

the Card of the Week: 1
No matter what happens in front of you, don't try to do something about it.
First, give a sigh, and remember that the Holy Spirits are always with you.
If you ask the Holy Spirits to judge what to do, you will get the answer instantly.

Soul #1: 7
Nothing exists but Love.
Meanwhile, don't blame yourself getting involved with it knowing it is not real.
First, admit that you have such tendency, forgive it, and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Everything starts with acceptance of the forgiveness.

Soul #2: 3R → 16
The peaceful view here and now is fruit of your persistent effort and service of forgiving the world.
First, get thrilled with the fact that you also can live this way if you receive the Holy Spirits.
Then, praise yourself for being faithful to God's country only and came this far following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 2
This world was born when a child of God denied God, infinite abundance and Joy.
However, the Holy Spirits say that it ever happened.
To learn the thought system of the Holy Spirits is for you to be one with the Holy Spirits and to remember it.

Soul #4: 6
This week, it is important to have your criteria of judgment stay with the real world.
Even if you perceive it difficult to forgive things in front of you, admit that it is a mistake and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Of course, the easiest thing to do in this situation is to let the Holy Spirits judge everything and follow it.

Soul #5: 13
Shed light to what you assumed the good unconsciously.
Part of it may be a hook set by ego trying to inhibit you from going back to Heaven.
Meanwhile, if you find the hook and leave it to the Holy Spirits, a great liberation will happen.
It is an awesome opportunity!

Soul #6: 12
This week, view the world from the mind of "We are loved."
In time, you will start to feel that the world is a faded shadow picture without sound.
The less you are attracted by this world means the more you are getting your memory of Heaven back, in other words, the closer the inifinite abundance is coming to you.

Soul #7: 8R → 19
Same things may happen over and over around you.
However, remember that it means that, in inside of you, your past that has not healed is crying out for Love.
Just by remembering that, you will know that what you should do now is healing yourself only.
And, in fact, that is the only thing you need to do.

Soul #8: 4
No matter what happens here, the only thing you need to do is to keep your mind peaceful and look at the situation from far away.
However, once you know that the world will get adjusted only by doing so, you might get depressed finding out that all your effort in the past trying to support the world was wrong.
It's OK. The world doesn't exist.
Such things never happened.
(It's a streth. lol)

Soul #9: 17
When you are creating something with the Holy Spirits, you become a quite sacred existence.
That is because when you are having fun creating something, the thoughts filling the space of you desappears and filled with Joy instead.
The time and space filled with Joy is the true piece of work of the aretist, "you."

week card    1 :  目の前でどんなことが起こっても、それに対して自分で何とかしようとしないでください。

soul ①    7 :  愛以外のものは存在していません。

soul ②    3R→  16 :  今ここにある平和な光景は、これまで地道に世界を赦してきたあなたの努力と貢献の結晶です。

soul ③    2 :  この世界は神の子が御父を否定し、無限の豊かさと喜びを否定したことで生じました。

soul ④    6 :  今週は、自分の判断基準を実相の世界にとどめ続けることが重要です。

soul ⑤    13 :  これまであなたが無意識に善としてきたことに光を当ててください。

soul ⑥    12 :   今週も、「私たちは愛されている」という揺るぎのない心から世界を見てください。

soul ⑦    8R→  19 :   あなたの周辺で同じような事が繰り返し起こるかもしれません。

soul ⑧    4 :   ここで何が起ころうとも、あなたが心を平和に保ち、遠くから見ているだけでOKです。

soul ⑨    17 :   あなたが聖霊と共に何かを創造しているとき、あなたは極めて神聖な存在になります。



The Card of the Week: 11R → 6
When your forgiveness progress and the situation becomes peaceful, watch what happens inside of yourself.
Are you going to thank for your peace and bless yourself for coming this far?
Or, are you going to get bored and start asking for stimulus?
Depending on which one you choose, your future will be greatly different.

Soul #1: 20
What you love is your holy family you belong to.
However, you don't have to look for a new family. 
When your heart is filled with Love, look at people close to you with the view of Love.
Then, you will find what you have been asking for.

Soul #2: 17
Offer your brothers what you received from God as it is.
You already know the joy of doing that.
Your next issue is how long you can continue that.
Of course, the answer is "For good."

Soul #: 13
Sometimes, Admitting that you have something other than Love inside, and letting it go cause fear.
Meanwhile, don't forget that it is ego that feel fear.
And of course, you are not the ego.

