

the Card of the Week: 7R → 5
When you share something with your brothers who cry out for Love, you should not hold back anything.
However, since you are being human having such hesitation,just watch yourself, forgive yourself and leave yourself to the hands of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 9
Take the hands of the Holy Spirits, and go a little deeper inside of yourself. 
Inner self is the place you can find the answer you are looking for.

Soul #2: 6R → 4
If your brother is chasing something visible, he is just standing on the wrong place. 
If you amend that for him from where he cannot see, he will notice the mistake sooner than you think.

Soul #3: 3
Your vibration and the universe will match for this seven days.
To urge awakening of true creativity, see this world through the view of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 21
The world arond you or the world you meet through TV or PC as "all healed and completed world."
By willing to do so, you will transform "as you will."

Soul #5: 13R → 17
If you see your past with the Holy Spirits, you will know that the hardest time was a fantastic opportunity of healing ant that you snapped the opportunity. Bless you!

Soul #6: 11
Even if "thoughts other than Love" comes up like bubbles on water surface, don't worry about them.
Just bring your attention to God and Heaven and keep walking in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #7: 14R → 20
Be careful with yoru desire to see the body of your brothers asww something sacred or special. 
We are one "as Christ Consciousness."
Everything other than that is illusion.

Soul #8: 10
Step away from the world and watch people kindly.
Your kind eye will bring back the memory of your brothers as children of God, and then they will move toward the light properly at each of their own rate.

Soul #9: 1
A fresh breeze is blowing now. 
Well, it's time to start your job.
Start what you have always wanted to work on. 
Oops, maybe you shold do a springcleaning before that.   

week card   7R→ 5 :  愛を求めて叫んでいる兄弟たちに分かち合うときは、ほんの少しでも出し惜しみしてはいけません。

soul ①   9  :  聖霊の手を取り、もう少し深く自分の内に潜っていってください。

soul ②   6R→  4  :  目に見えるものを追いかけている兄弟たちは、単に間違った所に土台を置いているだけです。

soul ③    3 : あなたとこの宇宙の波動が一致する7日間です。

soul ④    21 : あなたを取り巻く世界、あるいはTVやPCを通して接することが出来る世界を、あたかも「全ては癒され、完成されたもの」として見てください。

soul ⑤    13R→  17 :  これまで、どれほど大変だったと思える時代でも、聖霊と共に眺めれば、とてつもない癒しの機会だったと分かるし、

soul ⑥    11 :   例えあなたの内に、水面に浮かぶ泡沫のように「愛以外の想念」が浮かび上がってくるとしても、もう気にしないで。
soul ⑦    14R→  20 :  兄弟の肉体を聖なるものとして、あるいは特別なものとして見たくなる欲望に気をつけてください。
私たちは「キリスト意識として ひとつ」なのです。

soul ⑧    10 :   世界から離れ、ただ優しく人々を眺めてください。

soul ⑨     1 :  今、新鮮な風が吹き渡っています。



the Card of the Week: 5R → 15
Instead of thinking "what is my wish?", have a view of "our wish."
Then, you will retrieve the right place to stand on, that is "to 
go back to Heaven with our brothers ASAP and be with God."

Soul #1: 11R → 9
You need to understand that you have nothing but "Joy to expand Love" that you have received from God.
By accepting that, you will not fluctuate anymore and the Love will expand toward your family first.

Soul #2: 2
Cerebrate that your will and the will of God is the same.
By cerebrating that immensely, it will be easier for "simple mistakes" to emerge and smoother to leave them to hands of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 21
See this world from the Holy Spirits' point of view that is "everything has healed and completed."
What happens by trying this? 
Well,leave that question to the Holy Spirits and just try it  first.
Something unexpected will happen.

Soul #4: 18
Listen to the Holy Spirits and move forward carefully this week as well.
That is because we are used to unhappiness but we are not resistant to happiness.
To receive and expand the happiness that is going to expand infinitely, start to prepare for it carefully.

Soul #5: 16R → 6
When you feel like you are repeating the same thing over and over,
remember that it is a mistake.
And, remember the fact that you have chosen the Holy Spirit at any moment and cerebrate that.
Then promptly, you will be more forgiving to even the "lack of drive"of your brothers, and you will be able to feel like "waiting a little longer."

