

The Card of the week: 3
There is no meaning to the world that you can see with your physical eyes.
Thus, there is no need to deny it.
If you feel you need something, ask the Holy Spirits for them.
You will notice that you have them all when you almost forget that you asked for them.

Soul #1: 7R → 16
The feeling of anxiety or pointlessness of what you have worked on may come surging up in you.
However, it is just "a resistance of ego" right before your success.
You will calm down if you inhale the anxiety with the white light of the Holy Spirits and leave it to the Holy Spirits as you exhale.
Let the Holy Spirits manage the rest and keep working on your task in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #2: 19
Have you noticed that you say or do something strange when you heal your brothers?
That's is because the Holy Spirits are working on the sleeping children of God through you.
If you work together with joy, with smile, you will notice that you were the one who are urged to be awake the most.

Soul #3: 8R → 2
When you don't know what to choose, ask yourself that, "What the Holy Spirits would do?"
In any situations, the Holy Spirits would forgive.
Why don't you start with "forgiving this situation and leave it to the Holy Spirits" following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 15
5:45am on August 3 is the new moon of Leo.
Leo is the constellation of full of play and celebration.
It is said that it is appropriate to ask for wishes expecially related to creative activities and to nuture grace during this period.
As you know already, a joy you can see fades someday.
However, it is no evil but it is just something meaningless. 
Thus, "it is ok to exist."
Why don't you make what you want clear, and ask the new moon for it?

Soul #5: 5R → 21
You may be feeling that what you use to consider "you" is falling apart slowly but surely.
Celebrate yourself for recognizing even that as "the best thing."
From bottom of your heart, appreciate "the history of you" that have always chosen the Holy Spirits.

Soul #6: 14
Every incident you face in this world is an important chance to forgive everything.
Even is it is something inside such as feeling of vacancy or anxiety, it is an opportunity to forgive it and transform it to light.
Remember that God never created vacancy nor anxiety, forgive it and leave it to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #7: 6R → 9
Our goal is set by God already.
It is nothing other than "going back to Heaven with your brothers and sisters as soon as possible and be one with God."
The journey will go on and we are going to keep walking, so let's have fun!

Soul #8: 13R → 17
Ego might lure you to reglet what you did or didn't do.
However, if you see that with the view of the Holy Spirits, you will understand that every past was the precious opportunity for  forgiveness and sharing the forgiveness. 
Having said that, there is no past for you. lol

Soul #9: 4R → 20
Your real power will come back if you appreciate and celebrate yourself as God created you.
As you accept it and learn how to use it, the shame you have inside will disappear.
This vast power will be the proof that God created you.

week card   3  :  肉体の目に見える世界には意味はありません。

soul ①   7R→  16  :  これまで取り組んできたことに、急に不安や無意味さを感じるようになるかもしれません。  

soul ②    19 :   兄弟を癒しているとき、自分でも不思議な事を言っている、あるいは行っていることに気がついていますか?

soul ③    8R→  2 :   何を選べば良いのか分からない時は、「聖霊だったらどうするだろうか?」と問いかけてください。

soul ④    15 :  soul ④    15 : 8月3日午前5時45分に新月が獅子座に入ります。

soul ⑤    5R→  21 :   これまで「自分である」と思ってきたものが、ゆっくりと、しかし確実に崩壊していると感じているかもしれません。

soul ⑥    14 :   あなたがこの世界で出会う出来事は、全て赦すための大切な機会です。             

soul ⑦    6R→  9 :   私たちのゴールはあらかじめ御父によって定められています。

soul ⑧    13R→  17 :  エゴは、あなたがこれまでにしてきたこと、してこなかったことを後悔するように誘惑するかもしれません。   
しかし聖霊のまなざしを通して見つめれば、どのような過去も 赦すための、そして赦しを分かち合うための尊い機会だったと分かるでしょう。

soul ⑨    4R→  20 :   御父が創造されたままのあなたに感謝し 祝福することで、本当の力が蘇ってきます。



The Card of the Week: 18
The world has reached a threshold and you are asked to live in even more careful manner.
Always watch your thoughts and ask yourself, "What is this for?"
It's OK of it is for expanding Love.
If not, leave it to the Holy Spirits and forget it.

Soul #1: 7
Don't worry about it even if others shoot you a qustioning look when you take an action following the voice of the Holy Spirits.
Your choice will be proved to be right soon enough, and others reap the benefit of it even if they don't notice it.

Soul #2: 10R → 6
You may be lost seeing the vision of the future that is so magnificent that it is beyond your imagination.
However, when you enjoy the vision with the Holy Spirits, you will begin to feel that it is appropriate for you.
Follow the direction given by the Holy Spirits and enjoy working on it.

