

The Card of the Week: 18
During this week, we continue to hold the same question as last week: "What can we do to invite the Holy Spirits?"
What is important is: not to try to answer to this question by yourself.
Keep the question in your mind and spend your time in a gracious way.

Soul #1: 10
Lately, you have been having a hard time in a good way.
This week is the time to wait for the outcome of your effort at leisure.
With the Holy Spirits, take it easy and review what you have learned. 
And then, what you should do will be clear by itself.

Soul #2: 13
You have already noticed that our essence is "someone without name."
And, that was also the process of recognizing "someone attached to a name" as "someone non-existent."
Now, many brothers are where you used to be.
Please support them.

Soul #3: 8R → 17
When you find it difficult to forgive your brothers, remember the fundamental principle of the Course, "There is no world."
If the world does not exist, the "person" who is hard to forgive does not exist, either.
Also, "you", who are feeling it hard to forgive the person, does not extist either.
Forgiveness of the Holy Spirits is "the amendment of memory" based on the understanding of "nothing is happening here."

Soul #4: 21R → 16
You might be experiencing something to catalize fundamental change to what you have thought right.
However, what changes is not true.
You might feel uncomfortable to admit that your thought system have been wrong, but no one transform into eternity without wriggle.
Viewed in this light, don't you feel the wriggle is adorable? lol

Soul #5: 20
Your primal thought, "I"m not good.", is designed by ego.
However, it disappeared at the moment you recognized that, "this thought does not exist."
Instead, the principal of the Holy Spirits, that originally had been there, emerged.
Many aspects of your life, such as your perception and physical condition, is influenced by this change.
Trust who lead you, the Holy Spirits, and take it easy this week.

Soul #6: 19R → 9
When you recognize your life as "a play as a child of God", you were able to remember your dynamic ture self.
Your understanding and its acceptance is about to cause a great change in the world.
Celebrate yourself for taking a ride to the plan well-prepared by the Holy Spirits!

Soul #7: 6R → 3
For a long time, you have supported the inner abundance of your brothers to emerge.   
Leave the result to the Holy Spirits and take good care of yourself first.
Devoting your time to your Joy is the same as tuning your consciousness to God and Kingdom of God.
To prepare youself for the (usual) hard work starting from next week, do only something fun.

Soul #8: 11R → the Fool
If you are trying to finish something, believe that it will be finished with Joy.
Since this world started with sadness, it should be desappeared into light with joyful laughter.
Leave the Holy Spirits to figure out how to do it, and just believe it.

Soul #9: 7R → 5
Reflect your path so far through the view of the Holy Spirits.
When you see your past from a higher perspective of your current peaceful position, you might find all incidents in the past adorable.
This change of recognition is the gift from the Holy Spirits.

week card    18 :  先週私たちに届いた質問は、今週もまだ続いています。 
「聖霊を招待するために 私たちができることは何か?」

soul ①    10 :  このところ、良い意味でとてもハードな日々を過ごしてきました。

soul ②    13 :  あなたは既に、私たちの本質が「名前のない者」であることに気がつかれました。

soul ③    8R→  17 :  兄弟を赦すことが難しく感じるときは、「世界はない」というコースの基本理念を思い出してください。

soul ④    21R→  16 : これまで正しいと思ってきたことが、根底から覆されるような体験をしているかもしれません。 

soul ⑤    20 :  あなたの根本的な思考(私は出来が悪い)はエゴによってデザインされたものです。

soul ⑥    19R→  9 :   人生を「神の子の遊び」と認識しなおす事で、あなたはダイナミックな本来の姿を思い出すことができました。
聖霊の周到に用意された壮大な計画に、それに乗っちゃったあなたに 乾杯~~~!!           

soul ⑦    6R→  3 :   あなたは長い間、兄弟の内なる豊かさが表出されるように援助してきました。

soul ⑧    11R→ 愚者 :   もしあなたが何かを終わらせようとしているのなら、それは必ず喜びの中で終わる、と信じてください。

soul ⑨    7R→  5 :   聖霊の眼差しを通して、これまでの道のりを振り返ってみてください。




The Card of the Week: 14R → 16
The Holy Spirits surely lead us to Heaven.
However, the invitation from us is essential for that.
Now, what can we do to invite the Holy Spirist?
Keep this question in your mind as you spend your time in a courteous manner this week.

Soul #1: 19
While you thank yourself, imagine "yourself as God created you."
It's ok even if you feel unrealistic.
If you merely imagine like that, your mind will be directed toward that.
As a result, it will be easier to accept miracles.

Soul #2: 15
The Holy Spirits are the invitaion to the live filled with Joy.
If you want to live life filled with Joy, please make your brothers happy.
The more you offer Joy to others, the more you will remember that you are the country of God itself.

Soul #3: 20R → 11
Healing is not Creating.
The Holy Spirits know both you who did not need to be healed and you who are completely healed.
If you share the vision with yourself and accept it, Healing will be accelerated.

