

The Card of the Week: 16
From Christmas Eve to New Year, the world will move in a flurry.
Meanwhile, you should stay a little away from there with the Holy Spirits, and work on what you supposed to do without being emotional.
"The radiant silence" you have nurtured for a year is growing most surely.
Bring your consciousness to it merely, and cerebrate this blessed day.

Soul#1: 13R → 7
You really tried to accept all the incidents happened as opportunities of forgiveness and really tried hard to forgive them.
What you need to do now is to praise your effort very highly.
Instead of mourning about what you don't have, bless "where you are now" you have reached by your effort.
Then, the coming year will be even more glorious than now.

Soul #2: 2R → 11
Bless "yourself of this year" who kept looking at what is eternal rather than what keeps changing like a reflection on the surface of the water.
And,when you wish to share this blessing with your family and all your brothers who are walking with you, Joy of God will also be yours.

Soul #3: 1R → 21
Accept your mistake, recognize it as just a mistake rather than a sin, forgive it as it is, and leave it to the Holy Spirit.
Then, "the memory of the sin" will disappear from your inside.
In other words, amending your memory that you believe the mistake actually happened means amending all the wrong creations since Genesis.
Isn't it cool?

Soul #4: 18
As you kept looking at your inner self devotedly, you understood how ego change joy into disappointment and light into darkness.
However, what you should notice here is that the kind of light that would change into darkness is not real.
Real light, what J said "light of this world", is "you" who who trust the Holy Spirits, keep looking at the world with the Holy Spirits, and go beyond the world.

Soul #5: 19R → 6
Praise yourself who put your thoughts aside and kept choosing the opinion of the Holy Spirits.
Then, you will notice that God and the Holy Spirits are also thanking you more than you do.
Even if you feel unrealistic, recognizing that, "That's how the system of the Holy Spirits works." is enough.
This recognition will open the new door, and you will notice yourself standing on somewhere wonderful beyond your imagination.

Soul #6: 17
From Christmas to New Year, a wonderful gift will be sent to you who really tried your best as a teacher of God this year. 
Furthermore, it lasts not merely one night, but for a while. 
Of course, it may be something unvisible, like truth is unvisible, you will know it by God.
That is because, like God, you are not a physical existance.

Soul #7: 20R → 8
It might have been hard for you to forgive what you have experienced this year as "something never happened" and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
However, through the experience, you finally became able to accept Will of God as your will. 
And, it also is the beginning of your true life.
Now, give a special thanks to all the incidents and all your brothers that brought you here.

Soul #8: 9
You might have been a little diappointed by noticing that what you have searched for a long time actually was at your finger's end and someting ordinal.
However, you will know the true value of it when you share it with your brothers and when their smiles make your heart filled with Joy.

Soul #9: 3R → 5
When you forgive your family and love them as they are, you will finally know Love of God.
You will know that God also loves unconditionally.
When you accept this Love, you will look at yourself with the view of God fro the first time.
How a snowflake can exist in Love like a beautiful summer garden?
Forget about a snowflake and play in the summer garden.


week card    16 :  クリスマス・イブから年末にかけて世界は慌ただしく動いていくでしょう。

soul ①    13R→  7 :  この1年、あなたはここで出会った出来事を全て赦しの機会としてとらえ、本当に頑張って赦そうと努めてきました。

soul ②    2R→  11 :  水に映る影のように絶えず変化し続けるものではなく、永遠に変わらないものを見つめ続けた「今年のあなた」を祝福してください。  

soul ③    1R→  21 :  自らの過ちを受け入れ、それを罪としてではなく単なる間違いだと認識しそのまま赦して聖霊にゆだねることで、あなたの内から「罪の記憶」は消えていきます。 

soul ④    18 :  あなたは自分の内側を一心に見つけ続けることによって、エゴがどのように喜びを失望に、光を闇に変えていくのかを理解しました。

soul ⑤    19R→  6 :  自分の思考を脇に置き、ひたすら聖霊の意見を選び続けたこの1年のあなた自身を誉め讃えてください。
それに対して実感がなくても「聖霊の思考システム上では そうらしい」と認識するだけで充分です。

