

the Card of the Week: 16
Have you understand that your daily thoughts create your life?
Are these thoughts based on Love or fear?
Keep in your mind "What am I building up?" while you spend your time this week.

Soul #1: 12
You know how to relax as you pay attention to your thoughts. 
Of course, it means keep holding hands of the Holy Spirits in your life.
Realize that you are not only know it, but also applying it to your life.
That's something definitely worth appreciating.

Soul #2: 10R → 6
Even if your wish doesn't come true, keep choosing the thoughts of the Holy Spirits.
Every incidents that happens in this world became neutral as soon as it happens.
When you look at an incident again with the Holy Spirits' take, the incident and the world will transform into those of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 20R → 4
If you feel alone, that is because you are not trying to look at Christ inside of others.
Once you notice this mistake, please forgive such way of your life, leave it to the Holy Spirits, and have them amend the mistake. 
Don't worry. 
Since there is no difference of degree in miracles, your joyful life will start immediately.

Soul #4: 14
You may have been experiencing a great resistance since you started trying looking at Christ inside of your brothers.
However, it is your unconscious thought came up for healing, and it is merely a mistake. 
Once you understand that, you won't get involved in emotions all for nothing anymore.
Keep forgiving and leaving your experience to the Holy Spirits without being emotional. 

Soul #5: 3
When you don't see how you are transforming, try to remember yourself three years ago. 
When you compare yourself now and yourself three years ago, you will be able to understand how much more peaceful you are living now. 
Thank and praise your effort of last three years that have kept creating this peace.

Soul #6: 9R → 19
Recognize that you have your calmness now since you have kept looking at truth inside of others rather than what you see on their surface.
That is not something you learned from people outside, but what you learned from the sacred existance inside of you.
All your guides are just pointing at it just like a finger pointing at the moon.

Soul #7: 11R → 7
Even a strongest sadness or ditterness will be healed someday.
To be with the Holy Spirits simply means you can get the calmness again in a short priod of time.
In other words, what the Holy Spirits suggest is that it is "a little (reeeeeally)" easier than 5000 years of loneliness without forgiveness. lol

Soul #8: 13
Every dream is formed by a wrong assumption that "I am a body."
As you understand that and ammend the mistake with the Holy Spirits, you probably noticed that there is someone who cannot let go no matter what.
However, the important existance here is not that person but yourself who cannot let go.
That is the person (yourself) you are supposed to forgive carefully with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #9: 1
As the world become cool and clear, your mind became clear. 
Notice that the harsh coldness is united with your innder beauty, and look at the world with the view and devote everything to God.
Then, you will be able to understand how God look at His children and the world, the creation of the children little by little.
"Holy Task" given to you will start from here.

week card    16 :  あなたが普段から考えていることがあなたの人生を作っている、ということは、もう充分に理解されたでしょうか。
soul ①    12 :  自分の思考に気を配りながら、同時にリラックスして過ごす方法を、あなたは知っています。

soul ②    10R→  6 :  たとえあなたの願いが叶わないとしても、聖霊の思考を選択し続けてください。

soul ③    20R→  4:  もしあなたが寂しく過ごしているとしたら、それはあなたが人々の中にキリストを見いだそうと努力していないからです。

soul ④    14 :  兄弟の中にキリストを見るように努力し始めて、あたかも生まれて始めて感じるかのような強烈な抵抗を体験しているかもしれません。

soul ⑤    3 :   自分の変化がよく分からないときは、3年前の今頃の自分を思い出してください。

soul ⑥    9R→  19 :  人々の表面に見えるものではなく、その内側にある真実に目を向けてきたからこそ、今の穏やかさがあるのだと理解してください。

soul ⑦    11R→ 7 :   どれほど強い悲しみや恨みですら、いつか癒されていくものです。

soul ⑧    13 :  全ての夢は「自分は肉体である」という間違った思いこみから生じています。

soul ⑨    1 :  世界が冷たく澄んできたと同時に、あなたの心もまたクリアーになってきました。
あなたにゆだねられている「聖なる仕事」は ここから始まります。  


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