
11/26 〜 12/2

the Card of the Week: 2
The children of God had started to connect with each other within frame of time, that is the symbol of separation.
By starting to connect as Chirst,end of time gets closer.

Soul #1: 10
You know silence. That means you are listening to the song that resonates beyond time and invites us to infinity, and that means you want share the song with others. 

Soul #2: 8
The miracles you have experienced is the sign from God calling you that arrives beyound time and space. 
Keep moving forward as you enjoy it.

Soul #3: 14R → 5
No matter how beautiful it is, it will fade away if you don't whare it with others since truth is born to be expanded.

Soul #4: 17R → 6
What is conclusive has been chosen and accepted. 
The next issue is to learn the way to share Love as the Trinity.
Are you ready?

Soul #5: 12
You glanced at the future through the help of the Holy Spirits.That means you have received it with light.
By bearing the destiniy with the Holy Spirits, you will give  immeasurable reward to your brothers.

Soul #6: 13
It's time for great forgiveness. 
Go deep into yourself with the Holy Spirits.
Recognize the sorrow of humanity at large in yourself as just a mistake, and as usual,forgive and leave them to hands of the Holy Spirits uneventfully.

Soul #7: 4R → the  Fool
The die is cast.
You have reached a point of no return.
From now on, you will walk the path of a rotter.
That is because God is not a man. 
Thus, so you are.

Soul #8: 20R → 9
You have pushed the envelope of "I" and expanded much further.
Then, probably you have started to notice that light is our family and home. 
Simply celebrate the truth.

Soul #9: 
For you, there is no other thoughts than Will of God.
Even if the decision provokes others unrest,step forward following your intuition.
Your path is leading to Heaven. 

week card   2  : 神の子たちは分離の象徴である時間の中でつながり始めました。

soul ①   10  :  静寂を知ったあなたは、時間を超えて響いてくる我々を永遠へと誘う歌に耳を傾けているあなたです。

soul ②    8 :  あなたが体験した数々の奇跡は、時間と空間を越えてあなたへ届く御父からの呼びかけのしるしです。

soul ③    14R →  5 : どれほど美しいことでも、それを分かち合わなければ色褪せていきます。
なぜなら真実とは、本来 拡張するように産まれてきたからです。

soul ④    17R →  6 : 既に決定的なことは選択され、受理されています。

soul ⑤    12 :  聖霊のサポートによって未来をかいま見たあなたは、それを光と共に受け取ったあなたです。

soul ⑥    13 :  大いなる癒しの時です。聖霊と共に深く内側に向かってください。
そこにある人類全体の悲しみ、その単なる間違いを認め、いつものように淡々と赦し ゆだねていってください。            
soul ⑦    4R →  愚者 :  賽は投げられました。もはや後戻りできる場所ではありません。

soul ⑧    20R →  9 : 「私」という枠を越えて、はるかに拡張してきたあなたは、光こそが我が家族であり、故郷であったことに気がついてきたでしょう。

soul ⑨    15 :  あなたにとって御父の意志以外にどのような想念もありません。



the Card of the Week: 9R → 5
Share what you have received from God with your brothers as it is. 
When you see how beautifully your brothers transform,you will know what you have received.

Soul #1: 19R → 7
Look the world through the view of the Holy Spirits, and accumulate the wisdom.
By continuing that, your will be surprised how naturally you thoughts has became like the Holy Spirits.
It will come soon. 

Soul #2: 16R → 14
The only thing what God asked you to do is to help and heal your brothers who as asking for Love. 
Now you know what to do.
Go ahead and just keep walking the path shown by God.

Soul #3: 10
It is time to learn to wait. 
Trust the Holy Spirits, 
gaze at God only, 
step away from "your thoughts" that is part of the world, 
and learn to wait calmly.

Soul #4: 8
By sharing joyfully what you have received by God with your brothers, you will notice that you are also part of God.
Joy is the golden key to open the door of Heaven.

Soul #5: 20
It's time for your hidden endowment to be awaken.
However, it is no anything special.
It means that what you do naturally just like breathing will come back as "the Holy Spirit version."

Soul #6: the Fool
You found out that fear is not real, and you became free from fear. 
Share the learning and the joy of the learning with your brothers as it is. 
That is the beginning of the "dream like heaven."

Soul #7: 4
After long time of discipline, your standing position finally became clear. 
Just like J, we should never compromise, either.
Focus your mind only into God and the kingdom of God, and step forward.

