nothing to find in this world.
If you search for the truth, look where the truth is and follow the Holy Spirits who know where the truth is.

Soul #4: 16R → 14
Own up that what you want more than anything is to forgive and heal your brothers who are crying out for Love.
Don't push away your path and Will of God because of the (silly) reason that it is too cool.
You may be surprised, but a normal child of God is cool by default.

Soul #5: 6
What God is asking you is something very simple.
However, since it is so simple, it is difficult to accept and practice it as long as you have a physical body.
Therefore, don't get despondent even if it takes time for you to accept it.
Instead, admit that you are much happier now comparing to this time last year, and bless yourself with great eclat.

Soul #6: 2R → 13
It is truly fun to put your opinion aside and follow the Holy Spirits as you walk.
Having said that, it is going to be even more important to understand and put into a software (a.k.a. verbalize) what you need to forgive and leave to the Holy Spirits each time,
That is because your intelligence will be transformed to intelligence of the Holy Spirits and it will be expand toward your brothers in this process.

Soul #7: 9
Even in this physical world, what you should search for is "to know yourself."
However, if you are based on the premise that, "there is no world.", Wisdom that is far beyond what the world have recognized will erupt from inside of yourself.
It is an incredible "experience of joy."
Why don't you try it once?lol

Soul #8: 12
Since you have clearly undertood that "There is nothing I want in this world.", that you had been already vaguely aware of, you are much happier and more stabler than before.
Your task is: to look over your brothers gently, who keep watching dreams, from the place like sky without a speck of cloud.
Since they are not asking for anything else, you (even the Holy Spirits) cannot do anything other than that.

Soul #9: 19
Even if it seems that your brothers are disappointed by this world and have started looking for true path, don't be too happy about it. 
As you already know, even though you have been looking for the true path in despair, you have stopped by many places on the way.
Thus, accept that "It takes my lifetime to walk this path.", and be slow and steady as you walk.
"Taking a long view" is the best!



week card    7R→  3 :  この世界では、「御父が創造されたままの私」を知ることは不可能です。

soul ①   愚者R→  15:  聖霊が今あなたに問いかけているのは、あなたはこの世界に肉を見るのか? あるいは聖霊を認識するのか? です。

soul ②    20R→  5 :  あなたがこの世界で出会うほとんどの兄弟たちに出来ることは、ただ赦すこと、そして慰めを与え、遠くから祝福することのみです。

soul ③    8 : この世界にはどのような価値もなく、自分の求めるものは決して見い出せない、と理解することは、探求の道において極めて重要です。

soul ④    16R→  14 :  自分が何よりも求めていたのは、愛を求めて叫んでいる兄弟たちを赦し癒すことだった、と素直に認めてしまいましょう。

soul ⑤    6 :   御父があなたに望んでいることは、とてもシンプルなことです。

soul ⑥    2R→  13 :   自分の意見を脇に置いて聖霊に従って歩いていくのは、本当に楽しいことです。         


soul ⑦     9:   この世界で探求すべき事は、それがたとえ物質世界に限ってでさえ「汝自身を知れ」です。

soul ⑧    12 :   これまで薄々知っていた「この世界に自分の望むものは何もない」という理解を自明のものにしてから、あなたは以前より遙かに幸福に、そして安定してきました。

soul ⑨    19 :   たとえ兄弟がこの世界に絶望して、真なる道を求め始めたかに見えたとしても、あまり喜ばないでください。




the Card of the Week: 19R → 11
The Holy Spirit is gentle, but they would never compromise your forgiveness.
Also, since you've recognized that, "I'm a treasure of God, you are not allowed to compromise your forgiveness.
Dig out carefully the slightest residues of emotions other than Love which are so small that you thought it was OK to leave them unsolved.
Then, keep leaving them to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 3
No matter how any incidents developed, they are all "corrected at the moment they happened."
What you are asked to do now is not to blame on your brothers or yourself, but to make your recognition the same as the Holy Spirits'.
And, carefully find anything keep from it, forgive them and leave them to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #2: 16
Between there is no contact nor no compromise between ego and the Holy Spirits.  
To choose one thins means to ditch the other.
You have already learned this and made a choice.
That is why you need to recognize others as "people who choose the Holy Spirits."
The world will change for sure with the power of your firm thoughts.