soul ⑥    17 :   今年一年、神の教師として本当に頑張ってきたあなたに、クリスマスから年末にかけて素晴らしい贈り物が届けられます。
しかもそれは一晩だけではなく、この期間ずっと続くようです。    もちろんそれは、(真実がそうであるように)目には見えないものかもしれませんが、あなたには確実に分かります。

soul ⑦    20R→  8 :   あなたにとってさえ、今年体験したことを「何も起こっていなかったこととして」赦し、聖霊にゆだね続けることはとてもハードだったかもしれません。

soul ⑧    9 :  ずっと探していたものが、実は自分のすぐ側にあった、とても馴染みのあるものだったと気がついて、少しがっかりしてるかもしれません。  

soul ⑨    3R→  5 :   あなたが家族を赦し、そのままの姿を愛すようになったとき、あなたはようやく御父の愛が分かります。




The Card of the Week: 1
Before Christmas, the fresh wind blows in.
Hold the hands of the Holy Spirits,and take care of old issues on a roll. 
Decide to clean your mind especially what you have been procrastinating to take care of.
The decision will move you to take the next action (because the Holy Spirits are around), and you will be surprised by yourself standing on the next stage and fitting in there.

Soul #1: 2R → 21
No matter what happens, see your situation as "the best thing for me to happen."
Don't look for the reason for the situation but always ask the Holy Spirits.
When you do so, the aspect of the Holy Spirit of the incident will be clear and you will thank it from bottom of your heart.
Then, it's time for you to graduate from the incident.
Step forward to the next stage, the world filled with light.

Soul #2: 5
When you tell something to others, always remember that, "there is no one outside."
There is only yourself in the past searching for the truth in wrong places, and crying out for Love in despair.
Once you recognize that, your words will be filled with Love and Forgiveness more than ever, and the world will bring back its light little by little.

Soul #3: 16
Finally the entire picture of what you have learned and built up consistently is becoming visible.
However, you can't rest easy yet, even though it is getting pulled into shape.
Unless Light of God come through, our learning, Forgiveness, will not be over.
Let Him decide when it comes, and continue your task for a while.

Soul #4: 12R → 11
When everything is going well, people often get depressed without any reason.
If it happens, inhale the heaviness of the feeling as it is with white light, exhale as you leave it to the Holy Spirits, and keep breathing.
And then, you will go beyond the rule of the world of dualism (light/darkness), and find yourself in the true world that you have always longed for.

Soul #5: 14
Great power of healing is poured into you.
However, it is a great opportunity for forgiveness.
During this week, keep your mind calm and peaceful as much as you can.
If you get sleepy, is possible, say "I devote this sleep to the Holy Spirits." and go to sleep.
When you wake up, the world will be filled with a little more light than before.

Soul #6: 18R → 13
When you are involved with thoughts of others and the peace of your mind is untuned, step away form the situation promptly.
After that, once you remind yourself that your task is to keep your mind calm and keep sending love, peace and blessing to your brothers no matter when,go back to there again.
Thanks to your work, the situation is working out completely by the time you are back.

Soul #7: 17R → 9
A teacher of God with experience teach his student,who is searching for the answer, forgiveness first.
That is because he knows that unless the student learn forgiveness and the student's mind gets peaceful, the answer of the Holy Spirits won't reach there.
It certainly is a task that takes patience.
However, if you remember that, "Even I could come this far.", it is not that hard thing to practice.
Even the memory of yourself being at rock bottom can be gracefully exploitable once you leave it to the Holy Spirits.   

Soul #8: The FoolR → 10
When you regain ture freedom is when you understand that your love and trust for God is actually love for yourself.
Of course, you would cry out, "Such a violate thought is unacceptable as a man!", but God is not a man in the first place.
In other words, your crying will be ignored.
I'm sorry!

