week card 20R→ 6 : 今週は大きな選択を迫られるような出来事が待っているようです。
soul ① 11R→ 7: どんな時でも聖霊の智識を求めることで奇跡は起こり続けます。
soul ② 16R→ 9 : この生を通して私たちが求めているものは何でしょうか?
soul ③ 17R→ 3 : 御父が創造されたままのあなたであれば、無限に与え続けることは難しいことではありません。
soul ④ 5 : あなたが思考や行動を通して兄弟に何を伝えているのか、丁寧に見つめてください。
soul ⑤ 4 : 自分の故郷が天国であると理解することで、あなたの土台は揺るぎなくなります。
soul ⑥ 21 : あなたの幸福を、この星に住む全ての兄弟に分かち合うように聖霊に依頼してください。
soul ⑦ 15R→ 12 : あなたが何を望んでいるかに関わりなく、それはいつかこの夢の中に現れてきます。
soul ⑧ 愚者R→ 18 : あなたは自分だけではなく全ての兄弟が真に自由であることを望むでしょうか?
soul ⑨ 19R→ 13 : 自分自身の思考や感情を注意深く見つめてください。
the Card of the Week: 20R → 6
It seems an incident that makes you choose something significant is going to occur this week..
Whenever such incident occurs, remember to look at the situation with the view of the Holy Spirits.
And remember that it is the best opportunity for you to practice forgiveness and to expand love.
Soul #1: 11R → 7
No matter what happens, miracles can keep happening if you ask for wisdom of the Holy Spirits.
Once you understand that the Holy Spirits is the only ones you can relay on and get close to them whenever you have a chance, your insight will expand like quantum leap.
Soul #2: 16R → 9
What are we looking for through this life?
When you find out that what you found is something your brothers are also looking for, your inside will be flooded with compassion.
Please be plenteous in mercy for your brothers.
Soul #3: 17R → 3
If you stay as God created you, it is not difficult to keep giving out infinitely.
Also, it is not difficult to keep receiving infinitely.
However, we are talking about our mind here, not materials.
Soul #4: 5
Look carefully what are you telling your brothers through your thoughts and actions.
If what you have given is what you supposed to receive, would you want to give your brothers anything other than what is appropriate as a child of God?
Soul #5: 4
Once you understand that your home is Heaven, your foundation will be unwavering.
Share this firmness with yourself in the past who were wavering as soon as you can.
Then, your firmness will be even firmer.
Soul #6: 21
Ask the Holy Spirits to share your happiness with all your brothers on this planet.
By wishing so,the Holy Spirits will be able to develop their work with Joy.
Then, gradually, this planet will become easier for you to live; get closer to dream like Heaven.
Soul #7: 15R → 12
Regardless what you are asking for, your wish will come true in this dream sooner or later.
Thus, what you should look is not "what am I asking for?" but "Who am I asking with?"
Do you want to be stay separated from Heaven and keep indulging yourself in a secret desire fabricated by you.
Or, are you going to declare that you will keep expaiding Will of God with the Holy Spirits?
Soul #8: the Fool → 18
Do you wish for not only your true freedom but also the true freedom of all your brothers?
If so, listen to the Holy Spirits more carefully than usual, and follow the voice as you keep walking.
Like the Holy Spirits, as you try to love your brothers as they are, you will understand what the true freedom mean through your experience.
Soul #9: 19R → 13
Look at your own thoughts and feelings carefully.
For example, ask the Holy Spirits, "what is the meaning and intent of thoughts behind your anger, self-hatred and self-pity?"
If you look at it with the Holy Spirits, anything other than Love will disappear, and you will be able to see what is hampered by it.
Don't afraid but do a good job looking at it.
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