Soul #4: 10R → 9
First, accept that, "the separation never happened."
It's ok to have a vigorless attitude like, "because the Holy Spirits said so."
When you tell your brothers that, the separation will be healed, but it simply means "to see Christ inside of everyone." 

Soul #5: 5
The Holy Spirits are Joy itself, and so you are.
Please invite your brothers to the path of Joy as your calling.
It is just you and me, but, in fact, that is your calling.

Soul #6: 13
The Holy Spirits is the invitation to the redemption.
At the moment the separation occured, God left the Holy Spirits, the invitation to Joy, inside of your minds.
Now the only issue left is "When are we going to receive it?"n lol

Soul #7: 21R → 7
Even if you are working with the Holy Spirits, you have limits as lond as you have physical bodies.
There is no need to feel pressed, but finish today what you can finish today.
Try to forgive as soon as possible and as smoothly as possibe.

Soul #8: 3
You have already realized that you have always been loved and you are loved now, too.
It is very easy for such person to live with full of heavenly Joy.
In other words, the door to Heaven is to realize that your roots are filled with Love.
All reight!

Soul #9: 19R → 17
We are the country of God.
However, since you forgot that, you need the Holy Spirits to remember it again.
In other words, to choose the Holy Spirits means "the effort to remember myself as the country of God."
week card    14R→  16 :  聖霊は確かに私たちを天国へ導きます。

soul ①    19 :   自分に感謝する時には、「御父が創造されたままの自分」をイメージしながら行ってください。

soul ②    15 :   聖霊とは喜びに満たされた人生への招待です。

soul ③    20R→  11 :  癒すことは創造することではありません。

soul ④    10R→  9 :  まずあなたが「分離はなかった」と受け入れてください。

soul ⑤    5 :   聖霊は喜びそのものであり、あなたもまたそうなのです。

soul ⑥     13:   聖霊は贖罪への呼びかけです。
残る課題は「それを いつ私たちが受け取るか?」になりますね。w  

soul ⑦    21R→  7 :   たとえ聖霊と共に働いているとしても、我々に肉体がある以上、限界はあります。

soul ⑧    3 :   既にあなたは、自分はずっと愛されていたし今も愛されていると自覚されました。

soul ⑨    18R→  17 :   私たちは神の国そのものです。




The Week of the Card: 20R → 13
As your dreams falls apart, you will notice that what you have considered as a common sense is something meaningless.
While it is a good thing, it also is very scary thing.
Don't repress it, accept is as it is, and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
If you do so, you will be able to remember your "holy family" that you used to belong to.

Soul #1: 11R → 3
On the alter of God, everything but Love will go back to light.
Thus, if you notice yourself having a thought that is not Love, cry out on the alter of God, and have Him change it to light.
Please receive the redemption given by God.
Soul #2: 10R → 21
God's plan cannot fail.
Thus, declare that, "Everything is going well.", even if it doesn't seem that way to your eyes.
After that,as you thank in advance, you will know that things are actually going well.
Then, your heart will be filled with gratitude.

Soul #3: 8
If you want to taste abundance on the earth, you have to learn to be grateful.
Though seemingly strange,if you thank in advance, something worth to thank will happen after that.
That is the proof for that this world is made by your thoughts.

Soul #4: 12R → 19
You may wonder if you fill the position asked by the Holy Spirits.
However, such concern is the trick of Ego.
Once you notice that, for give it and leave it to the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way, and then, listen to them.
They value your job better than you think.

Soul #5: 4R → 16
You have calmness and abundance now because you have built right efforts.
Yearn and thank your conscience and commitment.
Then, your will stand on the right position, and you will know that everything has been illuminated.

Soul #6: 17
If you want to go back to Heaven as soon as possible, there is only one thing you have to do.
That is: to think like the Holy Spirits and God all the time.
First, like the Holy Spirits, forgive yourself crying out that it is possible. 
Once you forgive, you will know that forgiving is not as hard as you think.

Soul #7: 9R → 15
At 12:01p.m. on June 5, the new moon of Gemini, the sign of intelligence, will start.
If you wright down list of 2-9 wishes, such as "recover my  intelligence", "improve my learning skill" etc., your wish have better chance to come true.
If you are preparing for certification exam or studying English, why don't you give a try? lol

Soul #8: 18R → 7
There are a good side and a bad sice on everything in this world.
Unless you connect with the Holy Spirits, most people choose the bad side.
Once you know that, you might get even more confused because you are very honest.
However, what is important for you is to know that you have no power over the choice your brothers make.
Just keep choosing what is best with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #9: 2R → the Fool
If you want to remember yourself created by God, "to write" is more important than anything.  
Even if you don't know what to right, just sit at your desk, and open your notebook or PC.
Once you start it, you will see the path without fail (as it always has been so.)