Soul #9: 20
You health and exertion of your gift is up to how much you love and thank people aroung you, expecially your family.
In other word, if you are not in your best physical condition, there is only one thing you should do!
As if you are the angel of card #20, forgive and bless all mankind with your egoistic reason♪ 

week card    1 :  クリスマスを前に新鮮な風が吹き込んで来ました。

soul ①    2R→  21 :  どのようなことが起ころうとも、「全て良いことが起こっている」と判断してください。

soul ②    5 :  誰かに何かを伝えようとするときには、必ず「外側には誰もいない」ことを思い出してください。

soul ③    16 : これまでコツコツと学び、築き上げてきたものの全貌が、ようやく見えてくるようになりました。

soul ④    12R→  11 : 全てが上手くいっているときに限って、意味もなく心が沈みこむことがあります。

soul ⑤    14 :  大きな癒しの力があなたへ注がれています。

soul ⑥    18R→  13 :  身近な人々の思考に巻き込まれ心の平安が乱されそうなときには、速やかにその場から離れてください。

soul ⑦    17R→  9 :   経験を積んだ神の教師は、急いで答を求める学習者に、まず赦すことを教えます。

soul ⑧    愚者R→ 10 :   あなたが真の自由を取り戻す時とは、あなたの御父に対する信頼と愛が、実は自分自身への愛だったと理解する時なのです。
もちろん今のあなたの段階では「そんな冒涜的な思考は 人として許されない!!」と叫ぶでしょうが、もとより御父は人間ではありません。

soul ⑨    20 :   あなたの健康と才能の開花は、あなたが身近な人々、特に家族をどれほど愛し感謝で満たすかにかかっています。



the Card of the Week: 18R → 6
The keyword of next year is that,"I am/We are treasure of God."
Accept that, "You are treasure of God." as we speak.
You don't have to think about what is the appropriate way to live as treasure of God.
What you should first is to accept it feeling gentle and saying
"If the Holy Spirits say so, it must be right."
After that...your future,filled with miracles,is waiting for you.

Soul #1: 4R → 1
The card says that your direction will be clear once you make a decision.
Meanwhile, people tend to wonder the decision they have made.
That is a great opportunity to inhale your distress as it is with light of the Holy Spirits, and leave everything to the Holy Spirits as you exhale.
As you repeat breathing like this,your mind will be peaceful and you will be able to see the entire picture of things.

Soul #2: 15
Your sincere wishes will come true soon.
Thus, you must always make your sincere wish clear.
You would not want to regret what you have wished for when your wish comes true, so think carefully with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 11
No matter what kind of mistakes you have made in the past, it is already something in your memory.
It has no power to affect anything but merely your mind.
Therefore, the most realistic solution is "to change your mind."
That's what the Holy Spirits are for.

Soul #4: 9R → 5
As you repeat forgiveness, you became able to experience and understand what the real world is.
You already have experienced your space expanding inside as you keep sharing that with your brothers who ask for Love.
Keep expanding!

Soul #5: 2R → 10
It can be quite stressful to write without a solution.
However, you are on the alter of God whenever you write.
You know that the chaos disappears before you know it no matter how bad it is as you keep devoting it to the alter.
If you write about the chaos and devoting it to the Alter of God honestly,you will be able to see the solution, that is the theory of the Holy Spirits.
This power is the "radiance" given by God.

Soul #6: 17
Since you have connected with something true, there is nothing on this planet to blindfold you.
The only thing you can do here is to keep sharing the Love you have received with your brothers joyfully.
If you acknowledge and bless yourself who have come this far following the Holy Spirits, the dream like Heaven will expand on this planet by God.

Soul #7: 3
In this world of dualism, forgiveness is what is called true creativity.
If you would like to be trealy creative, recognize that everything (without any exception) is a great opportunity of forgiveness, and try practicing it. 
Of course, it is very hard to do,and you will fail again and again.
But,if you keep practicing it diligently, you will notice yourself "practicing forgiveness as if you breathe" by this time next year. 
Don't you think that is yourself who is perfect for you to create?   

Soul #8: 14
When everything is filled with light,and when you understand that there is nothing you crave for anymore or notice there is nothing to crave for to begin with, a child of God will stand at a intersection of two path.
One is the path leads into light, and there is no way to come back.
The other the path to come back from the light and to work as the Holy Spirits leading your brothers crying out for Love to the awakening,just like J did.
God will love you regardless which path you choose. 
Which one would you choose?