Soul #3: 13
The world is about to change on a grand scale.
The change is so big that it is almost impossible to acknowledge the situation with the point of view of "I".
Let "limited self-image" go and learn the art of watching the world with the point of view of "us" following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 20R → 3
Focus your consciousness on merely God and Kingdom of God.
If you do so, the power that has slept inside of you will become awake slowly.
That is the power of "Acknowledging everyone as Christ and praising him" or the power of bringing your brothers back on form, Christ.

Soul #5: 19
The more you get closer to Heaven, the more ego show its fangs.
Remember that ego doesn't exist, and never forget it no matter what happens.
Regardless how badly ego acts up inside, you are always choosing the Holy Spirits.
As you admit, appreciate and praise this fact, everything will quiet down.

Soul #6: 4R → 17
Be amenable and ask your brothers for help when you are confused.
It is also very important to understand that asking for help is your kindness to yourself.
If you do so, you will be able to help your brothers like they do now for you.

Soul #7: 12R → 1
When you are unstable, you are not with the Holy Spirits.
However, when you are working or when you are study for your work, you are always with the Holy Spirits.
During this week, focus on working to keep yourself peaceful.

Soul #8: 15
The curerent situation is the consequence, and the cause is your thoughts or your wrong thoughts.
If you want to be Happy, it is important to change the cause rather than the cousequence.
In other words, just regreting the worng thougts in the past instead of correcting them don't change any situations.
Since you have admitted your mistakes, now forgive and leave them to the Holy Spirits in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #9: the FoolR → 9
Regardless how others' reactions are, there is no doubt that you took an action with the Holy Spirits.
Even if some people leave as a result, it is the best thing for both of you.
Praise yourself for continuing your journey for going back to Heaven rather than for a desire for admiration.

week card    18 :  世界は大きな転換期を迎え、あなたはより慎重な生き方を望まれています。

soul ①    7 :  聖霊に聞き行動した結果、周囲の人々が怪訝な顔をしたとしても気にしないでください。

soul ②    10R→  6 :  あなたの想像を越えて、遙かに壮大な未来のビジョンが見え、途方に暮れているかもしれません。

soul ③    13 :  世界は今、大きく変わろうとしています。

soul ④    20R→  3 : 御父と御父の国だけに意識を集中させてください。

soul ⑤    19 :  あなたが天国に近づくほどエゴは牙を剥いてきます。

soul ⑥    4R→  17 :  混乱している時は素直に兄弟に助けを求めましょう。


soul ⑦    12R→  1 :   あなたにとって不安定な時とは、あなたが聖霊と共にいない時です。

soul ⑧     15:   今の状況は結果であり、原因は過去のあなたの思考、あるいは間違った思考にあります。

soul ⑨   愚者R→  9 :  人々の反応がどうあろうと、あなたが聖霊と共に選択し行動したことに間違いはありません。



The Card of The Week: 19
No matter how bad it seems the difficulties are, they are all illusions.
What is important is to understant that you made these illusions and that the purpose of it is to distress yourself.
Then, you will seriously search for what you should do to correct it.
The answer is right there.

Soul #1: 8 → 15
It is true that you many not be able to forgive incidents happens here right away.
However, you have forgiven all of them at the end.
Acknowledge this face and appreciate it.
If you thank yoursel for your effort, forgiveness will be quicker and smoother.

Soul #2: 6R → 16
The essential exercise for a teacher of God, that is you, is as as follows:
Apply everything you have received to everyone and to every situation you meet day by day.
And, treat everything as the same.
You should learn the thought system of the Holy Spirits over and over to be able to do that.

Soul #3: the Fool → 9
It is not bad to correct the information of spiritual world.
However, if you spend too much time for it and don't have enought time to practive, it means little.
What is really important is not how much you know, but how you apply what you learned.

Soul #4: 21R → 2
Look at the fact that words is away from truth doubly.
That is why you could never be happy throught words.
If you want to be happy, if you want to be happly unshakably, look for true experience rather than words.

Soul #5: 1R → 18
All the incidents you meet here has the same purpose.
They are all "for your forgiveness."
You have already realized the sacred existance inside of you.
Forgive the world to expand it.

Soul #6: 11
Your fear comes from your wrong assumption that "I'm away from God." and from your feeling of guilt.
However, your strong feeling that how much you love God and your memory of Heaven is hidden behind it.
Don't hide them anymore.
And, declare that, "I'm the lover of God!"

