

the Card of the Week: 9
In this chaotic world, your forgiveness rather than anger is asked.
No matter how miserable the situation in front of you is, at least you should keep forgiving.
Look at the situation with the Holy Spirits, and instead of looking at others as perpetrator, look at them as victims or as ture existence.

Soul #1: 21
Since there is no world, who you should really forgive is yourself.
Once you understand the fact, you will understand that who you had hard time forgiving is a messenger of God and the person who will lead you to Heaven.
Please keep up your forgiveness.

Soul #2: 5R → 16
When you have hard time conveying your thoughts, remember how patient the Holy Spirits has been to cotact you.
Like what the Holy Spirits did for you, if you focus on merely Christ inside them, a new door may open.
But then again, as you work on it, keep in your mind that time and space is not an issue for the Holy Spirits. lol

Soul #3: 14
Your bad memory may come back out of a whim.
Meanwhile, be catious that ego has an ulterior motive behind it.
Your "bad" emotion caused by the memory is making you believe that "the world is."
When you notice it, STOP immediately.

Soul #4: 6
Remember that regardless how shifty ego is, the Holy Spirits are beyond its powerl.
Also, remember that if you continue forgivenenss calmly, your lesson always come to end regardless how hard it is.
It's OK.
Everything is going well.

Soul #5: the Fool → 15
There is a wrong idea, "the world is." behind your "thoughts other than Love."
Because the world is, people get jelous, have a sense of inferiority and feel hopeless.
However, if "there is no world", everything described above is gone.
Since there is no world to begin with, let them desappeared!

Soul #6: 18R → 20
From now on, be cautious not to say "I'm sorry." to yourself and people you love. 
(Of course, an apology as a courtesy of Japanse society is an exeption.)
That is because at the moment you say "I'm sorry.", you imply that both you and other party are "guilty", and the separation get strengthen.
Be careful.

Soul #7: 17
You don't need to try hard to get rid of conflicts from your life.
Instead, ask the Holy Spirits what thoughts are the cause of your conflicts.
When you accept and forgive the answer and leave it to the Holy Spirits, you will understand that "there is no goal of life other than forgiving."
Once you reach to the point, you won't have any conflicts anymore.

Soul #8: 10
Daily small forgiveness is the most important.
If you build it up, your salvation and the salvation of people around you will be achieved.
Even if it take time to forgive, be patient and keep forgiving.
That is the only effective way to invest time in this world.

Soul #9: 7R → 2
"Pertinacity"is the most important quality the students of the course should have.
We have built up forgiveness with this quality and we have prepared to undo the primordial ego.
Thank "yourself" who came this far and appreciate "yourself" who continue this journey.

week card    9 :  この混乱した世界には、あなたの怒りではなく赦しが求められています。 

soul ①    21 :  世界はないのですから、あなたが本当に赦すべき相手はあなた自身なのです。

soul ②    5R→  16 :  あなたの想いが相手に伝わり難い時は、聖霊があなたに忍耐強く接してくれたことを思い出してください。

soul ③    14 :  ふとした拍子に嫌な記憶が蘇ってくることもあります。
気がついたときには、ただちに STOP! ですよ。 

soul ④    6 : エゴがどれほど狡猾であろうとも聖霊には叶わないことを思い出してください。

soul ⑤    愚者R→ 15 :  あなたの抱く「愛以外の思考」の背後には「世界はある」という間違った想念があります。

soul ⑥    18R→  20 :  ここから先、自分に対して、また愛する人々に対して「ごめん」と言わないように気をつけてください。
soul ⑦    17 :   人生から葛藤を取り除こうと頑張る必要はありません。

soul ⑧    10 :   毎日の小さな赦しが何よりも重要です。

soul ⑨    7R→  2 :   「根気強さ」こそコース学習者が持つべきもっとも大切な資質です。


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