

the Card of the Week: 17
What you have given to your brothers will come back to you.
When something good happens or if you can stay calm this week, you should appreciate yourself in the past sincerely.
If you do so, even more wonderful gift will be delivered from yourself in the future.

Soul #1: 14
All situations are moving wonderfully beyond your imagination.
Put faith in that and spend your time with gratitude.
The Holy Spirits want to give you more than you wish.

Soul #2: 18R → 19
If you stay with the Holy Spirits, you will be able to understand how your brother's mind move and unconscious message behind it.
However, since everything but Love is illusion,it is OK to forgive and leave it to the Holy Spirits before they notice it.
Of course, all what you do is for the peace of your mind.

Soul #3: 2
It is not very difficult to agree that everyone is a child of God.
That is because if you try to accept the thought system of the Holy Spirits, a physical body will lose its charm automatically and,at the same time,even "individuality" that would give more teeth to separation will face away.
It is not difficult to accept it, that is merely light itself.

Soul #4: the Fool → 3
The fact you once believed in the concept of "I" seems like a dream to you now.
However, your task is to move your brothers ,who are having such dream = yourself in the past,to awake.
Thus, you are ordered to "be stunning."
If you follow the order, you will be "stunning" with the power of the Holy Spirits.
BTW, this data will be erased automatically in 3 seconds...

Soul #5: 1R → 16
Remember the time you just started the journey and celebrate that you have came very far from there.
Also, appreciate "yourself" who have started the return journey more than anything.
If that "yourself" doesn't exist, you might still be walking by touch in the dark.

Soul #6: 7
Think of wisdom of the Holy Spirits,and declare "the wisdom is ours."
Then, you will be able to have a perspective to see things beyond time, space and even dimentions. 
And you will find the unswerving mind that would not be botherd by temporal change.
Yes, all you have to do is to declare that.

Soul #7: 12
If you saty with the Holy Spirits, and your mind stay peaceful,regardless what happens, everything will past.
If you understand that there is nothing worth entering in this world, you won't be attracted by or interested in the world, which doesn't exist in the first place.
However, it makes you feel easier to be a teacher of God and the  activitiy as a teacher of God will expand.

Soul #8: 10R → 9
Always walk with a purpose when you travel foreign countries or noighboring town.
What you always do,"See Christ in everyone I encounter.",is good enough.
Lead by the purpose,great doors will be opened one ofter another regardless what kind of place they are.
Don't miss it!

Soul #9: 20R → 13
If you feel like being away from the Holy Family, it is simply because "something is wrong."
As soon as you notice that, be away from people and stay with the 
Holy Spirits.
Then, ask the Holy Spirits what did you do wrong and have them healed.
Don't worry.
You will get healed up before you know it. 

week card    17 :  これまであなたが兄弟たちに与えたものが、あなたのもとへ返ってきます。

soul ①    14 :  全ての状況は、あなたの想像をはるかに超えて素晴らしく動いています。

soul ②    18R→  19 :  あなたが常に聖霊と共にいることで、それまで気がつかなかった兄弟たちの心の働きや、その背後にある無意識の意図まで分かるようになります。

soul ③    2 :  全ての人が神の子であると認めることは、それほど難しいことではありません。

soul ④    愚者R→  3:  今のあなたにとって、「私」という概念を信じていたことがあったことは、まさしく夢のように思えます。

soul ⑤    1R→  16 :  旅を始めた頃を思い出し、自分がその場所から遙かに遠くまで来たことを祝福してください。

soul ⑥    7 :   聖霊の智識を、「それは私たちのものです」と宣言してください。            

soul ⑦    12 :   あなたが聖霊と共にあり、心が平和であれば、目の前で何が起ころうとも全て通り過ぎていきます。

soul ⑧    10R→  9 :  あなたが異国を旅する時、あるいは隣町を訪れる時は、必ず目的を持って歩いてください。   

soul ⑨    20R→ 13 :   自分があたかも聖なる家族から離れているかのように感じられたなら、それは単に「何かが間違っている」だけのことです。


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