

The Card of the Week: 6
The point to distinguish difference between opinion of Ego and that of the Holy Spirits.
As the Holy Spirits always tell you, if you are an innocent child of God, any thoughts other than that are all simply worng.
Even if a voice blaming on you seems right, judge that the voice is wrong, leave it to the Holy Spirits and focus on the work as a child of God.

Soul #1: 13
Since you made a dicision with the Holy Spirits, a great change is happening in the world.
That is because, by the Holy Spirits, your decision is expanded to your brothers whom you love and expanded to even around them.
Although having said that, you don't have to be responsible for it.
All you have to do is to accept the way things move.

Soul #2: 7R → 18
"Our decision", including yours, is about to change consciousness of people from the deep level.
However, it is just to heal what has been hidden.
No matter what happens, keep forgiving and leaving it to the Holy Spirits as always.

Soul #3: 21
This week, you get closer the vivration of this world and it is easier for your thoughts to come true promptly.
In other words, as you keep choosing the Holy Spirits consciously, the world becomes stable.
Thus, your work of this week is "to keep choosing the Holy Spirits all the time."
All right.

Soul #4: 14R → 19
You judged that the interpretation of the Holy Spirits is better than yours and choose it consciously.
Thus, don't let your thoughts wonder anymore.
If they wonder, bring them back promptly and celebrate yourself for noticing that.
It seems that what you are asked to do now more than anything is to be strict in such way.

Soul #5: 9
Imagine yourself as a space with a radius of 3 meters wrapping the physical body.
As you fill the space with the appreciation towerd God, your mind and body will feel better and it will make you feel like starting something fun.
Like that, your physical body is an important tool to express and expand your joy.

Soul #6: 5R → 8
Bring your consciousness to your inner abundance merely.
The abundance has the same quality and the same size.
Everytime you thing of that, you and your environment will change greatly.
Are you ready to accept miracles?

Soul #7: 10R → 2
No matter how a situation changes, we are innocent children of God and we have never been away from God.
If you know that, you will not get involved in changes.
Once you know that this world is an illusion and will never become stable, you mind will be rather stable.  

Soul #8: 17R → 16
For your goal, work on what you supposed to do in a matter-of-fact way.
If you focus on that, it become easier for the Holy Spirits to do their jobs.
For example, even an incident in the past that seemed sterile will transform to something precious and it become possible to send it back to light as it is.

Soul #9: 1R → 15
Stop here once and look at your desire.
If what you truely waht is peace, you would not dwell on being right.
If not, you might have to start from scratch.

week card    6 :  エゴと聖霊の意見を見分けるポイントは実にシンプルです。 

soul ①    13 :  あなたが聖霊と共に決断したことで、世界に大きな変化が起こっています。

soul ②    7R→  18 :  あなたも含めた「私たちの決断」により、人々の意識は深層の部分から変化しようとしています。

soul ③    21 :  今週、あなたはこの世界の波動と近づき、思ったことが即座に実現しやすくなります。

soul ④    14R→  19 :  あなたは自分より聖霊の解釈を良しとし、意識的に選んだのです。

soul ⑤    9 :   自分自身を、肉体を包む半径3メートルほどの空間だとイメージしてください。

soul ⑥    5R→  8 :   あなたの内なる豊かさだけに意識を向けてください。
soul ⑦    10R→  2 :   状況がどれほど変化しようと、私たちは無垢なる神の子であり、御父から離れたことはありません。

soul ⑧    17R→  16 :   目標に向かって、淡々と今やるべきことに取り組んでください。

soul ⑨    1R→  15 :  ここで一度立ち止まって、あなた自身の欲望を見つめてください。  



the Card of the Week: 3R → 11
The theme we should work on this week is "to correct the wrong creation"
The course is given not to correct results but to correct causes.
Since the causes mean our motivations to create this world in wrong way, we should look at them with the Holy Spirits and leave it to them promptly.
Thus, the understanding of "they are done already." always calm us down.

Soul #1: The fool
Since you are always filled with young power, you are the best existance for everyone to place one's hope on.
Go ahead and declare that, "There was no wrong creation."
Then, the world will follow the declaretion.

Soul #2: 14
It is very difficult to leave the Holy Spirits what you have fabricated in a matter-of fact way.
The Holy Spirits and your brothers praise you for working on such a difficult project.
The world is moving toward better direction thanks to your effort.

Soul #3: 17
What you are asked to do this week is to stay in Joy and to have a will to share the Joy.
The will is the same as Will of God and if you stay there consciouly, even your sense of lonliness and separation will vanish.    

Soul #4: 8R → 19
This week is important time for you trying to achive abundance.
What is important here is to realize that you are am innocent child of God.
Then, if you can appreciate this realization,you and we definitely will get abundance .
All right!

Soul #5: 6R → 21
Thank the unconditional love poured on you, and keep doing what you love only.
Like a tiny foreign in the eye hurting your eyes, ego will use tiny incidents to put obstacles in the way of your radiant future.
However, if you always thank Love of God and do only what you love, you won't get trapped by that.
You won't even notice the trap.

Soul #6: 1R → 10
Regardless how critical a situation seems, every situation is neutral.
If you leave it to the Holy Spirits rather than judging by yourself, you will find the answer to make everyone happy.
As you experience it a couple of times, it will become natural for you to leave everything to the Holy Spirits and the whole world become like that.

Soul #7: 2
As you put the idea of the Holy Spirits first, you will not be able to tell difference between your idea and the Holy Spirits' idea.
That is the right position to work as the Holy Spirits on the earth.
Althought having said that, don't feel pressed but praise yourself for moving surely toward that direction guided by the Holy Spirits.