Soul #6: 17R → 8
To accept the true abundance is to admit how much meaningless thing you have done.
It actually is something really emberrassing, but the Holy Spirits don't care at all.
Unless you offer all the "shamefulness=simple mistakes" to the Holy Spirits you will not go back to Heaven, so let it all hand out.

Soul #7: 4
Check where you stand again.
Do you have anything you want to depend on other that the Holy Spirts?
Do you have anything you want to do other than sharing your joy directly with your brothers as God wish?

Soul #8: 13
You love is becoming limitless.
At the same time, pay attention to see if you you are feeling something is a pain in the neck.
Be careful not to choose "pain in the neck" unconsciously, expecially when you are learning something.

Soul #9: 12R → 20
Your inner talent is about to bloom.
You might freak out since it is something totally amazing, but it is a great chance to implore the Holy Spirits for help.
And have fun with yourself "who cannot do anything without the Holy Spirits."

week card    5R→  15 :  「私の願望は何か?」と考えるのではなく、「私たちの願望は?」という視点で捉えてください。

soul ①    11R→ 9 :  自分には御父から受け継いだ「愛を拡張する喜び」以外には何もない、と理解すること。

soul ②    2 :  あなたの意志と御父の意志がひとつであることを 祝福してください。

soul ③    21 : この世界を、そこに生きる人々を、「全て癒され完成されている」という聖霊の視点で眺めるようにしてください。

soul ④    18 : 今週も聖霊に耳を傾けながら、注意深く進んでください。

soul ⑤    16R→  6 :  自分が同じことを繰り返しているような気持ちになったら、それは間違いだと思い出してください。
そうするとすぐにあなたは 兄弟の「やる気のなさ」にさえ寛容になってくるし、「もう少し待とう」と思えるようになります。

soul ⑥    17R→  8 :   真の豊かさを受け入れることは、同時に これまでの自分がいかに無駄なことをしてきたのかを認めることでもあります。
soul ⑦    4 :   自分の立ち位置をもう一度明確にしましょう。

soul ⑧    13 :   あなたの愛は限界のないものになりつつあります。

soul ⑨    12R→  20 :   あなたの内なる才能が開花しつつあります。



the Card of the Week: 12R → 20
By going for Heaven with your brothers, we can accomplish an immeasurable rising.
However, you need a common recognition among everyone gathered there "What Will of God is" for that.

Soul #1: 13
As long as you are looking for outer abundance, you won't be able to receive true gift.
That is because the mind of calling for outer abundance is based on a wrong understanding that "the world is."

Soul #2: 9
Focus your mind on God and Heaven only.
If you keep that in your mind, everything else will be taken care of by the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 4
The most useful thing to free your bothers from feeling guilty is your recognition that "the sense of guilt is already gone."
"It was just a transient dream. There is nothing left now."
When you look at people with such recognithion, they will start feeling lightly.

Soul #4: 11R → 5
If your brother is crying out for Love through a monitor such as a PC in front of you, the only way for you to be free is to pray to the Holy Spirits for him to be free from a bad dream.

Soul #5: 17
Look at a person in front of you as Christ.
Its eye will came back to you. Then, on the top of that, blessing form God will be delivered.

Soul #6: 3
A teacher of God. Love yourself. 
That is the exactly the same thing as loving the Holy Spirits and loving God.
That also means receiving Love from God as it is. 

Soul #7: 14
If you decide to heal yourself, lots of people will come to you with gifts of healing.
In this world, it may be something "totally impossible to forgive", but is the best opportunity to forgive."

Soul #8: 19R → 18
Regardless how much you love God, you cannot ignore your brothers who live in the earth. 
Ignoring them leads to indifference to Christ. 
In other words, it leads to indifference to your true Self.
You cannot go back to Heaven having no interest in yourself.

Soul #9: 6
Until you search for light, you thought darkness is your home and getting lost is living. 
Of course, these are illusions and merely mistakes.
Now, look at "such yourself in tha past" from the safe place.....don't you want to hug yourself? Hug yourself!   

