

the Card of the Week: 1
No matter what happens in front of you, don't try to do something about it.
First, give a sigh, and remember that the Holy Spirits are always with you.
If you ask the Holy Spirits to judge what to do, you will get the answer instantly.

Soul #1: 7
Nothing exists but Love.
Meanwhile, don't blame yourself getting involved with it knowing it is not real.
First, admit that you have such tendency, forgive it, and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Everything starts with acceptance of the forgiveness.

Soul #2: 3R → 16
The peaceful view here and now is fruit of your persistent effort and service of forgiving the world.
First, get thrilled with the fact that you also can live this way if you receive the Holy Spirits.
Then, praise yourself for being faithful to God's country only and came this far following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 2
This world was born when a child of God denied God, infinite abundance and Joy.
However, the Holy Spirits say that it ever happened.
To learn the thought system of the Holy Spirits is for you to be one with the Holy Spirits and to remember it.

Soul #4: 6
This week, it is important to have your criteria of judgment stay with the real world.
Even if you perceive it difficult to forgive things in front of you, admit that it is a mistake and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Of course, the easiest thing to do in this situation is to let the Holy Spirits judge everything and follow it.

Soul #5: 13
Shed light to what you assumed the good unconsciously.
Part of it may be a hook set by ego trying to inhibit you from going back to Heaven.
Meanwhile, if you find the hook and leave it to the Holy Spirits, a great liberation will happen.
It is an awesome opportunity!

Soul #6: 12
This week, view the world from the mind of "We are loved."
In time, you will start to feel that the world is a faded shadow picture without sound.
The less you are attracted by this world means the more you are getting your memory of Heaven back, in other words, the closer the inifinite abundance is coming to you.

Soul #7: 8R → 19
Same things may happen over and over around you.
However, remember that it means that, in inside of you, your past that has not healed is crying out for Love.
Just by remembering that, you will know that what you should do now is healing yourself only.
And, in fact, that is the only thing you need to do.

Soul #8: 4
No matter what happens here, the only thing you need to do is to keep your mind peaceful and look at the situation from far away.
However, once you know that the world will get adjusted only by doing so, you might get depressed finding out that all your effort in the past trying to support the world was wrong.
It's OK. The world doesn't exist.
Such things never happened.
(It's a streth. lol)

Soul #9: 17
When you are creating something with the Holy Spirits, you become a quite sacred existence.
That is because when you are having fun creating something, the thoughts filling the space of you desappears and filled with Joy instead.
The time and space filled with Joy is the true piece of work of the aretist, "you."

week card    1 :  目の前でどんなことが起こっても、それに対して自分で何とかしようとしないでください。

soul ①    7 :  愛以外のものは存在していません。

soul ②    3R→  16 :  今ここにある平和な光景は、これまで地道に世界を赦してきたあなたの努力と貢献の結晶です。

soul ③    2 :  この世界は神の子が御父を否定し、無限の豊かさと喜びを否定したことで生じました。

soul ④    6 :  今週は、自分の判断基準を実相の世界にとどめ続けることが重要です。

soul ⑤    13 :  これまであなたが無意識に善としてきたことに光を当ててください。

soul ⑥    12 :   今週も、「私たちは愛されている」という揺るぎのない心から世界を見てください。

soul ⑦    8R→  19 :   あなたの周辺で同じような事が繰り返し起こるかもしれません。

soul ⑧    4 :   ここで何が起ころうとも、あなたが心を平和に保ち、遠くから見ているだけでOKです。

soul ⑨    17 :   あなたが聖霊と共に何かを創造しているとき、あなたは極めて神聖な存在になります。


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