Soul #4: 19R → 2
You will meet people who are difficult to forgive for sure.
However, the Holy Spirits are telling you that they are also Christs.
No matter how much your perception fight against it, don't choose it.
Your life will be filled with light by living based on wisdom of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #5: 7
Look merely at Christ inside of your brothers keep blessing it. rather than looking at their thoughts and deeds, and keep blessing it.
Even if you are far from them, keep casting your quiet gaze filled with Love.
The Love will invoke miracles for your brothers.
Then, as a result, you will be able to stay in peace unrelentingly.

Soul #6: 10
What you are called for is to look at the world with the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way.
By doing so, you will even be able to see your thoughts and feelings from a step away.
And then, you will know that all materials and thoughts are impermanent, and that only the gaze of the Holy Spirit is permanent.

Soul #7: 15R → 4
If your wish does not come true, that is because the wish got old already.
You may sense more resistance to accept that you no longer have such wish.
However, you, who got over with great issues, cannot be as same as before.
If you accept that you have changed greatly, you will find a new goal.

Soul #8: 1R → 18
Regardless how careful you are with your thoughts and deeds, it seems that you have persistent pictures or abandons.
Focus on judging who you received the thoughts from in a calm way and forgiving the person thoroughly with the power of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #9: 5R → the Fool
Your will to lead your brothers towerd the good is really precious.
However, they are also children of God, and their will should be respected, too.
In other words, what you should ask the Holy Spirits is that, "What should be careful with to accept them in their true colors?"

week card    11R→  6 :  赦しが進み状況が平和になったとき、自分の内側で何が起こるのかを見守ってください。

soul ①    20 :  あなたが愛するものこそ、あなたが属する聖なる家族です。

soul ②    17 :  御父から受け取ったものを、そのまま兄弟へ与えていく。あなたは既にこの喜びを知っています。

soul ③    13 :   自分の内にある愛以外のものを認め、それを手放していくこと。

soul ④    19R→  2 :  これから確かに赦し難い人々に出会うでしょう。

soul ⑤   7 :  兄弟の思考や行動ではなく、彼らの内にあるキリストだけに目を向け祝福し続けてください。

soul ⑥    10 :   今あなたに求められていることは、聖霊と共にただ淡々と世界を見つめることです。

soul ⑦    15R→  4 :   あなたの願いが実現しないとしたら、それは既にその願いが古くなったからです。

soul ⑧    1R→  18 :   あなたがどれほど慎重に自分の思考や行動に気をつけていても、動かし難い観念、あるいは諦めがあるようです。

soul ⑨    5R→  愚者 :   兄弟を善なる方へ導こうとするあなたの意志は本当に尊いものです。




The Card of the Week: 15
Make your wish clear.
Your wish will come true by uniting your will with Will of God.
In other words, a wish that is appropriate as the Holy Spirits is to heal your brothers and yourself on the earth.
The dream like heaven has already started.

Soul #1: 12
You have trained yourself choosing the Holy Spirits regardless what the situation with for a few weeks.
This week, it's time to look back on yourself who have tried so hard in the past and take good care of yourself.
Have you noticed that 

Soul #2: 10R → 4
Try to remember to stay at the right position that you are a child of God no matter what.
Then, you or people around you won't feel pressed anymore.
Of course, it doesn't mean you can control the world as you wish.
However, even though you cannot control the world, you will stay peaceful for sure.

Soul #3: 1
You asked for a message from the Holy Spirits, received it, and found out what you should work on for now.
Then, all you have to do is to keep working in the matter-of-the fact manner following the message.
It's simple, but it is a really difficult task for people who live in this world.
Even if you forget it, you just have to remember again, so just take it easy.

Soul #4: 8
Whan something unacceptable happens, step away from it with the Holy Spirits for a while, and view the situation from somewhere a little higher.
Just by changing your view, your mind can stay calm when you see the same situation.
Please celebrate yourself who matured this much.

Soul #5: 21
For last few weeks, trusting the Holy Spirits, you have practiced that, "I don't need to do anything." 
Thanks to your sincere effort, you must have learned many things, experienced a lot of healing, and filled with gratitude.
Yes, that's all you should convey.

Soul #6: 17R → 3
When you share something with your brothers, always keep in your mind to talk to Christ of their inside.
By doing so, you will have nothing to do with a sterile thought like "I'm doing this much for him, but he doesn't return any appreciations."
It is really important for your health.

Soul #7: 20R → 11
If there is no small or large in miracles, the wish you hide may come true.
Forgive yourself for thinking it is impossible, be honest, and leave it on the alter of God.
If your wish is the same as Wish of God, you will notice your self living as you wish before long.