week card   12R→  20  : 兄弟と共に天国を目指すことで、私たちは計り知れない上昇を遂げることができます。

soul ①    13 :  外的な豊かさを求めている限り、真の贈り物を受け取ることはできません。

soul ②    9 :  御父と天国にだけ あなたの意識を集中させてください。

soul ③    4 :  兄弟を罪悪感から解放する際、最も役に立つことは「罪悪感は既に消え去っている」というあなたの認識です。

soul ④   11R→  5 : あなたの目の前で、あるいはPCなどのモニターを通して兄弟が愛を求めて叫んでいるのなら、

soul ⑤    17 :  目の前にいる人の中にキリストを見てください。

soul ⑥    3 :   神の教師よ、あなた自身を愛しなさい。
そして御父からの愛を そのまま受け取ることでもあるのです。          

soul ⑦    14 :   もしあなたが自分自身を癒すことを決めたら、多くの人びとが癒しの贈り物を携えてやってくるでしょう。

soul ⑧    19R→  18 :   あなたがどれほど御父を愛しているにせよ、この地上に暮らす兄弟たちを無視してはいけません。

soul ⑨    6 :   光を求めるまで、闇こそがあなたの家であり迷うことが生きることだと思っていました。
今、安全なところから「そんな過去のあなた」を見て・・・ハグしたくなったでしょう? してあげて!



the Card of the Week: 19R → 1
Even if it seems taken a step backwords,it is just your perception.
You have already relinquished everything to the Holy Spirits. 
Therefore, everything is moving toward the truth.

Soul #1: 18
I assume you are being more careful in your new environment.
Don't forget that this world is made of inane, and walk with the Holy Spirits who exemplify the truth in the world.

Soul #2: 11
Only when someone calling for salvation connects the goal of the Holy Spirits by his will, the door to the truth will be opened.
Its polestar is the equanimity of your heart.
Trust that we also have come this far following the same path.

Soul #3: 2
We met here to bless each other and share Peace of God.
Trust that the day will come by God, and keep learning.

Soul #4: 13
All people show up in front of you eyes are "brothers crying out  for Love."
Who else would show up in front of you, who is a teacher of God in the first place?

Soul #5: 17
A sound teacher of God learns and evolves by teaching. 
And, the more you evolve, the more you teach and the more you learn.
Please bless the fact that you have already  been walking the path from bottom of your heard.

Soul #6: 14R → the Fool
Don't forget that interpersonal relationship is the temple of the Holy Spirits. 
The most precious "service" is your effort of trying to see Christ in others.

Soul #7: 20R → 5
Please remember that even the best therapy is not Truth itself.
It is just a path to Truth.
And, it is "a device" to reach to Truth by eliminating whatever other than love diligently.

Soul #8: 8R → 15
In this world, forgiving is the only thing worth learning and teaching. 
In other words, this world is made of variety of thoughts other than forgiving and it is not nessecary to understand it.

Soul #9: 7R → 3
The end of the world means the end of everything but Love.
In other words, it is end of sadness.
When you recognize a mistake as a mistake, what would comeout other than Love. Hard laughing?

week card   19R→  1  : 一時的に後退したかに見えたとしても、それはあなたの知覚にしか過ぎません。

soul ①    18 :  新しい環境の中で、より慎重になっていることと思います。

soul ②    11 :  救済を求める人が、自らの意志で聖霊のゴールとつながったときのみ、真実への扉は開かれるものです。
その指針となるものが あなたの心の平穏さであり、「私たちもまた同じ道をたどってここまで来た」という信頼です。

soul ③    2 : 私たちがここで出会ったのは、お互いを祝福し、神の平安を分かち合うためです。

soul ④    13 : あなたの眼の前に現れる人々は、全て「愛を求めて叫んでいる兄弟」です。 

soul ⑤    17 :  正しい神の教師とは、教えることで学び、進化し、進化すればするほど、より多くを教え、より多くを学ぶものです。

soul ⑥   14R→  愚者  :   対人関係こそが聖霊の神殿であることを忘れないでください。            
その人の中にキリストを見いだそうとしてきた あなたの努力こそ、もっとも尊い「貢献」なのです。

soul ⑦    20R→  5 :  セラピーはその最高の形でさえ、真理そのものではないことを覚えていてください。

soul ⑧    8R→  15 :  この世界では、赦すことのみが唯一学ぶに値することであり、教えるに値するものです。
言い換えると この世界とは赦そうとしない思いの様々なバリエーションであり、それを理解する必要はない、と言うことです。

soul ⑨    7R→  3 :  世界の終わりとは愛以外の全ての終わり、つまり悲しみの終わりを意味します。
誤解を誤解として認識したとき、あなたの内から笑い以外の何が出てくるでしょうか? あ。大笑い?