

The Card of the Week: 11R → 6
When your forgiveness progress and the situation becomes peaceful, watch what happens inside of yourself.
Are you going to thank for your peace and bless yourself for coming this far?
Or, are you going to get bored and start asking for stimulus?
Depending on which one you choose, your future will be greatly different.

Soul #1: 20
What you love is your holy family you belong to.
However, you don't have to look for a new family. 
When your heart is filled with Love, look at people close to you with the view of Love.
Then, you will find what you have been asking for.

Soul #2: 17
Offer your brothers what you received from God as it is.
You already know the joy of doing that.
Your next issue is how long you can continue that.
Of course, the answer is "For good."

Soul #: 13
Sometimes, Admitting that you have something other than Love inside, and letting it go cause fear.
Meanwhile, don't forget that it is ego that feel fear.
And of course, you are not the ego.

Soul #4: 19R → 2
You will meet people who are difficult to forgive for sure.
However, the Holy Spirits are telling you that they are also Christs.
No matter how much your perception fight against it, don't choose it.
Your life will be filled with light by living based on wisdom of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #5: 7
Look merely at Christ inside of your brothers keep blessing it. rather than looking at their thoughts and deeds, and keep blessing it.
Even if you are far from them, keep casting your quiet gaze filled with Love.
The Love will invoke miracles for your brothers.
Then, as a result, you will be able to stay in peace unrelentingly.

Soul #6: 10
What you are called for is to look at the world with the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way.
By doing so, you will even be able to see your thoughts and feelings from a step away.
And then, you will know that all materials and thoughts are impermanent, and that only the gaze of the Holy Spirit is permanent.

Soul #7: 15R → 4
If your wish does not come true, that is because the wish got old already.
You may sense more resistance to accept that you no longer have such wish.
However, you, who got over with great issues, cannot be as same as before.
If you accept that you have changed greatly, you will find a new goal.

Soul #8: 1R → 18
Regardless how careful you are with your thoughts and deeds, it seems that you have persistent pictures or abandons.
Focus on judging who you received the thoughts from in a calm way and forgiving the person thoroughly with the power of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #9: 5R → the Fool
Your will to lead your brothers towerd the good is really precious.
However, they are also children of God, and their will should be respected, too.
In other words, what you should ask the Holy Spirits is that, "What should be careful with to accept them in their true colors?"

week card    11R→  6 :  赦しが進み状況が平和になったとき、自分の内側で何が起こるのかを見守ってください。

soul ①    20 :  あなたが愛するものこそ、あなたが属する聖なる家族です。

soul ②    17 :  御父から受け取ったものを、そのまま兄弟へ与えていく。あなたは既にこの喜びを知っています。

soul ③    13 :   自分の内にある愛以外のものを認め、それを手放していくこと。

soul ④    19R→  2 :  これから確かに赦し難い人々に出会うでしょう。

soul ⑤   7 :  兄弟の思考や行動ではなく、彼らの内にあるキリストだけに目を向け祝福し続けてください。

soul ⑥    10 :   今あなたに求められていることは、聖霊と共にただ淡々と世界を見つめることです。

soul ⑦    15R→  4 :   あなたの願いが実現しないとしたら、それは既にその願いが古くなったからです。

soul ⑧    1R→  18 :   あなたがどれほど慎重に自分の思考や行動に気をつけていても、動かし難い観念、あるいは諦めがあるようです。

soul ⑨    5R→  愚者 :   兄弟を善なる方へ導こうとするあなたの意志は本当に尊いものです。


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