Soul #3: 7
If you totally choose the Holy Spirits, the Heaven will stoop down for you and you will be transformed in a heartbeat.
However, it is not a change, but it simply means that you came back to who you originally are. 
And it is something very natural to you.

Soul #4: 9
Accept that the old world will disappear by forgiving.
However, it doesn't mean that, "What certainly was there doesn't exist anymore."
It means to understand that, "It has never existed and It never will."

Soul #5: the Fool
For a long time, you have constantly worked on yourself and observed how your thoughts choose suffering and try to make yourself stay there.
Then, when you noticed that, you also noticed that there is another thought system and you kept choosing it.
This understanding and practice leads you to the true freedom.
Extol this effort!

Soul #6: 5
Evidently, this world isn't.
However, you also hear voice of your brothers who are caught up in "the world arised from a sense of guid to punish themselves"  and crying out for love.
Then, you wonder if you can help their awakening without being influenced by their thoughts (you sure can!)
Just like how J acts toward you, be marciful to your brothers.

Soul #7: 15R → 8
If you know that true abundance is not something tangible.
If you forgive and bless your brothers in somewhere without material, that it enough.
Then, if you need something tangible, the world will approach toward you.
Keep your mind calm and stay peaceful.

Soul #8: 13R → 2
You became able to recognize yourself as a holy being.
You also know that people you love also have the same holiness as yours.
Now, what you should work on is to understand that, "this holiness once existed in bad guys you met before.
Now that it is mentioned, it sounds true, isn't it? lol

Soul #9: 20R → 4
As you already know, the right position for you to stand on is so simple, like "There is no world nor I."
When you have this view, what do you think of the meaning of light and shadow, good and bad, and victimizer and victim?
Are there anything meaningless?
As you look at it quietly, a thin veil of false recognition will disappear and what is left is "you as God created."

week card    19R→  11 :  聖霊は優しいですが、あなたの赦しに関しては決して妥協しません。 

soul ①    3 : これまでの経緯がどうあろうと、それらは全て「起こったと同時に訂正されて」います。  

soul ②    16 :  エゴと聖霊の間に、接点も妥協もありません。

soul ③    7 :  あなたが全一に聖霊を選択すれば、天国は直ちにあなたへと身をかがめ、一瞬にしてあなたを変容させるでしょう。

soul ④    9 :  赦すことによって、それまでの世界は消えていくことを受容してください。 

soul ⑤    愚者 :  あなたは長い間、自分自身への絶え間のない働きかけにより、自らの思考がどのように苦しみを選び、そこに留まらせようとするのかを観察してきました。

soul ⑥    5 :   確かにこの世界は存在していません。
soul ⑦    15R→  8 :   もしあなたが、真の豊かさは形ではないことを知っていたら。

soul ⑧    13R→  2 :   あなたは自己を聖なる存在として認められるようになりました。

soul ⑨    20R→  4 :   あなたも既に理解されているように、あなたの正しい立ち位置とは、「世界/私はない」という実にシンプルなものです。
それを静かに見つめ続けることにより、誤認識という薄いベールは消え去り、その後に残るものこそ「御父が創造されたままの あなた」なのです。



The Card of the Week: 5R → 13
A Happy New Year!
As Treasure of God, keep sharing Will of God with your brothers.
Especially when you are with someone who doesn't know the course, it is important to tell them with words they can understand.
Of course it is something you need a patience, but never forget that the Holy Spirits are always with you.

Soul #1: 16
What you have built up is about to blossom out.
What is important here is, "What you have built up until now?"
However, you will be fine since you have studied the course and kept forgiving and trying to forgive your brothers in your everyday life.
Receive a great blessing from God.