Soul #9: 8R → 12
At this point, you may be urged to try many kinds of things.
It will be a firm proof that you don't waste your energy on critisim or attack anymore. 
However, don't make a decision to form your future for now. 
Instead, try something fun as you like to find your natural potentials.
That's good for you~♪

week card   18R→  6  :  来年のキーワードは「私・私たちは神の宝物」です。 

soul ①    4R→  1 :  決断することで方向性が明確になる、とカードは言っています。

soul ②    15 :   近日中に、あなたの心からの望みが実現します。

soul ③    11 :  かってあなたがどのような間違いをしていたにせよ、それは既に記憶の中の出来事です。

soul ④    9R→  5 :  あなたは赦しを重ねていくことで、実相世界の何たるかを体験し、理解するようになりました。

soul ⑤    2R→  10 :  解決策のないまま文章を書き続けることは、時としてとてつもないストレスをあなたに与えます。

soul ⑥    17 :  真なるものとつながった以上、もはやこの星の上にあなたの気持ちを惑わすものは何一つなくなりました。 

soul ⑦    3 :  この二元論の世界では、赦しこそが真の創造性と呼ぶに相応しいものです。

soul ⑧    14 :  全てが光に満たされ、もはやここには欲しいものがないと理解したとき、
もちろんどちらを選んでも御父の愛は変わりません。 あなたはどちらを選びますか?

soul ⑨    8R→  12 :  ここに来て、急にいろいろなことがやりたくなってきたかもしれません。




The Color of the Week: the FoolR → 10
If you feel that, "I have no freedom.", it is a great opportunity of your release.
Keep breathing for a while: Inhale its weight as it is with white light, and exhale with the picture of leaving it to the Holy Spirit.
Then, you will find yourself have become lighter, and you will be able to get a glimpse of what freedom is. 

Soul #1: 18
When something you have been waiting for comes in front of you, we often get an urge to run away from there. 
For example,the urge show up as a feeling of helplessness or destruction.
However, it's not real but merely something to other the peace of your mind. 
As you understand it, leave it to the Holy Spirits and forgive it, you will find yourself have reached to the middle of light.

Soul #2: 2
One journey is over, but new journey has not started yet. 
The most important lesson now is to understand how you accept this "blank time" or understand how the Holy Spirits take "this time."
As if you are writing down your future on a white page of brand new notebook, write down "this time", that is filled with all kinds of opportunity, as Love for God.

Soul #3: 13R → 21
This world is always changing and any situations are changing every minute.
However, everything is neutral no matter what happens. 
Thus, the only important thing is that, "Who do you look at it with?"
Subsequent deployment may differ depends on who you look at it with: the Holy Spirits or ego.
Keep choosing the Holy Spirits.

Soul #4: 16 → 1
When you are seized by a sense of helplessness as if you haven't accomplished anything, it is actually a great opportunity of understanding. 
Accept the feeling with white light, and leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Then, ask the Holy Spirits what their take is.
You will eventually understand that "I" am nothing other than "nothing" and that you could not make nothing other than "nothing" even if you tried to make "I" do something.
And that will make you crack up.

Soul #5: 15R → 14
When all of what you wanted fade out and you don't care for anything in this world anymore, it means your understanding as a man is getting close to completion.
However, like what Buddha did 2500 years ago, I don't recommend you to stop there.
Decide to go beyond "there is no world." and vault toward "the world where only God is."
Then, Heaven is come closer to you more and more as you walk following the Holy Spirits.

Soul #6: 5
When you whare what you have learned with your brothers, we tend to think that, "Since there is no world nor body, sharing it within mind is enough."
However, since a body doesn't really exist, it can became a brilliant tool as your mind wish.
And, God is the one who is asking you to use your body like that and, as the Holy Spirit, work on your brothers who only can recognize your body.

Soul #7: 4
In our case, to be realistic means that, "your feet firmly fixed to Heaven."
Stay, think and act "Heavenly" no matter what happens this week.
Don't worry about how.
As always, ask the Holy Spirits every time.

Soul #8: 11R → 12
You might be bored to death a little as you understand where you stand objectively.  
It is difficult to accept that you thought of yourself pretty awesome but you are not.
However, remember that this world is a school.
If you want to pass the test, what is important is your effort to know your level first and to overcome your shortcomings as you laud your strength.
I'm sorry for such a low-key advice...

