

the Card of the Week: 14R → 2
We will feel the presecse of the Holy Spirits more than usual this week.
At the same time, a resistance in your subconsciousness will rise strongly.
It is a good idea to have your own time and keep writing down everything in your mind in your notebook.
Since your notebook is the alter of God, everything except love will disappear instantly.

Soul #1: 3R → 16
When things don't progress as you wish, "I" is always the one that is wrong.
Confirm carefully not to leave "myself in the past" again.
What you should check is "Did I thank myself enough for continuing to put so much effort forgiving and for bearing fruit?"

Soul #2: 7R → 8
If you would like to bring the abundance to this world (or your bank account), you have to cut the habit to think as "I."
"I" is the symbol of the separation and dream of being away from God, who is the source of abundance.
Thus,unless you kick the habit, you only can cook up zero or negative.
If you can understand this far, you are just one step away from Heaven.

Soul #3: 6R → 21
Don't forget that Will of God is the only thing that can exist.
If anything other than Will of God exist, it is just a dream or nothing but a very scary nightmare.
However, since such things don't exist, when you find something like that inside of you, just laugh away with the Holy Spirits promptly.

Soul #4: 20R → 9
"Healing of the family" since last summer is about to get to the best part.
Now, instead of bringing your consciousness toward entire family, focus on #9 people who are opposite of #4.
Of course, it makes you feel a great resistance, but the Holy Spirit is with you saying "there is no large or small in miracles."
If you work on it for real preparing yourself for the worst,forgiveness will happen quicker than you imagine.

Soul #5: 13
Stay silent as much as you can during this week.
Or, stay in ultimate Joy.
What these two have in common is "mind is stopped."
If your mind become quiet, the Holy Spirit will come in there by God.

Soul #6: 1R → 19
Whenever you decide something, try remember that, "I don't have my own idea, because "I" don't exist."
If you do so, you will know that there is nothing you should decide by yourself and everything is prepared for you to go back ot Heaven.
If you keep accepting it with gratitude, your path will be filled with blossoms.

Soul#7: 17
When your brother asks for something, give him what is worthful manyfold.
If what you share is something physical, it won't come back to you (since it doesn't exist in the first place.)
But if you share thhe wisdom that you received from the Holy Spirits, it will come back you in much greater size, and as joy and radiance.
Actually, it is very easy to leave all your thoughts to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #8: 11
You once tried forgive your own sin in earnest.
After the long seeking, you must have noticed the simple fact that, "There is nothing to forgive since a child of God is innocent as he is."  
Now,share this awareness to every being in this universe.
All you have to do is to ask the Holy Spirits, "share this, please♪”

Soul #9: 4
You have tried to face your feelings rising up inside with the Holy Spirits for several weeks.
Then,you must have noticed that actually any of these emotions never had exited.
Invite the Holy Spirits to where you once believed the emotion existed.
Then you will be even more energetic, and your work and personal life will be evern more dynamic.

week card    14R→  2 :  今週、私たちは聖霊の存在をいつも以上に敏感に感じられるようです。と同時に、無意識の中にある抵抗も強く浮かび上がってくるようです。 

soul ①    3R→  16 :  物事が思ったように進まないとき、間違っているのは必ず「私」の方です。

soul ②    7R→  8 :  この世界に(あるいはあなたの銀行口座に)、天国の豊かさをもたらしたいと意志するなら、まず「私」という文脈で思考する癖を止めなければなりません。

soul ③    6R→  21 :  御父の意志以外のものが存在する・存在できる、とは思わないでください。

soul ④    20R→  9 :  夏から続いている「家族の癒し」も、いよいよ佳境に入ってきました。

soul ⑤    13 :  今週はできるだけ沈黙の中に留まってお過ごしください。あるいは、このうえもない喜びの中に留まってお過ごしください。

soul ⑥    1R→  19 :  何かを決めるときには「私には自分の考えはない。なぜなら私というものは存在していないのだから」と思い出すようにしてください。              

soul ⑦    17 :  もし兄弟が何かを求めたら、その数倍の価値のあるものを贈ってあげてください。  

soul ⑧    11 :   かってあなたは、この上もなく真剣に自分の罪を癒そうと試みてきました。

soul ⑨    4 :   数週間もの間、あなたは聖霊と共に自分の内にわき上がる感情に向かい合ってきたと思います。


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