Soul #2: 1
You have recognized the right position to stand, that is "I am Treasure of God."
Then, shared it with your brothers promptly, and standing here as "I as One."
While you enjoy this fresh feeling, start working on your task immediately.
The world is waiting for you!

Soul #3: 7
If you would like to have the wisdom of the Holy Spirits, you have to learn keep your mind peaceful first.
It will become possible if you research on "what prevent you from your peace" and forgive them and leave them to the Holy Spirit one by one. 
In that way, people and incidents that deprive the peace of your mind is "a great opportunity of forgiveness" and they are messengers of God.

Soul #4: 21
Your uncompromised learning and practice has been a dedicated support for your brothers.
Do you know how much the Holy Spirits thank you for that?
Once a year is OK, so since this is a new year, is it possible for you to accept Gift from Heaven on this occasion?
("We are serious!" by the Holy Sprits.lol)

Soul #5: 18R → 10
As expantion of your consciousness, the world is calm this much.
If you don't pay attention to it, the crawfis(=dirty old men) will emerge from bottom of your unconsciousness.
Even if happens, you will be fine if you can remember "breathe methog of white light of the Holy Spirits."
Inhale the feeling of self-accusation as it is with the white light, leave it to the Holy Spirits as you exhale.
Then, the crawfish will disappear and the peace, that was originally there, will expand.

Soul #6: 12
You are getting to know that it is so much fun to choose Will of God rather than your personal wish.
That is why you could declare that, "My wish is to deliver Will of God!"
God cant leave such a lovely and wondreful child alone.
Don't hesitate to keep receiving many gifts from God this year also.

Soul #7: 15R → 17
Don't contemplate too much as Treasure of God, how you express and expand Will of God.
What you are asked is merely "your modest motivation."
If you keep devoting this motivation every moment,a flood of data to share will come to you through the Holy Spirits.
The more you share it with your brothers, the closer the world become to dream like Heaven.
Keep working rather than contemplating♪

Soul #8: 3
As you know already, the only truely creative thing in this world is, "healing based on the thought system of the Holy Spirits."
For example, applying this to your daily life, a child with bad grades believe that he is not good enough, but a child of God cannot be "not good enough."
It is just a wrong self-recognition (wrong creation).
To amend this is a contribution to your brothers and it means you are practicing Will of God.
Please keep amending the wrong greation of the child (from a  distance.) 

Soul #9: 9
A new year has come, and your recognition is getting clear.
At this point, no one (even you don't) care what kind of dream you had.
Like J, you came to this world to expand Will of God.
It cannot be wrong because the Holy Spirits say so.
It's a new year.
Get over with it with "heavy lifting."lol
All very well and dandy♪

week card    5R→  13 :  あけましておめでとうございます。

soul ①    16 :   これまでコツコツと積み上げてきたものが、今大きな実りになろうとしています。

soul ②    1 :  あなたは「私たちは神の宝物である」という正しい立ち位置を認識しました。

soul ③    7 :  あなたが聖霊の智識を得たいと願うのなら、まず心を平安に保つことを学ばなければなりません。

soul ④    21 : あなたの妥協のない学習と地道な実践は、そのまま兄弟へ対する献身的なサポートになっています。
新年ですから、この機会に天国からの贈り物を受け取ってもらえませんか?(本気です。from 聖霊 w)

soul ⑤    18R→  10 :   あなたの意識の拡張として、世界はこれほど穏やかなのです。

soul ⑥    12 :   あなたはこの数年来の学習により、自分の個人的な願望より御父の意志を選んだ方がずっと楽しいと分かってきました。           
soul ⑦    15R→  17 :   御父の宝物として、御父の意志をどのように表現し拡張していけばよいのか、なんてあまり悩まないでください。

soul ⑧    3 :   既に理解されているように、この世界で真に創造的であると呼べるのは「聖霊の思考システムに基づく癒し」のみです。

soul ⑨    9 :   年が改まり、あなたの認識も明確になってきました。