Soul #8: 13R → 2
Even if you meet what is not love in this world, that is not real because it is not created by God. 
Over look it as just a mistake, and let it clear away by itself. 

Soul #9: 18
Face you own thoughts carefully. 
To invite your brothers, who finally started to see the truth, to Heaven, keep watching your thoughts and words to make sure they do not conflict with thoughts and words of the Holy Spirits.

week card   9R →  5 : あなたが御父から受け取ったものを、

soul ①   19R →  7 : 聖霊の目を通して世界を見つめ、

soul ②    16R →  14 : 愛を求める兄弟たちを助け 癒すことが、

soul ③    10 : 今は待つことを学ぶ時期です。

soul ④    8 : 御父があなたに贈ったものを、

soul ⑤    20 : 今こそ隠された才能が目覚める時です。

soul ⑥    愚者 : 恐れを偽りだと見抜き、
soul ⑦    4 :  長い修練の時を経て、
           J がそうであったように、

soul ⑧    13R →  12 :  たとえこの世界で

soul ⑨    18 :  慎重に自分自身の想念に対峙してください。



the Card of the Week: 17R → 16
You have accepted a major transformation by just following the voice of the Holy Spirit. 
Now, it's time to set the transformation in place.
By staying peaceful, you will remember yourself as God created.

Soul #1: 19R → 20
Your foundation should be the holy family that God is in the center.
By recalling that, you will realize that the Holy Spirit always have supported you.

Soul #2: 4R → 1
Recall the time when you started the journey searching for truth.
If you can recall the courage you had at that time and the effort you have put since then, you will be able to be grateful and respectful for yourself naturally. 

Soul #3: 10
Now, you need a little time to receive something great.
Trust the Holy Spirit and try to stay peaceful. 

Soul #4: 15R → 12
After going through the biggest issue of the year, you may feel confused feeling your perspective of the world had changed completely. 
However, you are just recalling your true self.
So, take it easy.

Soul #5: 2
"Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" showing the Holy Trinity is just describing the same things from different dimensions.
To understand that it is your essence,experiment to think and act like the Holy Spirit.

Soul #6: 21
Finally, you became able to recognize how large-scaled the abundance send by God.
Now, it's time to celebrate the recognition utmost.
The more you cerebrate the more you will get used to it.

Soul #7: 14R → 9
What you searched for and found is what your brothers are also searching.
When you held the light up to show the path, the light was lit in our unconscious mind.
Keep holding the light.

Soul #8: the Fool → 5
The Holy Spirit says that you will be free by teaching.
Teach your bothers the joy you found by learning.
Share it beyond words from "the place you are originally at."

Soul #9: 11
When your view as the Holy Spirit became clear, you will be more conscious of the thoughts all over the world that are  not Love.
Your job is to recognize them as merely mistakes, forgive them, and leave them to hands of the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy keeping the good job.  



The Card of the Week: the Fool → 20
Bring your attention solely to God and the brothers who are the symbols of Love of God.
By continuing that, your gift will be recovered, and it will make you more free.

Soul #1: 3
Your true creativity will come down on this planet
when you leave the power of making decision
to the hands of the Holy Spirit and follow the path.

Soul #2: 11R → 9
Learn to give priority to Will of the Holy Spirit rather than your own will. 
Then, everything you wish will come true.

Soul #3: 14
A great power of healing is beside you.
Now is the time to shed a light on inside of yourself.
Then, if you find anything what is not Love,
leave them to the hands of the Holy Spirit.

Soul #4: 2
If you would like to tell the truth you have experienced,
leave the wish to the hands of the Holy Spirit.
Then your wish come true instantly beyond you. 

Soul #5: 18
The world is transforming quietly based on your decision.
Watch out your thought.
And if you notice any of improper thoughts as a child of God,
forgive them calmly and stay cautious. 

Soul #6: 5
When you tell something to your brothers, recognize yourself as Christ who is affluent.
And then, talk to Christ inside of them. 
When you become one with your brothers as Christ,
you will not have any fear of being misunderstood. 

Soul #7: 16R → 6
Leave all your power of choice to the hands of the Holy Spirit.
The subsequent deployment will change depends on the fundamental and final decision.

Soul #8: 13R → 4
Educate yourself to remember to stand on the right position several times a day.
The verification will bring you joy. 
And your joy will spread to the world. 

Soul #9: 21
Look at God solely, and keep telling Him how much you are happy to be a child of God.
Then, you will start to communicate with Him beyond words,
and you will know that that is what you love the most.