Soul #8: 14R → 7
Follow the wisdom of the Holy Spirits rather than your thoughts.
Everyone around you and everyone who approaches you is your brothers crying for Love.
Once you know that, your issue will be much simpler.
If you ask the Holy Spirits to pour Love as much as they like, they will free you instantly.

Soul #9: 6R → 9
You have always loved unconditionally. 
The Love will continue eternaly.
You cannot argue that anymore.
Your ego might feel "oh, nooooo!", but isn't it the best news ever for you who stay with the Holy Spirits? lol

week card   15  :  あなたの欲望を明確にしましょう。

soul ①    12 :   この数週間、どんな状況でも聖霊を選び続けるという極めてハードな訓練をしてきました。
あなたは、自分が既に「エゴがどんなに揺さぶりをかけてきても絶対に聖霊を選ぶ」という人になったことに気づいていますか? w

soul ②    10R→  4 :  私たちは何があってもなくても神の子である、という正しい立ち位置を思い出すように努力しましょう。

soul ③    1 :  聖霊のメッセージを求め、それを受け取り、今取り組むべきことが分かりました。

soul ④    8 :  何か受け入れ難いことが起こった時には、聖霊と共にしばらく地上を離れ、少し高いところから眺めてください。

soul ⑤    21 :  この数週間、聖霊を信頼して「自分は何もする必要はない」ということを実践してきました。

soul ⑥    17R→  3 :   あなたが兄弟へ分かち合うときは、必ず彼らの内なるキリストへ向けて語るように気をつけてください。 

soul ⑦    20R→  11 :   奇跡に大小がないとしたら、あなたが隠している願望も不可能ではありません。

soul ⑧    14R→  7:自分の考えではなく聖霊の智識に従ってみましょう。

soul ⑨    6R→  9 :  あなたはこれまで、どんな時にも無条件に愛されてきました。




The Card of the Week: 5R → 8
When you tell your brothers something, pause once and listen to the Holy Spirits before you say anything.
"How the Holy Spirits would convey this?"
Of course, the Holy Spirits look at Christ inside of others and talks as if talking to Christ.
If you run a simulation first, and then take an action, it will convey well.

Soul #1: 4R → 20
No matter how violent ego gets, nothing can make your heart away from the Holy Spirits.
Admit how far you have come, look back and bless your perpetual effort.
Its Joy will expand toward the world by God and lead your family to peace.

Soul #2: 13
As you already experienced, when you think of God, there is always silence filled with Love.
Also, you already know that the silence is the door to be one with God.
Don't hide yourself who love "silence filled with Love" anymore. lol

Soul #3: 15
May 7 at 4:30am is new moon of Taurus.
In this world, there is a rule that it is easier for material wishes for 8 hours after that point.
Of course, there is not such rule in true world.
However, if you feel you need some tools to expand Love in this world, it is possible to use this rule with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 1
Last week, you got back the appropriate position as a child of God: "look at the world through the view of the Holy Spirits."
Now is time of training to make it steady.
Of course, don't forget "the person" you see in the mirror every morning, too. lol

Soul #5: 10R → 12
As usual, ego will shout that, "Move to save the world!"
However, there is no need to listen to the voice that doesn't exist nor to save the world that doesn't exist."
Even if you hear it, forgive and leave it in a matter-of-fact manner as usual, and keep working on your favorite thing at leisure.

Soul #6: 2R → 14
No matter how terrible the world is now, it will calm down as you keep choosing the Holy Spirits.
Therefore, just focus on "choosing the Holy Spirits."
Like the Holy Spirits praise you living such way, praise yourself.

Soul #7: 19
Regardless what kind of situation you are in, the Holy Spirits are always on your side.
Just by remembering that, your mind will be filled with Love and Gratitude.
If you train yourself to remember that over and over, down the road, you will start feeling it is easier this way.
That is the right position when you work as a child of God.

Soul #8: 17
As you stay with the Holy Spirits and be away from this world, the world will calm down little by little. 
Meanwhile, don't think of going back to the earth.
Instead, focus on your original work pouring love infinitely to your brothers from height.

