
10/15 〜 10/21/2015

the Card of the Week: 12R → 13
Are you expecting a miracle to give you something more than a miracles?
A miracle cannot cause you awakening.
It tells you, "Who is having this dream?"
If you notice, "it is what I created." in the dream you created, and if could choose again saying "I would rather have healing and happy dream than such dream."... that's how you can make the Holy Spirits happy more than anything.

Soul #1: 6R → 5
"My joy" have shifted to "our joy", and since then, you have been even happier certainly.
To make this stronger, you need to re-educate yourself in the past who were attached to "my Joy."
To be more precise, you should put into words how things have changed since the shift, and record it. 
By getting this task right, the communication with yourself in the past will be completed.

Soul #2: 4R → 10
Even if every one of your brother around you is asleep, "being that never sleeps" exists inside of him.
If you call the being Christ, and if you keep looking at it, you will not get involved in the dream that your brother creates any more.
Work on your task at this position, then your business will expand amazingly.

Soul #3: 16R → 3
Celebrate yourself as God created.
When you try to be someone other than who God created, you are just getting involved in the dream you have created.
If you can remember that, you will also remember that "this never happened."
Then, you will notice that forgiving what never happened is the  task God asking you to practice in this world.

Soul #4: 19
You are truly freed by experiencing intensive joy of "earning with others."
Your brothers will also truly if you share the joy with them.
As you watch your brothers choosing "dream of healing" and being carried to "dream of joy," you will find yourself being already in Heaven.
Yes, Heaven is the kingdom of hard workers.lol

Soul #5: 2R → the Fool
Be happy,
You already know that the separation never happened, and that people who had such dream never existed in the first place.
If ego doesn't exist in you, how do you live in this world?
Ask the Holy Spirits for the answer and stay happy in any situations.

Soul #6: 1
Your given task is, "look at Christ in everyone."
If you focus on that, the Holy Spirits will take charge of everything else, so things will work out well.
If not,it just means "it is not my task."
Don't worry about it, and let the Holy Spirits do their job.

Soul #7: 14
It's fall now, and your brothers are changing.
However, your task, measuring up your brothers cry for Love never changes. 
Keep your work diligently following the voice of the Holy Spirits rather than bring your consciousness to incidents in front of you.

Soul #8: 9
To live with the Holy Spirit is like a trip to an unfamiliar land.
And, it is like to experience "we are welcomed." everywhere you go.
When you accept such abundance and appreciate the land and people there, the world will be more gentle and filled with even more light.
Please continue the Journey of eccepting and expanding Love.

Soul #9: 11R → 8
Take the change of your brothers as "our abundance."
If you do so, you will not "give up slightly" anymore, and you even will not remember that anymore.
Healing yourself who is missing that is the key of this week.
Your are just a step away from true abundance. 
Keep the good work!

week card   12R→  13  :  奇跡に奇跡以上のものを求めていませんか?

soul ①    6R→  5 :  「私の喜び」から「私たちの喜び」へとシフトし、それ以降確実に幸福になってきました。

soul ②    4R→  10 :  たとえあなたの周囲の全ての兄弟たちが眠り込んでいるにせよ、その内側には「決して眠らない存在」がいるのです。

soul ③    16R→  3 : 御父が創造されたままのあなたを祝福してください。

soul ④    19 : 「私たちで稼ぐ・稼ぎ続ける」という強烈な喜びによって、あなたは真に解放されました。

soul ⑤    2R→  愚者 :  幸福でいてください。

soul ⑥    1 :   「全ての人の中にキリストを見ていくこと」。それがあなたに託された仕事です。

soul ⑦    14 :   秋も深まり、多くの兄弟たちも変化してきました。

soul ⑧    9 :   聖霊と共に生きることとは、あたかも見知らぬ土地を旅するようなものです。

soul ⑨    11R→ 8 :  兄弟たちの喜ばしい変化を「私たちの豊かさ」として捉えてください。

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