Soul #9: 20R → 9
No matter what the situation is, the hint or the shortcut of solution is to remember "I as God created" 
Your task of this week is to not to get involved with your natural emotions or thoughts (because you are just being "natural" in the way of ego, and you know that ego doesn't extist.), stay away from them and look at them with view of the Holy Spirits.
Here is a drill for you♪

week card      愚者R→  10 :  もしあなたが「自分は自由ではない」と感じているのなら、それは解放の大いなるチャンスです。
soul ①   18 :  待ち望んでいたものが目前に来たとき、私たちはしばしばそこから逃げ出したくなる衝動に駆られるものです。

soul ②    2 :  ひとつの旅が終わり、しかしまだ新しい旅は始まりません。

soul ③    13R→  21 :  この世界は常に移ろっていくものであり、状況は刻一刻変化していきます。

soul ④    16R→  1 :  自分がこれまで何もやってこなかったような無力感に襲われたときは、実は大きな理解のチャンスなのです。

soul ⑤    15R→  14 :  かって自分が欲しかったものがことごとく色褪せ、もはやこの世界に欲しいものはないと感じたならば、それは人としての理解が完成の域に近づいた証です。

soul ⑥    5 :   自分が学んだものを兄弟に分かち合うとき、時として私たちは「世界はないし肉体もないのだから、分かち合いは心の中だけで充分である」と考えがちです。           

soul ⑦    4 :   現実的であることは、私たちの場合「天国に足をつけて考えること」を意味します。  
具体的にどうすればいいの? なんて心配しなくても大丈夫。

soul ⑧    11R→ 12 :   自分の立ち位置を客観的に分かってきて、いささかゲンナリしているかもしれません。

soul ⑨    20R→  9 :   どのような状況であっても「御父が創造されたままの自分」を想起することが問題解決の糸口、あるいはショートカットになります。




the Card of the Week: 13
The core part of ego deep down in your unconsciousness have started to surface.
It's OK to treat it as something horrible and try not to look at it.
However, it is a wonderful opportunity.
If it is possible, why don't you look at it with the Holy Spirit and experience the miracle: it will disappear as you keep looking at it?

Soul#1: 5R → 3
You have already set a clear goal.
Only the Holy Spirits know how to make it come true.
Trust that, and leave your day to the Holy Spirits.
Instead of making your plan, listen to the Holy Spirits carefully and follow your intuition as you work and do things around the house.
By the end of the day, you will see that it is not that difficult to achieve your goal. 

Soul #2: 9R → 10
You have noticed the infinite love irradiating on you and your family.
Of course, you just noticed recently.
However, have you noticed that a light has been shining even brighter since then?
Even if not, say, "Yes, I have!" lol

Soul #3: 7
It's time to retrieve the wisdom of the Holy Spirits.
To begin with, try to understand that: a salvation comes from somewhere beyond our understanding; acceptance of it is the proof of existence of a great power beyond us; and the power loves you unconditionally.
If you stay with this understanding, it will lead you to the resurrection of the true intelligence.

Soul #4: 14
A exquisite and enormous power that catalyze your fundamental transformation is coming. 
Why don't you accept this power and become one with it?
At moments in you life, you have to give yourself up to something wholeheartedly.
However, you would be OK even if you don't do it this time.
Another opportunity will keep coming until you do it. 

Soul #5: 6
Now is the time of choice.
However, don't rush.
Experience carefully what you are comparing between and which one you are about to choose.
You should rather choosing something with the Holy Spirits or comparing carefully with the view of the Holy Spirits than choosing something blindly, losing  confidence and choosing again. 

Soul #6: 1
Be strong. 
Your decision shows your faith and your path.
Even if it is something you cannot share with others (however, it would never happen as long as you stay with the Holy Spirits.),stay strong. 
This strength is Love and "True Self" that you received from God.

Soul #7: 8
Apprehend your new goal as "something to deliver us abundance."
If you imaginve its achievement as not merely your joy but as joy of all brothers, the goal will be achieved easily and the future will change by God.
That is because "our joy" of Will of God.

Soul #8: 2R → 12
It's not too difficult for you to be One.
Then, why do you feel it so difficult?
Of course, you know the reason good enough.
Ironically, the feeling of "I cannot do it even though I know it" is something shows your Oneness.
Now, devote the feeling entirely to Alter of God promptly.

