

The Card of the Week: the Fool
The power of decision is the power to lead you to the freedom.
Decide what to give to the world.
By following the voice of the Holy Spirits and deciding to to give to the world only Love, the world also give you only Love.

Soul #1: 15R → 19
If the incidents in front of you is not what you wish for, it is a great opportunity for you to change your thoughts.
Firstly, admit that you are the one who created this situation.
And then, relax and wait until the guidance of the Holy Spirits comes.

Soul #2: 12
With the Holy Spirits, you have held your breath looking at what you have made by mistake and have changed them to light.
Now, you packed up your work, and it seems you have some opportunities to enjoy a break little by little this week.
Many lessons are waiting for you next week again, so take it easy for now.

Soul #3: 5
It's time to share with your brothers what you have learned walking with the Holy Spirits.
What you should be careful with is that who you should share first is yourself in the past.
By sharing your Joy with yourself in the past, you will be united with Joy.
All you need to share is "to ask the Holy Spirits."
Isn't it easy?

Soul #4: 14R → 21
When you choose what you really want to do, you may get anxious about your future all the sudden.
However, remember that your time is managed by the Holy Spirits.
If you are filled with gratitude, the Holy Spirits will bring you even greater Joy for you to gratitude more.

Soul #5: 2
During this period of time, stay home as much as possible, and spent time with what brings you Joy.
If you spend your time to understand that, "To spend my time with Joy is to create holy time.", you will receive a great key to be happy in this world.

Soul #6: 20R → 11
Even if some one close to you visit you, the timing may be off.
Even so, choose to think that, "the best thing is happnening to me.", and then, trust the Holy Spirits and wait.
You will find out that that was the best thing for all of us to happen.

Soul #7: 10
To recognize that the abundance inside of myself, it is important to notice inner abundance of your brothers and praise it.
Meanwhile, it doesn't matter if you tell them that directly or not.
That is important is that you know that and you praise it.

Soul #8: 10
Once your wish is clear, you must get rid of its obstacles.
Thus, calmly look at "your inner fears and doubts" that you would have never noticed without people outside.
If you keep forgiving and leaving thm to the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way, your wish will come true.

Soul #9: 4R → 13
When you understand that "I don't need to do anything.", the treasure given by God will set off.
It's as easy as breathing, and it's as joyful as drinking water.
As you taste and thank it, you would be amazed "how I could have done anything without it."
Viva, #9!   

week card    愚者 :  決断する力こそ、あなたを自由に導く力です。

soul ①    15R→  19 :   目の前の出来事があなたの望むものでないとしたら、それはあなたの思考を変える大きなチャンスです。

soul ②    12 :  これまで息を詰めるようにして、聖霊と共に自分の誤創造したものを見つめ、光に変えてきました。 

soul ③    5 :  あなたが聖霊と共に歩み、学んできた様々な物事を兄弟に分かち合う時です。  

soul ④    14R→  21 : あなたが本当にやりたいことを選んだら、急に未来のことが心配になるかもしれません。

soul ⑤    2 :  この時期はできるだけ外出せず、あなたに喜びをもたらすものと共に過ごしてください。

soul ⑥    20R→  11 :   身近な人があなたを訪ねてきたとしても、タイミングが合わないということもあります。

soul ⑦    8 :   自分の内にある豊かさを認識するためには、兄弟たちの内なる豊かさに気づき誉め讃えることが大切です。

soul ⑧    10 :   あなたの願いが明確になったら、それを阻むものを取り除いていかなければなりません。

soul ⑨    4R→  13 :   あなたが「自分は何もする必要はない」と理解した時、御父から贈られた宝物が始動します。


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