week card   20R→  13  :  夢が壊れていくにつれて、これまで常識だと思ってきたことが意味のないことだったと分かってきます。

soul ①    11R→  3 :  御父の祭壇の上では、愛以外のものは全て光に還っていきます。

soul ②    10R→  21 :  御父の計画に失敗はありません。

soul ③    8 :  この地上で豊かさを味わいたいのなら、まず感謝することを学ばなければなりません。

soul ④    12R→  19 :  あなたが聖霊から依頼された仕事を、果たしてきちんとやっているのか不安になるかもしれません。

soul ⑤    4R→  16 :   あなたがこれまで正しい努力を積み上げてきたからこそ、今の穏やかさと豊かさがあるのです。  

soul ⑥    17 :    もしあなたが一刻も早く天国へ還りたいと望むなら、守るべき事はたったひとつ。

soul ⑦    9R→  15 :   6月5日昼の12時01分に、知性を司る双子座の新月が始まります。

soul ⑧    18R→  7 :   この世界の全てに良い面と悪い面があり、聖霊とつながらない限り、多くの人々は自動的に悪い面を選びます。

soul ⑨    2R→  愚者 :   あなたが御父から創造されたままの自分を思い出したいのなら、何よりも「書くこと」が必要です。



The Card of the Week: 19
Our job is to be happy.
Joy will be strengthen by sharing, and then, Joy will lead us to the understanding of "we are one."
Listen to the Holy Spirits and move forward as you sing the song of Joy with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 17R → 3
Illness or poverty is a thought.
Healing is also a thought since it "corrects a wrong thought."
If you sense something unfulfilling, admit that it is just a mistake and ask the Holy Spirits the right way of thinking.

Soul #2: 15
If you wish to heal your brothers (I know you do.), you have to be fulfilled first.
Unless your mind is itegrated, it is impossible to heal your brothers.
Also, more than anything, the only appropriate attitude as a child of God is to be the condition of Joy, in other words, to be the condition of Love.  

Soul #3: 11R → 18
Pay attention to your thought and be careful this week, too.
When you find something other than Love inside of you, study it in depth with the Holy Spirits.
Experience the miracle that any thoughts would change into light with the view of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 10
Accept that your right position is to be totally happy.
You don't have to know what the condition is like.
If you just ask for it and leave it to the Holy Spirits with faith, they will tell you in a careful manner what you should do to make it come true.

Soul #5: 16R → 9
Admit that you are filled with Joy and reaching close to Heaven.
You would realize how much happier you are comparing with yourself a year ago or three years ago.
Thank and praise yourself immensely for coming this far.

Soul #6: 2
Regardless what kind the joy is, every joy of your brothers on this planet will resonate with youre heart as long as the joy is from bottom of their hearts.
Thus, don't be surprised even if you are filled with joy all the sudden in your daily life.
Instead, please receive it.

Soul #7: 1R → 21
The only path to move forward smoothly hereafter is forgiving and healing your brothers.
However, you don't think too much about it.
Since you will experience an amazing Joy, it is inevitable that it will expand to your brothers.
In other words, this messege is inducing you to prepare yourself for it.

Soul #8: 7R → 12
As usual, the world will be even more bushed, and many issues will be left alone without any solutions.
However, stay somewhere safe and watch this nightmare with the view of the Holy Spirits.
Then: understand that,"Because my source has no gratitudes or no wisdom, I have such consequences."; accept it without emotion; and keep forgiving.
The great forgiveness will came back to you as blessing.

Soul #9: 6
No matter what they are, thoughts originated from you will be shared in the world.
In other words, whatever originated from you, or expressed by you will be multiplied.
Once you recognize that, you will understand the basic rule that what you have to be responsible for is your thoughts.

week card    19  :  幸せでいることが私たちの仕事です。

soul ①     17R→  3 :  病気、あるいは欠乏とはひとつの想念であり、癒しもまた「間違った想念を正す」という意味で、ひとつの想念なのです。

soul ②     15 :  もしあなたが兄弟を癒したいと願っているのなら(私たちはそうであることを知っています)、まずあなたが喜びで満たされていなければなりません。

soul ③     11R→  18 :  今週も自分の想念に気をつけて、慎重に過ごしてください。

soul ④     10 :  全一に幸福であることが自分の正しいポジションであることを受け入れてください。

soul ⑤     16R→  9 :  自分が確実に喜びに満たされ、天国へ近づいていることを認めましょう。
ここまで来たあなた自身を 大いに感謝して祝福してね。  

soul ⑥     2 :   この星にいる兄弟のどのような喜びでも、それが心からの喜びであれば、それらは必ずあなたの心に響きます。     ですから毎日の生活の中で急に喜びに満たされても驚かないで。

soul ⑦     1R→  21 :   あなたがここから先も健やかに進むためには、兄弟を赦し、癒していくしか道はありません。

soul ⑧     7R→  12 :   世界は相変わらず混迷を極め、多くの問題が解決されないまま放置されていくでしょう。

soul ⑨     6 :   それがどのようなものであれ、あなたから生じた想念は必ず世界へと分かち合われていきます。