

The Card of the Week: 18
The world has reached a threshold and you are asked to live in even more careful manner.
Always watch your thoughts and ask yourself, "What is this for?"
It's OK of it is for expanding Love.
If not, leave it to the Holy Spirits and forget it.

Soul #1: 7
Don't worry about it even if others shoot you a qustioning look when you take an action following the voice of the Holy Spirits.
Your choice will be proved to be right soon enough, and others reap the benefit of it even if they don't notice it.

Soul #2: 10R → 6
You may be lost seeing the vision of the future that is so magnificent that it is beyond your imagination.
However, when you enjoy the vision with the Holy Spirits, you will begin to feel that it is appropriate for you.
Follow the direction given by the Holy Spirits and enjoy working on it.

Soul #3: 13
The world is about to change on a grand scale.
The change is so big that it is almost impossible to acknowledge the situation with the point of view of "I".
Let "limited self-image" go and learn the art of watching the world with the point of view of "us" following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 20R → 3
Focus your consciousness on merely God and Kingdom of God.
If you do so, the power that has slept inside of you will become awake slowly.
That is the power of "Acknowledging everyone as Christ and praising him" or the power of bringing your brothers back on form, Christ.

Soul #5: 19
The more you get closer to Heaven, the more ego show its fangs.
Remember that ego doesn't exist, and never forget it no matter what happens.
Regardless how badly ego acts up inside, you are always choosing the Holy Spirits.
As you admit, appreciate and praise this fact, everything will quiet down.

Soul #6: 4R → 17
Be amenable and ask your brothers for help when you are confused.
It is also very important to understand that asking for help is your kindness to yourself.
If you do so, you will be able to help your brothers like they do now for you.

Soul #7: 12R → 1
When you are unstable, you are not with the Holy Spirits.
However, when you are working or when you are study for your work, you are always with the Holy Spirits.
During this week, focus on working to keep yourself peaceful.

Soul #8: 15
The curerent situation is the consequence, and the cause is your thoughts or your wrong thoughts.
If you want to be Happy, it is important to change the cause rather than the cousequence.
In other words, just regreting the worng thougts in the past instead of correcting them don't change any situations.
Since you have admitted your mistakes, now forgive and leave them to the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #9: the FoolR → 9
Regardless how others' reactions are, there is no doubt that you took an action with the Holy Spirits.
Even if some people leave as a result, it is the best thing for both of you.
Praise yourself for continuing your journey for going back to Heaven rather than for a desire for admiration.

week card    18 :  世界は大きな転換期を迎え、あなたはより慎重な生き方を望まれています。

soul ①    7 :  聖霊に聞き行動した結果、周囲の人々が怪訝な顔をしたとしても気にしないでください。

soul ②    10R→  6 :  あなたの想像を越えて、遙かに壮大な未来のビジョンが見え、途方に暮れているかもしれません。

soul ③    13 :  世界は今、大きく変わろうとしています。

soul ④    20R→  3 : 御父と御父の国だけに意識を集中させてください。

soul ⑤    19 :  あなたが天国に近づくほどエゴは牙を剥いてきます。

soul ⑥    4R→  17 :  混乱している時は素直に兄弟に助けを求めましょう。


soul ⑦    12R→  1 :   あなたにとって不安定な時とは、あなたが聖霊と共にいない時です。

soul ⑧     15:   今の状況は結果であり、原因は過去のあなたの思考、あるいは間違った思考にあります。

soul ⑨   愚者R→  9 :  人々の反応がどうあろうと、あなたが聖霊と共に選択し行動したことに間違いはありません。


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