

the Card of The Week: 10R → 19
When it is hard to hear the voice of the Holy Spirits, take a moment and ask yourself a question.
You might be just saying that, "Even though world doesn't exist, I don't want to forgive this issue."
With the Holy Spirits,look at yourself acting like that.
Then, you will become charming all the sudden, and start feeling that, "Well, I will forgive it sooner or later...may be I should forgive now."
Bless you!

Soul #1: 9R → 7
No matter how hard the situation is, the answer of the Holy Spirits is always "to forgive."
When you cannot accept that, take it as, "Ego is attacking me since I'm choosing the Holy Spirits."
You already know that the only way to be free from ego is to forgive ego and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
To feel better ASAP, remember this theory ASAP.

Soul #2: 12R → 2
The closer you come to Heaven, the fiercer the resistances of ego become.
If you know that, you will be imperturbable.
Also, you will know that being perturbable is an opportunity for a great forgiveness.
If you can recognize any trouble as a gift to be transformed into light, you are really close to Heaven.
Soul #3: 8
Truth is something abstract and it is nothing to do with figure.
However, once you accept yourself as something abstract and see the world with the point of view as an abstract being, the world will change dramatically.
That is because the world is just a image that "changes based on your thoughts.l"

Soul#4: 6R → 11
As you give full play to your talent given by God, you will remember who you are and you will accept it.
Then, you will start working on your brothers who obstinately assume that "I'm not a child of God." surely but without letting them notice it.
Miracles happen in a blink of an eye.

Soul #5: 3
Now is time for you to let go of your conception of work,that is deeply rooted yet totally meaningless for Heaven.
A child of God works because it fun to work.
It is exactly the same quality as God, and there is nothing but Joy.
Don't you want to expand the new (superterrestrial) concept without letting anyone know about it on this earth?

Soul #6: 15
No matter how much your brothers cry out, "The world is! Lack is!", you cannot move your mind from Truth anymore.
To make it even firmer, less such youself to a great extent,and pray (in private) that, "I wish all brothers filled with happiness like me."

Soul #7: 16
This world is made to make it impossible to escape from problems."
And, no matter what form it takes, a temptation will never be away from the following concept:
With the insanity that, "I want to recogize myself as someone other than as a child of God.", you have a wish to stay in this hell.
Isn't it informative?

Soul #8: the FoolR → 14
If you acknowledge a brother as "completely forgivable", it is a beginning of a miracle.
That is because it means that you put him as a mirror and sensed that, "I'm totally worth forgiving."
Now, don't sway from this self-recognithion.

Soul #9: 13
While you live in this world, you live in the real world at the same time.
However, the difference between these two worlds, or difference between two concepts(=thought system) inside of you, is so enormous that it is far beyond your understanding.
Therefore, the only thing you can do is to choose one of them and to be asked again and again until you pick the right one.

week card    10R→  19 :  聖霊の声が聞き取り難いと感じられたときは、少し立ち止まって自分に問いかけてください。

soul ①    9R→  7 :  どれほどハードな状況でも、聖霊の答えは常に「赦しなさい」です。

soul ②    12R→  2 :  あなたが天国に近づくほどエゴの抵抗は熾烈になってきます。

soul ③    8 : 真実とは抽象的なものであり、真実と形象とはどのような関わりもありません。

soul ④    6R→  11 : あなたが御父から受け取った才能を喜んで使うほど、あなたは自分が何者なのかを思い出し、それを受容するようになります。

soul ⑤    3 :  今こそ、あなたの内にある「労働に対する(根深く、しかし天国的には全く意味のない)概念」を手放す時です。

soul ⑥    15 :  あなたの兄弟がどれほど「世界はある、欠乏はある!」と叫んでも、もはやあなたの心を真実から動かす力はありません。
「全ての兄弟が、私のように 幸福で満たされますように」。

soul ⑦    16 :   この世界は「問題から逃げられなくするために」作られたものです。

soul ⑧     愚者R→  14:   あなたが一人の兄弟を、「彼は完全に赦しに値する」と知覚できるなら、それが奇跡の始まりです。

soul ⑨    13 :  あなたはこの世界で生きているのと同様に、実相世界でも生きています。
しかしこのふたつの世界、あるいは「あなたの内側にある ふたつの概念=思考システム」の違いは、あなたが理解できる限界を超えて遙かに巨大です。


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