the Card of the Week: 11R → 18
When you are attacked by an emotion, notice that it is a seduction by ego.
For some, the seduction may be an anger, for others it may be depression caused by comparing with others.
If you can: notice that; stop once; and leave it to the Holy Spirits, great miracles will appear there.
Although havind said that, go slow and move forward with caution.
Soul #1: 21R → 17
In some cases, fear or anger may rise by choosing the Holy Spirits.
However, these emotions have been hidden deep under your consciousness but surfaced "to be healed."
Regardless what they are, inhale these emotions with white light, and exhale as you leave them to the Holy Spirits.
It surealy takes time, but they will be attenuated by God.
Soul #2: 12
Have you accepted that, "In this world, what you love the most is equal to yourself."?
For a while, taste this world that is too wonderful to do something about it.
If you stay "here" with the Holy Spirits, silence will be filled with Love, and deep rooted discomfort, distrust and even confusion will disappear.
Soul #3: 3R → 16
To maintain this world, you have given so much effort and dedication.
Of course, it is done unconsciously, but it is time to look at the fact.
If this world is not worth serving, look at the fact that, "there must be other way of thinking than this.
Soul #4: 9
"Intrenchment" inside of you is a great gift.
Please don't cut it off as "hopeless stubbornness", but leave it to the Holy Spirits as it is.
The Holy Spirits will transform it into "steady awareness as a holy existance."
This transformation will be done in a blink of an eye, because, to tell you the truth, it was your original
Soul #5: 5R → 10
The path the Holy Spirit is showing you is a path of light filled with joy and life forth.
However, Ego will scream that, "If you choose it, you will corrupt!", and show you "a path for a decent human." that you would never like.
Don't listen to such temptation.
Instead, walk of the path shown by God, that is, "nothing other than your favorite thing exists."
Soul #6: 20
Neither God nor the Holy Spirits belong to this world.
Therefore, the path they show is not necessarily based on the common-sense of this world.
If doesn't mean understanding this will get rid of fear of following the Holy Spirits.
However, it gives you courage to "trust the Holy Spirits and move forward even if I'm scared."
This courage is really useful right now.
Soul #7: 7
For people with quality of 7, temptation by ego means "spitefulness."
If it goes toward others, it is curse.
If it goes toward oneself, it is anger, wrecking, or losing one's will to live.
However, if you leave it to the Holy Spiirts, it will be "bullying ego,", and you will start working on undoing ego with infinite hardiness.
Isn't it amazing?
Soul #8: 13
Praise your intense desire inside of you that is, "I want to serve others."
Instead of thinking like, "Since there is no world, so there is no person.", leave the precious quality of your desire to the Holy Spirits.
There is no point thinking, "What would happen then?"
Something terribly wonderful that is beyond your imagination is prepared for you.
Soul #9: 14R → 4
I bet you noticed that whatever rubs your time is actually always
"a golden path prepared by the Holy Spirits to lead you to Heaven."
Praise yourself for trying to accept any situation inhumanly saying, "the best thing is happening."
week card 11R→ 18 : あなたが感情に襲われたとき、それはエゴによる誘惑だと気づいていてください。
soul ① 21R→ 17 : 聖霊を選択することで恐怖心、あるいは怒りがこみ上げてくる場合があります。
soul ② 12 : 「実相の世界では、あなたがもっとも愛するものとあなた自身は等しい」ということを受け入れたでしょうか?
soul ③ 3R→ 16 : この世界を維持するために あなたは途方もない努力と献身を捧げてきました。
soul ④ 9 : あなたの内にある「揺るぎのなさ」は大いなる宝です。
soul ⑤ 5R→ 10 : 聖霊があなたに示している道は、喜びと生命力に満ちた光の道です。
soul ⑥ 20 : 御父も聖霊もこの世のものではありません。
soul ⑦ 7 : 7の質を持つ人にとって、エゴによる誘惑とは「意地悪」です。
びっくりでしょ? w
soul ⑧ 13 : あなたの内にある「人のために役に立ちたい」という強烈な願望を誉め讃えてください。
soul ⑨ 14R→ 4 : あなたの時間を奪っていると思われていたものは、実は全て「あなたを天国に導くために 聖霊によって用意されていた黄金の道だった」と気づかれたと思います。