Soul #9: 7R → the Fool
The past of mistake considering doubting as being intelligent has melted into light with laughter.
Now, you have a whale of brilliance in front of you.
Admit that you are scared of it a little, but still, decide to move forward, step by step.
It's ok.
If you keep stepping one foot forward after anoter, you will eventually arrive to Heaven.

week card    5R→  8 :  兄弟に何かを伝えるときには、その前に立ち止まって聖霊に耳を傾けましょう。

soul ①    4R→  20 :  エゴがどれほど暴れようと、もはやあなたの心を聖霊から離れさせることはできません。

soul ②    13 :  既に体験されているように、あなたが御父を思う時、そこには必ず愛に満たされた沈黙があります。

soul ③    15 :  5月7日午前4時30分は牡牛座の新月になります。

soul ④    1 :  先週あなたは、「聖霊の眼差しを通して世界を眺める」という神の子に相応しい立ち位置を取り戻しました。

soul ⑤   10R→  12 :  エゴは相変わらず「世界を救うために動け!」などと叫ぶでしょう。

soul ⑥   2R→  14 :   今 世界がどれほど大変でも、あなたが聖霊を選び続けることで それらは平穏へと移っていきます。


soul ⑦    19 :  どのような状況にあっても、あなたの側には常に聖霊がいて導いています。 
それを思い出すだけで あなたの心は愛と感謝に満たされていきます。

soul ⑧    17 :   あなたが聖霊と共にこの世界から離れるにつれて、この世界も少しずつ落ち着いてきます。

soul ⑨    7R→ 愚者 :   疑うことを知性だと誤解していた過去は、哄笑と共に光へ溶けていきました。



The Card of the Week: the Fool
The power of decision is the power to lead you to the freedom.
Decide what to give to the world.
By following the voice of the Holy Spirits and deciding to to give to the world only Love, the world also give you only Love.

Soul #1: 15R → 19
If the incidents in front of you is not what you wish for, it is a great opportunity for you to change your thoughts.
Firstly, admit that you are the one who created this situation.
And then, relax and wait until the guidance of the Holy Spirits comes.

Soul #2: 12
With the Holy Spirits, you have held your breath looking at what you have made by mistake and have changed them to light.
Now, you packed up your work, and it seems you have some opportunities to enjoy a break little by little this week.
Many lessons are waiting for you next week again, so take it easy for now.

Soul #3: 5
It's time to share with your brothers what you have learned walking with the Holy Spirits.
What you should be careful with is that who you should share first is yourself in the past.
By sharing your Joy with yourself in the past, you will be united with Joy.
All you need to share is "to ask the Holy Spirits."
Isn't it easy?

Soul #4: 14R → 21
When you choose what you really want to do, you may get anxious about your future all the sudden.
However, remember that your time is managed by the Holy Spirits.
If you are filled with gratitude, the Holy Spirits will bring you even greater Joy for you to gratitude more.

Soul #5: 2
During this period of time, stay home as much as possible, and spent time with what brings you Joy.
If you spend your time to understand that, "To spend my time with Joy is to create holy time.", you will receive a great key to be happy in this world.

Soul #6: 20R → 11
Even if some one close to you visit you, the timing may be off.
Even so, choose to think that, "the best thing is happnening to me.", and then, trust the Holy Spirits and wait.
You will find out that that was the best thing for all of us to happen.

Soul #7: 10
To recognize that the abundance inside of myself, it is important to notice inner abundance of your brothers and praise it.
Meanwhile, it doesn't matter if you tell them that directly or not.
That is important is that you know that and you praise it.

Soul #8: 10
Once your wish is clear, you must get rid of its obstacles.
Thus, calmly look at "your inner fears and doubts" that you would have never noticed without people outside.
If you keep forgiving and leaving thm to the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way, your wish will come true.

Soul #9: 4R → 13
When you understand that "I don't need to do anything.", the treasure given by God will set off.
It's as easy as breathing, and it's as joyful as drinking water.
As you taste and thank it, you would be amazed "how I could have done anything without it."
Viva, #9!   

week card    愚者 :  決断する力こそ、あなたを自由に導く力です。

soul ①    15R→  19 :   目の前の出来事があなたの望むものでないとしたら、それはあなたの思考を変える大きなチャンスです。

soul ②    12 :  これまで息を詰めるようにして、聖霊と共に自分の誤創造したものを見つめ、光に変えてきました。 

soul ③    5 :  あなたが聖霊と共に歩み、学んできた様々な物事を兄弟に分かち合う時です。  

soul ④    14R→  21 : あなたが本当にやりたいことを選んだら、急に未来のことが心配になるかもしれません。

soul ⑤    2 :  この時期はできるだけ外出せず、あなたに喜びをもたらすものと共に過ごしてください。

soul ⑥    20R→  11 :   身近な人があなたを訪ねてきたとしても、タイミングが合わないということもあります。

soul ⑦    8 :   自分の内にある豊かさを認識するためには、兄弟たちの内なる豊かさに気づき誉め讃えることが大切です。

soul ⑧    10 :   あなたの願いが明確になったら、それを阻むものを取り除いていかなければなりません。

soul ⑨    4R→  13 :   あなたが「自分は何もする必要はない」と理解した時、御父から贈られた宝物が始動します。