Soul #9: 18R → 20
"The power beyond you" that has been sleeping inside of you...
You can call it a spark or a glance of your gift.
Now it is surfacing. 
Notice that you are doubting it and denying it even though it is such a precious time.
If you can observe yourself acting such way from far dinstance...miralces will come with a great laughter.

week card    13 :  無意識の奥に潜んでいたエゴの核の部分が浮上してきました。 

soul ①    5R→  3 :  あなたは既に明確な目標を設定しました。

soul ②    9R→  10 :  あなたは自分に、そして家族に降り注いでいる無限の愛に気がついています。

soul ③    7 :  今こそ聖霊の智識を取り戻す時です。

soul ④    14 : あなたの根底から変容させてしまうような、強烈かつ巨大な癒しの力が訪れています。

soul ⑤    6 :  今こそ選択の時です。

soul ⑥    1 :  力強くあってください。

soul ⑦    8 :  新たに設定した目標を「私たちの豊かさを実現するためのもの」として捉えなおしてください。 

soul ⑧    2R→  12 :   あなたにとって全一であることは、それほど難しいものではありません。
そして皮肉なことに、この「分かっていても できない」という途方に暮れた感覚こそ、今のあなたの全一性を現すものなのです。

soul ⑨    18R→  20 :  あなたの内に眠っていた「あなたを越える力」・・・




the Card of This Week: 20
Aren't you still doubting the fact that your thoughts come true?
Even if you don't agree with it, not only this world but also Heaven is moved by this law.
Thus, what you should ask yourself after accepting this law is "Who should I think with?"
Are you going to ask with the Holy Spirits or with someone else?

Soul #1: 18
Keep looking at your mind more carefully than usual during this week. 
If your thought is influenced by others and if you lost peace of your mind, look at that person instead of this opinion. 
If his mind is peaceful, that incident is helping you to expand. 
If not, he is merely crying for Love. 

Soul #2: 1R → 21
Do you clearly recognize how much you have devoted yourself to the world and how much you have expanded love?
Do you realize that you are not a beginner but you have been a role model for your brothers as a child of God?
Accept it meekly and appreciate yourself who have come this far with your quiet dedication.
Then, your projection will disappear from this world, and the world will start singing Love and Gratitude..

Soul #3: 3R → 8
If it seems you have a distance from your brothers, remember the basic concept, "there is no world."
If there is no world as the Holy Spirit say, there is no situation nor a person you cannot forgive. 
In other words, you cannot forgive others because you cannot forgive yourself. And if so, you don't exist since the world doesn't exist. 
It is not so difficult to forgive someone who doesn't exist nor to forgive something that never happened.
Let's give a try!

Soul #4: 4
If you know that you have kept forgiving consistently, this week will be the week of miracles, miracles happen one after another.
Or,it may have started already and it will be accelerated this week.
Anyway, make a biggest brave try  accepting the miracles, and share the miracles with yourself in the past. 

Soul #5: 16
As usual, keep accumulating what you have gained through learning this far during this week.
For example, try to treat yourself in the past nicely as if you treat your brother who you respect.
If you keep doing it, the future you ask for will come to this world by God.

Soul #6: 11R → 5
When you try to tell something to your brothers and they don't get it, you may feel anger for a split second.
Howevere, you should not supress the feeling considering, "It is not appropriate for a child of God to get angry."
Instead, devote the anger as it is to Alter of God.
Then, eveything other than truth will disappear, and you will know that your task is to tell others what is left in a straightforward manner (even if they don't accept it.)

Soul #7: 7
What you have avoided will show up in front of you and ask you to resolve promptly.
However, as always, the Holy Spirits will never force you to do something.
In other words, even your primordial issue have come to the point that you can look at it without being stressed out and heal it.
Isn't it wonderful?

Soul #8: 15R → the Fool
Regardless how other are, just be honest with Will of God.
If you do so, you will start to notice your "only exception", and you will understand that you won't get true freedom unless you leave it to the Holy Spirits.
Of course, even if you don't let it go, God will always love you, but the person you love won't learn Freedom from you.
Actually, Love is to keep giving Freedom to someone you love. 