Soul #7: 12
No matter how bad the result is, you are the cause of it.
Such consequence is caused by your believe that, "I'm just a physical body."
In other words, if you change the cause, your thoughts, the situation will change dramatically.
Start with the exercise of choosing the thoughts of the Holy Spirits and accepting that, "I'm not an ego or a physical body."

Soul #8: 17R → 3
The world you see has no value.
Be careful with your mind that even though it knows that,it tends to compromise.  
Bring your consciousness only to what you truely want, God and kingdom of God, and keep making right choice.

Soul#9: 14R → 13
When you try to learn the thoughts of the Holy Spirits, it is normal to repeat it and it is rather very important to do that.
A correct thought is good to hear over and over, and it will bring you a new dimention and a new understanding every time you hear it.
Keep learning with zest to be able to choose the right thought and forgive automatically regardless what happens.. 

week card    19 :  どれほど困難なことが起こったかに見えても、それらは全て幻想です。

soul ①    8R→  15 :  あなたは確かに、ここで起こる出来事を即座に赦せるというわけではありません。

soul ②    6R→  16 :  神の教師にとって、つまり今のあなたにとって必要な訓練は以下の通りです。

soul ③    愚者R→ 9 :  精神世界の情報を収集することは悪いことではありません。

soul ④    21R→  2 :  言葉は二重に真実から離れている、という事実に目を向けてください。

soul ⑤    1R→  18 :  あなたがここで出会う出来事は、全て同じ目的を持っています。
すなわち「全て あなたの赦しのためにある」のです。

soul ⑥    11 :  私たちの恐怖は、「自分は神から離れた」と間違って思い込み、その罪悪感から生じています。

soul ⑦    12 :   物事がどれほど思わしくない結果になろうとも、その原因はあなたです。

soul ⑧    17R→  3 :   あなたが見ている世界には、どのような価値もありません。

soul ⑨    14R→  13 :   聖霊の考えを学ぼうとする時、繰り返しは普通のことであり、それ以上にとても大切なことです。




the Card of the Week: 9
In this chaotic world, your forgiveness rather than anger is asked.
No matter how miserable the situation in front of you is, at least you should keep forgiving.
Look at the situation with the Holy Spirits, and instead of looking at others as perpetrator, look at them as victims or as ture existence.

Soul #1: 21
Since there is no world, who you should really forgive is yourself.
Once you understand the fact, you will understand that who you had hard time forgiving is a messenger of God and the person who will lead you to Heaven.
Please keep up your forgiveness.

Soul #2: 5R → 16
When you have hard time conveying your thoughts, remember how patient the Holy Spirits has been to cotact you.
Like what the Holy Spirits did for you, if you focus on merely Christ inside them, a new door may open.
But then again, as you work on it, keep in your mind that time and space is not an issue for the Holy Spirits. lol

Soul #3: 14
Your bad memory may come back out of a whim.
Meanwhile, be catious that ego has an ulterior motive behind it.
Your "bad" emotion caused by the memory is making you believe that "the world is."
When you notice it, STOP immediately.

Soul #4: 6
Remember that regardless how shifty ego is, the Holy Spirits are beyond its powerl.
Also, remember that if you continue forgivenenss calmly, your lesson always come to end regardless how hard it is.
It's OK.
Everything is going well.

Soul #5: the Fool → 15
There is a wrong idea, "the world is." behind your "thoughts other than Love."
Because the world is, people get jelous, have a sense of inferiority and feel hopeless.
However, if "there is no world", everything described above is gone.
Since there is no world to begin with, let them desappeared!

Soul #6: 18R → 20
From now on, be cautious not to say "I'm sorry." to yourself and people you love. 
(Of course, an apology as a courtesy of Japanse society is an exeption.)
That is because at the moment you say "I'm sorry.", you imply that both you and other party are "guilty", and the separation get strengthen.
Be careful.

Soul #7: 17
You don't need to try hard to get rid of conflicts from your life.
Instead, ask the Holy Spirits what thoughts are the cause of your conflicts.
When you accept and forgive the answer and leave it to the Holy Spirits, you will understand that "there is no goal of life other than forgiving."
Once you reach to the point, you won't have any conflicts anymore.

Soul #8: 10
Daily small forgiveness is the most important.
If you build it up, your salvation and the salvation of people around you will be achieved.
Even if it take time to forgive, be patient and keep forgiving.
That is the only effective way to invest time in this world.

