
10/29 〜 11/4/2015

the Card of the Week: 19R → the Fool
If you are looking for freedom, you have to start with understanding that you've never been away from Heaven.
For that, it is important to keep separating everything other than Love from your thoughts and keep leaving it to the Holy Spirits.
If you do so, miracles will keep happening to your life and you will eventually understand what true freedom is.
True freedom is your essence.

Soul #1: 4
What you declared as "our happiness" with the Holy Spirits is not just words.
It is rather "declaration to the future, or prediction."
If you leave "when it will happen" to the Holy Spirits, it will be brought to your life by God.
What you need to do now is not to let your fear interfere the Holy Spirits doing their(/our) job. lol

Soul #2: 20
Appreciate that you are always living with the Holy Spirits and sharing Love with them.
Thanks to your dedication, your family is also reaping benefits.
Accept your family as "brothers to go to Heaven with" and laud them, then your journey will be even more enjoyable and filled with light. 
Viva, #2!

Soul #3: 12
Take it easy.
Even if the world seems to be filled with disorder, it is just "someone else's dream."
Of course, you know that "someone else" doesn't exist, so you can say that, "this world is a dream of someone who doesn't exist."
There is noting more meaningless than taking responsibility for what doesn't exist.
Leave everything that you don't worry about it..

Soul #4: 15R → 7
You don't have time to spare to make your wish(the task of the Holy Spirit Co.), "go back to Heaven with brothers and become One with God", come true.  
Since you have decided that, "we will make earnings", your earthy wish is also the Holy Spirits' wish.
Don't hold back but make requests to the Holy Spirits as you like.

Soul #5: 8
Don't hesitate to leave your dream to the Holy Spirits and ask them to toss it around.
Regardless how wonderful vision you have, if you don't share it with the Holy Spirits, it will be almost impossible to expand it in this world. 
Your wish is like a seed.
If you cultivate it carefully with the Holy Spirits, you will find the meaning of your life.
That is because salvation comes when you live with Joy.

Soul #5: 16R → 9
When you are not sure if you are walking toward the right direction, stop once and make sure if your mind is calm.
No matter what the situation is, you are fine if you mind is calm.
You and everyone you love are moveing toward Heaven certainly.

Soul #7: 5
Take no notice, even if your brothers talk rubbish such as, "I not capable of making a dream come true." or "Such great things would never happen to me."
They are still only half awake, and it is your task to help them wake up.
Thus it is a nonsense for you to be upset with it. 
Even if the person doesn't admit it, J says he is Christ. 
What we need to do is to respect the opinion of J rather than his opinion, and talk to Christ inside of him.

Soul #8: 6
You have learned that if you keep looking at Chris inside of everyon, you will be fulfilled no matter where you are on this planet.
With that understanding, face to yourself in the past and correct your memory by saying "I've never felt being away."
This correstion will make you complete and make your wish come ture easier, that is to go back to Heaven with brothers as soon as possible and be One with God.

Soul #9: 11
Many thins comes and goes.
When you look at them with the view of the Holy Spirits (or with the Holy Spirits), they will start to have a completely different meaning from before. 
Every incident is neutral.
And when you leave the take of a incident to the Holy Spirits,the world will be filled with sacred light.
Don't you want to bring such miracles to this world (to make it easier for you to live)? 

week card    19R→  愚者 :  あなたが自由を求めているのなら、自分は天国から離れたことはなかったと理解することから始めなければなりません。

soul ①    4 :   あなたが聖霊と共に「私たちの幸福」として宣言したものは、単なる言葉ではありません。

soul ②    20 :   あなたが常に聖霊と共に生き、愛を分かち合っていることに感謝してください。

soul ③    12 :  気楽に過ごしましょう。
もちろん他の誰かさんなど存在しないことをあなたは知っていますから、「この世界とは 存在しない人の夢である」とも言えるでしょう。

soul ④    15R→  7 :  「一刻も早く兄弟と共に天国に帰り、御父とひとつになること」というあなたの望み(聖霊商事社員としての仕事)を叶えるためには、躊躇している時間はありません。

soul ⑤    8 :  あなたの夢を聖霊にゆだね、検討してもらうことを恐れないでください。

soul ⑥    16R→  9 :   自分が正しい方向に進んでいるのか心許なくなったときは、少し立ち止まって自分の心が平穏かどうか確かめてください。

soul ⑦    5 :   たとえ兄弟が、自分には夢を叶える力はないとか、自分にだけはそんな都合のいいことは起こるはずがないとか寝ぼけたことを言ったとしても、取り合わないでください。

soul ⑧    6 :    あなたは既に、全ての人々の中にキリストを見つめ続けることで、この星のどこにいても自分は満たされている、と学習しました。
この修正により あなたは全一になり、あなたの望み(一刻も早く兄弟と共に天国へ帰り、御父とひとつになること)は叶いやすくなります。

soul ⑨    11 :   多く物事が起こっては遠去かっていきます。


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