The Card of the Week: 16
From Christmas Eve to New Year, the world will move in a flurry.
Meanwhile, you should stay a little away from there with the Holy Spirits, and work on what you supposed to do without being emotional.
"The radiant silence" you have nurtured for a year is growing most surely.
Bring your consciousness to it merely, and cerebrate this blessed day.
Soul#1: 13R → 7
You really tried to accept all the incidents happened as opportunities of forgiveness and really tried hard to forgive them.
What you need to do now is to praise your effort very highly.
Instead of mourning about what you don't have, bless "where you are now" you have reached by your effort.
Then, the coming year will be even more glorious than now.
Soul #2: 2R → 11
Bless "yourself of this year" who kept looking at what is eternal rather than what keeps changing like a reflection on the surface of the water.
And,when you wish to share this blessing with your family and all your brothers who are walking with you, Joy of God will also be yours.
Soul #3: 1R → 21
Accept your mistake, recognize it as just a mistake rather than a sin, forgive it as it is, and leave it to the Holy Spirit.
Then, "the memory of the sin" will disappear from your inside.
In other words, amending your memory that you believe the mistake actually happened means amending all the wrong creations since Genesis.
Isn't it cool?
Soul #4: 18
As you kept looking at your inner self devotedly, you understood how ego change joy into disappointment and light into darkness.
However, what you should notice here is that the kind of light that would change into darkness is not real.
Real light, what J said "light of this world", is "you" who who trust the Holy Spirits, keep looking at the world with the Holy Spirits, and go beyond the world.
Soul #5: 19R → 6
Praise yourself who put your thoughts aside and kept choosing the opinion of the Holy Spirits.
Then, you will notice that God and the Holy Spirits are also thanking you more than you do.
Even if you feel unrealistic, recognizing that, "That's how the system of the Holy Spirits works." is enough.
This recognition will open the new door, and you will notice yourself standing on somewhere wonderful beyond your imagination.
Soul #6: 17
From Christmas to New Year, a wonderful gift will be sent to you who really tried your best as a teacher of God this year.
Furthermore, it lasts not merely one night, but for a while.
Of course, it may be something unvisible, like truth is unvisible, you will know it by God.
That is because, like God, you are not a physical existance.
Soul #7: 20R → 8
It might have been hard for you to forgive what you have experienced this year as "something never happened" and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
However, through the experience, you finally became able to accept Will of God as your will.
And, it also is the beginning of your true life.
Now, give a special thanks to all the incidents and all your brothers that brought you here.
Soul #8: 9
You might have been a little diappointed by noticing that what you have searched for a long time actually was at your finger's end and someting ordinal.
However, you will know the true value of it when you share it with your brothers and when their smiles make your heart filled with Joy.
Soul #9: 3R → 5
When you forgive your family and love them as they are, you will finally know Love of God.
You will know that God also loves unconditionally.
When you accept this Love, you will look at yourself with the view of God fro the first time.
How a snowflake can exist in Love like a beautiful summer garden?
Forget about a snowflake and play in the summer garden.
week card 16 : クリスマス・イブから年末にかけて世界は慌ただしく動いていくでしょう。
soul ① 13R→ 7 : この1年、あなたはここで出会った出来事を全て赦しの機会としてとらえ、本当に頑張って赦そうと努めてきました。
soul ② 2R→ 11 : 水に映る影のように絶えず変化し続けるものではなく、永遠に変わらないものを見つめ続けた「今年のあなた」を祝福してください。
soul ③ 1R→ 21 : 自らの過ちを受け入れ、それを罪としてではなく単なる間違いだと認識しそのまま赦して聖霊にゆだねることで、あなたの内から「罪の記憶」は消えていきます。
soul ④ 18 : あなたは自分の内側を一心に見つけ続けることによって、エゴがどのように喜びを失望に、光を闇に変えていくのかを理解しました。
soul ⑤ 19R→ 6 : 自分の思考を脇に置き、ひたすら聖霊の意見を選び続けたこの1年のあなた自身を誉め讃えてください。
それに対して実感がなくても「聖霊の思考システム上では そうらしい」と認識するだけで充分です。
それに対して実感がなくても「聖霊の思考システム上では そうらしい」と認識するだけで充分です。
soul ⑥ 17 : 今年一年、神の教師として本当に頑張ってきたあなたに、クリスマスから年末にかけて素晴らしい贈り物が届けられます。
しかもそれは一晩だけではなく、この期間ずっと続くようです。 もちろんそれは、(真実がそうであるように)目には見えないものかもしれませんが、あなたには確実に分かります。
しかもそれは一晩だけではなく、この期間ずっと続くようです。 もちろんそれは、(真実がそうであるように)目には見えないものかもしれませんが、あなたには確実に分かります。
soul ⑦ 20R→ 8 : あなたにとってさえ、今年体験したことを「何も起こっていなかったこととして」赦し、聖霊にゆだね続けることはとてもハードだったかもしれません。
soul ⑧ 9 : ずっと探していたものが、実は自分のすぐ側にあった、とても馴染みのあるものだったと気がついて、少しがっかりしてるかもしれません。
soul ⑨ 3R→ 5 : あなたが家族を赦し、そのままの姿を愛すようになったとき、あなたはようやく御父の愛が分かります。