Soul #8: 13R → 4
You are asked to be responsible with your thoughts.
This week, be strict with yourself and check if you think like the Holy Spirits in any situations.
Then, you will be surprised by yourself doing better than you thought and by the fact that things are rather easier than the time you were acting like a human.lol

Soul #9: 18
Watch your thoughts and observe when and how they get lost.
We want you to experience how your thoughts transform by watching them while you are noticing that, "I'm thinking of something meaningless."
Then, what is going to happen when you leave whole process ot the Holy Spirits?
It will be a very interesting experiment.

week card   3R→  11 :  今週私たちが取り組むべきテーマは「誤創造を訂正すること」です。

soul ①    愚者 :   常に新鮮で若々しい力に満たされているあなたこそ、今週もっとも希望を託されている存在です。

soul ②    14 :  自分が何を捏造してきたのか、感情を交えずに見て聖霊にゆだねていくことは、とても難しいものです。

soul ③    17 :  今週あなたに求められているのは、喜びの中にとどまり、喜びを分かち合う意思を持つことです。

soul ④    8R→  19 :  今週は、豊かさを実現しようとするあなたにとって極めて重要な時です。

soul ⑤    6R→  21 :  あなたに注がれている無限の愛に感謝し、大好きなことだけを続けてください。

soul ⑥    1R→  10 :    状況がどれほど危機的なことのように見えたとしても、それらは全て中立です。

soul ⑦    2 :   常に聖霊の考えを優先させていくことで、やがて自分と聖霊の考えの違いが分からなくなってきます。

soul ⑧    13R→  4 :   自分の思考に責任を持つことを求められています。

soul ⑨    18 :    自分の思考を見守り、それがいつ、何をきっかけに彷徨っていくのか観察してください。



The Card of the Week: 11
From 9:13 on October 1, it will be a new moon of Libra.
What kind of wishes would come true when the new moon stays at Libra, the constellation fairness and balance?
How about something like, "Others think a great deal of me because I think a great deal of me. Thank you.", or "My work (family) in integrated as Christ. Thank you."
The trick is to write in past tense with acknowledgement.
Have fun and list about 2 to 10 wishes.

Soul #1:13 → 5
Never blame on yourself looking back on your days when your words were not enough and you were violent.
Direct light to yourself who have kept trying to forgive, invited miracles and became happy with your family.
As you thank and praise yourself, more mireclas will come from now on.

Soul #2: 2
Like you thank many people and have a hight regard for their existance,the Holy Spirits also thank you and respect you.
Accept that share that with your brothers in joy.
As you do so, you will notice that you and your brothers are in a dream like Heaven.
All right!

Soul #3: 6R → 20
Have you notice that you had contrasting feelings such as "love and anxiety(fear)" toward people close to you,
However, there is nothing opposite from unconditional love.
And you are receiving the love from God.
If you accept and bless that you are a chile of God, you will be away from thoughts that is not appropriate for a child of God.

Soul #4: 19
I bet it is sad to admit that a number of lessons you had to evolve spritually were just a waste.
However, it is more natural to think that a child of God is as valueable as God, and it is economical, too.
Don't you think it is better to invest yourself who is a child of God if you think of the future?

Soul #5: 1R → the Fool
If you wish to be free, you need to know who you study with.
Of course, you are studying with the Holy Spirits, right?
Then, observe your thoughts and if they are contradiction with Will of the Holy Spirits, you must forgive and leave it to the Holy Spirits promptly.
The most importand thing is to praise yourself being trained this way.

Soul #6: 3R → 4
Make your position clear.
Are you part of, in other words, part of God?
Or, are you alone who don't belong anywhere and cannot be helped by anyone?
The key to find out is to ask yourself,"Which one is sweeter for me?"
All right?

Soul #7: 15
All thoughts come true.
That is not because you are special, but all children of God are capable of doing so and this world is made by thoughts of ego.
Now, "Then, how shold I think?" is important.
And, as you know, "I don't know anything, so I will leave everything up to the Holy Spirits." is the best answer.

Soul #8: 18R → 10
You used to push youself to adjust yourself to the world
With smile, remember that the more you try to help others, the more chaotic the world became and everything went wrong. 
If you look back from everything is over, you will notice that everything went back to Heaven.

Soul #9: 21R → 8
"There is no world, but Love is."
The more you accept and love this basic principle, the more the world will go back to light.
That is because you are the space that hold this world.
Now, accept this princile in joy, and love, love and love♪ 

week card  11 :  10月1日午前9時13分から天秤座の新月になります。

soul ①    13R→ 5 :  過去を振り返って、

soul ②    2 :  あなたが多くの人々に感謝し、その存在を尊いものだと感じているように、
いつの間にか天国のような夢の中にいることに気がつくでしょう。 めでたし!

soul ③    6R→ 20 : 見近な人に対して、

soul ④    19 :  あなたが霊的に進化するために行ってきた数々のレッスンが、

soul ⑤    1R→ 愚者 :  自由であることを望むのなら、

soul ⑥   3R→ 4 :  自分自身の立ち位置を明確にしてください。
それを見極める鍵は「自分にとって どちらがスィートか?」です。 OK?          

soul ⑦   15 :  思考は全て実現します。
ここで大切なのは、「では どのように思考するか?」です。
「自分は何も分かりません。聖霊さん、よろしく」が もっとも正しい答なのです。

soul ⑧   18R→ 10 :  かってあなたは

soul ⑨   21R→ 8 : 「世界はない、愛だけがある」。