

the Card of the Week: 3R → 12
It may seem the world in front of you is falling apart.
However, you won't be affected by such dream if you stay with the Holy spirits and keep your mind peaceful.
As you leave the dream as "a simple mistake" and keep leaving it to the Holy Spirits rather than criticize it, the world will calm down.

Soul #1: 11R → 1
Focus on the task you have given by the Holy Spirit, which is to keep looking at Christ in everyone you encounter.
Notice that your attempt to make others happy is an attempt to saparate yourself from others, and pay your attention to stay away from it. 

Soul  #2: 19
The more the world become unstable,the more you shine as you walk trusting the Holy Spirits.
Please keep working with the Holy Spirits to help your brothers calling for Love to be awake.

Soul #3: 4R → the Fool
The Holy Spirits would never overtax your strength.
If you feel like the Holy Spirit is asking you to respect people around against your will,take a moment and ask yourself, "does the world exist?"
If the world doesn't exist, the only thing you should respect is your source, God.

Soul #4: 9
If you wish to experience your inner space;
if you intend to fill your space with Love;
and if you know that your inner space is filled with Love;
your happiness is guaranteed by Heaven.

Soul #5: 14
Even if it doesn't seem your voice is reaching someone, don't stop sending Love to him.
Even thought it might take 5 years or even 50 years, truth emitted by you will reach him someday by God, just like you received it a few years ago.

Soul #6: 16
Your task in Heaven is to carefully build up gratitute to God everyday.
And, in this world, you are doing your task with the same quality. 
Give unstinted praise to yourself who already have been having life like miracles.

Soul #7: 8
If you listen to the Holy Spirits, it is not too difficult to create abundance of Heaven in this world.
First, appreciate your own life, and imagine that your appreciation is reaching directly to the source of the life, God.
You even can leave your imagination to the Holy Spirits and gain immeasurable power. 
Just try it rather than doubt it.

Soul #8: 10
Regardless how far you have traveled, there is no foreign land.
However, if you look at something other than Love in others, you are in a foreign land even if you are in your home town. 

Soul #9: 2R → 7
No matter how much you are concerned, there is no grandeur or greatness in your concern.
It is just showing that you did something wrong,and it is just inviting you to listen to the Holy Spirits promptly what you did wrong. 
It is no more and no less, but noticing that may cause you someting revolutionary.

week card    3R→  12 :  今週、目に見える世界はあたかも破壊へと向かっているかのように感じられるかもしれません。

soul ①    11R→ 1 :  聖霊から依頼された仕事、あなたが出会う全ての人々の中にキリストだけを見つめ続けることに集中してください。

soul ②    19 :  世界が不安定になるほど、聖霊だけを頼りとして歩いているあなたは光り輝いてきます。

soul ③    4R→  愚者 : 聖霊は決して無理をさせようとはしません。

soul ④    9 :  もしあなたが、自分の内なるスペースを体験したいと願っているのなら。

soul ⑤    14 :  たとえその人に あなたの声が届かないかのように感じられたとしても、その人に愛を贈ることを止めないでください。

soul ⑥    16 :   日々、御父への感謝を丁寧に積み重ねていくこと。それこそが天国での私たちの仕事です。

soul ⑦    8 :   聖霊に耳を傾けていれば、この世界で天国の豊かさを創造していくことは さほど難しいことではありません。

soul ⑧    10 :  あなたがどれほど遠く旅してきたにせよ、人々の中にキリストを見つめ続けようとする限り、そこは異国ではありません。しかしあなたが人々の中に愛以外のものを見ているときには、たとえ故郷にいるとしても そこは異国です。   

soul ⑨    2R→  7 :  あなたがどれほど苦悩しているにせよ、悩みには荘厳さも偉大さもありません。 


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