The Card of the Week: 19
Our job is to be happy.
Joy will be strengthen by sharing, and then, Joy will lead us to the understanding of "we are one."
Listen to the Holy Spirits and move forward as you sing the song of Joy with the Holy Spirits.
Soul #1: 17R → 3
Illness or poverty is a thought.
Healing is also a thought since it "corrects a wrong thought."
If you sense something unfulfilling, admit that it is just a mistake and ask the Holy Spirits the right way of thinking.
Soul #2: 15
If you wish to heal your brothers (I know you do.), you have to be fulfilled first.
Unless your mind is itegrated, it is impossible to heal your brothers.
Also, more than anything, the only appropriate attitude as a child of God is to be the condition of Joy, in other words, to be the condition of Love.
Soul #3: 11R → 18
Pay attention to your thought and be careful this week, too.
When you find something other than Love inside of you, study it in depth with the Holy Spirits.
Experience the miracle that any thoughts would change into light with the view of the Holy Spirits.
Soul #4: 10
Accept that your right position is to be totally happy.
You don't have to know what the condition is like.
If you just ask for it and leave it to the Holy Spirits with faith, they will tell you in a careful manner what you should do to make it come true.
Soul #5: 16R → 9
Admit that you are filled with Joy and reaching close to Heaven.
You would realize how much happier you are comparing with yourself a year ago or three years ago.
Thank and praise yourself immensely for coming this far.
Soul #6: 2
Regardless what kind the joy is, every joy of your brothers on this planet will resonate with youre heart as long as the joy is from bottom of their hearts.
Thus, don't be surprised even if you are filled with joy all the sudden in your daily life.
Instead, please receive it.
Soul #7: 1R → 21
The only path to move forward smoothly hereafter is forgiving and healing your brothers.
However, you don't think too much about it.
Since you will experience an amazing Joy, it is inevitable that it will expand to your brothers.
In other words, this messege is inducing you to prepare yourself for it.
Soul #8: 7R → 12
As usual, the world will be even more bushed, and many issues will be left alone without any solutions.
However, stay somewhere safe and watch this nightmare with the view of the Holy Spirits.
Then: understand that,"Because my source has no gratitudes or no wisdom, I have such consequences."; accept it without emotion; and keep forgiving.
The great forgiveness will came back to you as blessing.
Soul #9: 6
No matter what they are, thoughts originated from you will be shared in the world.
In other words, whatever originated from you, or expressed by you will be multiplied.
Once you recognize that, you will understand the basic rule that what you have to be responsible for is your thoughts.
week card 19 : 幸せでいることが私たちの仕事です。
soul ① 17R→ 3 : 病気、あるいは欠乏とはひとつの想念であり、癒しもまた「間違った想念を正す」という意味で、ひとつの想念なのです。
soul ② 15 : もしあなたが兄弟を癒したいと願っているのなら(私たちはそうであることを知っています)、まずあなたが喜びで満たされていなければなりません。
soul ③ 11R→ 18 : 今週も自分の想念に気をつけて、慎重に過ごしてください。
soul ④ 10 : 全一に幸福であることが自分の正しいポジションであることを受け入れてください。
soul ⑤ 16R→ 9 : 自分が確実に喜びに満たされ、天国へ近づいていることを認めましょう。
ここまで来たあなた自身を 大いに感謝して祝福してね。
ここまで来たあなた自身を 大いに感謝して祝福してね。
soul ⑥ 2 : この星にいる兄弟のどのような喜びでも、それが心からの喜びであれば、それらは必ずあなたの心に響きます。 ですから毎日の生活の中で急に喜びに満たされても驚かないで。
soul ⑦ 1R→ 21 : あなたがここから先も健やかに進むためには、兄弟を赦し、癒していくしか道はありません。
soul ⑧ 7R→ 12 : 世界は相変わらず混迷を極め、多くの問題が解決されないまま放置されていくでしょう。
soul ⑨ 6 : それがどのようなものであれ、あなたから生じた想念は必ず世界へと分かち合われていきます。
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