

The Card of the Week: 5R → 13
A Happy New Year!
As Treasure of God, keep sharing Will of God with your brothers.
Especially when you are with someone who doesn't know the course, it is important to tell them with words they can understand.
Of course it is something you need a patience, but never forget that the Holy Spirits are always with you.

Soul #1: 16
What you have built up is about to blossom out.
What is important here is, "What you have built up until now?"
However, you will be fine since you have studied the course and kept forgiving and trying to forgive your brothers in your everyday life.
Receive a great blessing from God.

Soul #2: 1
You have recognized the right position to stand, that is "I am Treasure of God."
Then, shared it with your brothers promptly, and standing here as "I as One."
While you enjoy this fresh feeling, start working on your task immediately.
The world is waiting for you!

Soul #3: 7
If you would like to have the wisdom of the Holy Spirits, you have to learn keep your mind peaceful first.
It will become possible if you research on "what prevent you from your peace" and forgive them and leave them to the Holy Spirit one by one. 
In that way, people and incidents that deprive the peace of your mind is "a great opportunity of forgiveness" and they are messengers of God.

Soul #4: 21
Your uncompromised learning and practice has been a dedicated support for your brothers.
Do you know how much the Holy Spirits thank you for that?
Once a year is OK, so since this is a new year, is it possible for you to accept Gift from Heaven on this occasion?
("We are serious!" by the Holy Sprits.lol)

Soul #5: 18R → 10
As expantion of your consciousness, the world is calm this much.
If you don't pay attention to it, the crawfis(=dirty old men) will emerge from bottom of your unconsciousness.
Even if happens, you will be fine if you can remember "breathe methog of white light of the Holy Spirits."
Inhale the feeling of self-accusation as it is with the white light, leave it to the Holy Spirits as you exhale.
Then, the crawfish will disappear and the peace, that was originally there, will expand.

Soul #6: 12
You are getting to know that it is so much fun to choose Will of God rather than your personal wish.
That is why you could declare that, "My wish is to deliver Will of God!"
God cant leave such a lovely and wondreful child alone.
Don't hesitate to keep receiving many gifts from God this year also.

Soul #7: 15R → 17
Don't contemplate too much as Treasure of God, how you express and expand Will of God.
What you are asked is merely "your modest motivation."
If you keep devoting this motivation every moment,a flood of data to share will come to you through the Holy Spirits.
The more you share it with your brothers, the closer the world become to dream like Heaven.
Keep working rather than contemplating♪

Soul #8: 3
As you know already, the only truely creative thing in this world is, "healing based on the thought system of the Holy Spirits."
For example, applying this to your daily life, a child with bad grades believe that he is not good enough, but a child of God cannot be "not good enough."
It is just a wrong self-recognition (wrong creation).
To amend this is a contribution to your brothers and it means you are practicing Will of God.
Please keep amending the wrong greation of the child (from a  distance.) 

Soul #9: 9
A new year has come, and your recognition is getting clear.
At this point, no one (even you don't) care what kind of dream you had.
Like J, you came to this world to expand Will of God.
It cannot be wrong because the Holy Spirits say so.
It's a new year.
Get over with it with "heavy lifting."lol
All very well and dandy♪

week card    5R→  13 :  あけましておめでとうございます。

soul ①    16 :   これまでコツコツと積み上げてきたものが、今大きな実りになろうとしています。

soul ②    1 :  あなたは「私たちは神の宝物である」という正しい立ち位置を認識しました。

soul ③    7 :  あなたが聖霊の智識を得たいと願うのなら、まず心を平安に保つことを学ばなければなりません。

soul ④    21 : あなたの妥協のない学習と地道な実践は、そのまま兄弟へ対する献身的なサポートになっています。
新年ですから、この機会に天国からの贈り物を受け取ってもらえませんか?(本気です。from 聖霊 w)

soul ⑤    18R→  10 :   あなたの意識の拡張として、世界はこれほど穏やかなのです。

soul ⑥    12 :   あなたはこの数年来の学習により、自分の個人的な願望より御父の意志を選んだ方がずっと楽しいと分かってきました。           
soul ⑦    15R→  17 :   御父の宝物として、御父の意志をどのように表現し拡張していけばよいのか、なんてあまり悩まないでください。

soul ⑧    3 :   既に理解されているように、この世界で真に創造的であると呼べるのは「聖霊の思考システムに基づく癒し」のみです。

soul ⑨    9 :   年が改まり、あなたの認識も明確になってきました。

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