Soul #9: 7R → 2
"Pertinacity"is the most important quality the students of the course should have.
We have built up forgiveness with this quality and we have prepared to undo the primordial ego.
Thank "yourself" who came this far and appreciate "yourself" who continue this journey.

week card    9 :  この混乱した世界には、あなたの怒りではなく赦しが求められています。 

soul ①    21 :  世界はないのですから、あなたが本当に赦すべき相手はあなた自身なのです。

soul ②    5R→  16 :  あなたの想いが相手に伝わり難い時は、聖霊があなたに忍耐強く接してくれたことを思い出してください。

soul ③    14 :  ふとした拍子に嫌な記憶が蘇ってくることもあります。
気がついたときには、ただちに STOP! ですよ。 

soul ④    6 : エゴがどれほど狡猾であろうとも聖霊には叶わないことを思い出してください。

soul ⑤    愚者R→ 15 :  あなたの抱く「愛以外の思考」の背後には「世界はある」という間違った想念があります。

soul ⑥    18R→  20 :  ここから先、自分に対して、また愛する人々に対して「ごめん」と言わないように気をつけてください。
soul ⑦    17 :   人生から葛藤を取り除こうと頑張る必要はありません。

soul ⑧    10 :   毎日の小さな赦しが何よりも重要です。

soul ⑨    7R→  2 :   「根気強さ」こそコース学習者が持つべきもっとも大切な資質です。




The Card of the Week: 14R → 15
New moon of Cancer will start at 8:02p.m.on July 4th.
Cancer is the sign of power to promote safe of home and family but also equilibrium and process of learning.
Since Family of a child of God means God and the Holy Spirits and Home means Heave, why don't you ask them that you would like to be unswerving?
It is said that if you write from two to ten wishes within 8 hours after the time of the new moon,they better chances to come true.

Soul #1: 10
It's time to have a faith to the Holy Spirits, and wait.
Once you wish for happiness of yourself and your family and have a clear picture of it, leave the Holy Spirits when and how it comes true.
When you almost forget what you wished for, you will notice all your wishes have come true.

Soul #2: 2
Look back on the list of the wishes you requested end of last year.
You would be surprised by the fact that most of your wishes have come true.
However, it is not a gift given by the moon, but is merely a manifestation of your ordinary power as a child of God, "a thought manifests."

Soul #3: 9
What you search for has already been in your inside.
Thus, even if you don't see it in front of you now, imagine it as it is infront of you and enjoy it.
As you imagine and enjoy is over and over, it will get easier to manifest in this physical world.

Soul #4: 12
Learn the skill to use the power you receive from God without changing anything.
The greatst trick is "to thank and to cereblate."
In other words, the more you thank, the more abundance will come to you automatically.
And, of course, who you thank first is "yourself as a child of God."

Soul #5: 19R → 20
It may feel unrealistic that you are a child of God as He created you.
Now, accept this idea just because "The Holy Spirit say so."
And then, remember it over and over during day, even just verbal is OK.
You will be living as a child of God based on this idea a year from now.

Soul #6: 16R → 13
Have you noticed that your ming is getting closer to "one without name"?
Have you noticed that; what you were interested in look bleached now; you are not interestd in anything but God and Kingdom of God; God and the Holy Spirits appreciate you and they cereblate you greatly everyday?

Soul #7: 8
In true world, knowing and owing is the same.
You can easily get it if you can accept the concept, "The world is thoughts. So is God."
If you would like to make it clear, share Will of God.
In other words, "forgive" whenever you have a chance.
If you practice it consciously, wonderful experiences are waiting for you.

Soul #8: 3
just stare at God.
Then, make a resolution to accept only the beautiful world that God prepared for you.
It is OK even if you don't know what kind world it is.
As long as you know how much you love God, you will receive a gift appropriate for the Love.

Soul #9: 18R → 11
The world is still in chaos, but it won't influence you at all.
As you cereblate that you now have a faith to God unrelentingly, Think of yourself who were not so in the past.
Your life will stay like this until yourself in the past is healed as much as you of today and filled with light.
Try your best healing yourself. lol 

week card    14R→  15 :  7月4日20:02から蟹座の新月に入ります。

soul ①    10 :  聖霊を信頼して待つ時期です。

soul ②    2 :  去年末にあなたが聖霊にリクエストした願い事のリストを見直してください。 

soul ③    9 :  あなたが探しているものは、既にあなたの内側にあります。

soul ④    12 :  御父から受け取った力を、そのまま喜んで使う技術を学びましょう。

soul ⑤    19R→  20 :  自分は御父から創造されたままの神の子である、という実感はないかもしれません。

soul ⑥    16R→  13 :   あなたの思考が「名前のない者」に近づいてきたことに気がついていますか?

soul ⑦    8 :   実相世界において、知ることと所有することは同義です。

soul ⑧    3 :   ただ御父だけを見つめてください。

soul ⑨    18R→  11 :   世界は相変わらず混迷の中にいますが、それらはあなたに何ひとつ影響を与えません。