Soul #9: 2
Once again, make sure you are standing on the right spot.
Even if your goal is the same as Will of God and even if you have a detailed plan to reach to a dream like Heaven, it won't move unless you participate it holistically.
Is your thoughts directed toward there without a doubt?

week card   20  :  思考は実現する、という事実を未だに疑っていませんか?

soul ①    18 :  今週はいつも以上に慎重に自分の心を見守り続けてください。

soul ②    1R→  21 :  あなたがこれまで世界にどれほど貢献したか、どれほど愛を拡張してきたか、明確に認識していますか?

soul ③    3R→  8 :  もしあなたが兄弟から離れているかのように感じられたときは、「世界はない」という基本的な概念を思い出してください。

soul ④    4 :  あなたが、自分はこれまで聖霊に従ってコツコツと赦し続けてきた、と知っているのなら、今週は奇跡に次ぐ奇跡の連続の日々になるでしょう。

soul ⑤    16 :   これまでの学びを通して得たものを、今週も淡々と積み上げていってください。

soul ⑥    11R→  5 :  兄弟たちに何かを伝えようとするとき、彼らの理解のなさに 一瞬怒りを感じるかもしれません。        しかし「怒りは神の子らしくない」と抑圧してはいけません。

soul ⑦    7 :  あなたが意識的に避けていたことが眼前に現れ、即座の解決を求めてきそうです。  

soul ⑧   15R→ 愚者  :  他の人がどうあろうと、あなたは御父の意志だけに正直であってください。

soul ⑨    2 :   今再び、自分の立ち位置を明確にしてください。




the Card of the Week: 16
Have you understand that your daily thoughts create your life?
Are these thoughts based on Love or fear?
Keep in your mind "What am I building up?" while you spend your time this week.

Soul #1: 12
You know how to relax as you pay attention to your thoughts. 
Of course, it means keep holding hands of the Holy Spirits in your life.
Realize that you are not only know it, but also applying it to your life.
That's something definitely worth appreciating.

Soul #2: 10R → 6
Even if your wish doesn't come true, keep choosing the thoughts of the Holy Spirits.
Every incidents that happens in this world became neutral as soon as it happens.
When you look at an incident again with the Holy Spirits' take, the incident and the world will transform into those of the Holy Spirits.

Soul #3: 20R → 4
If you feel alone, that is because you are not trying to look at Christ inside of others.
Once you notice this mistake, please forgive such way of your life, leave it to the Holy Spirits, and have them amend the mistake. 
Don't worry. 
Since there is no difference of degree in miracles, your joyful life will start immediately.

Soul #4: 14
You may have been experiencing a great resistance since you started trying looking at Christ inside of your brothers.
However, it is your unconscious thought came up for healing, and it is merely a mistake. 
Once you understand that, you won't get involved in emotions all for nothing anymore.
Keep forgiving and leaving your experience to the Holy Spirits without being emotional. 

Soul #5: 3
When you don't see how you are transforming, try to remember yourself three years ago. 
When you compare yourself now and yourself three years ago, you will be able to understand how much more peaceful you are living now. 
Thank and praise your effort of last three years that have kept creating this peace.

Soul #6: 9R → 19
Recognize that you have your calmness now since you have kept looking at truth inside of others rather than what you see on their surface.
That is not something you learned from people outside, but what you learned from the sacred existance inside of you.
All your guides are just pointing at it just like a finger pointing at the moon.

Soul #7: 11R → 7
Even a strongest sadness or ditterness will be healed someday.
To be with the Holy Spirits simply means you can get the calmness again in a short priod of time.
In other words, what the Holy Spirits suggest is that it is "a little (reeeeeally)" easier than 5000 years of loneliness without forgiveness. lol

Soul #8: 13
Every dream is formed by a wrong assumption that "I am a body."
As you understand that and ammend the mistake with the Holy Spirits, you probably noticed that there is someone who cannot let go no matter what.
However, the important existance here is not that person but yourself who cannot let go.
That is the person (yourself) you are supposed to forgive carefully with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #9: 1
As the world become cool and clear, your mind became clear. 
Notice that the harsh coldness is united with your innder beauty, and look at the world with the view and devote everything to God.
Then, you will be able to understand how God look at His children and the world, the creation of the children little by little.
"Holy Task" given to you will start from here.

week card    16 :  あなたが普段から考えていることがあなたの人生を作っている、ということは、もう充分に理解されたでしょうか。
soul ①    12 :  自分の思考に気を配りながら、同時にリラックスして過ごす方法を、あなたは知っています。

soul ②    10R→  6 :  たとえあなたの願いが叶わないとしても、聖霊の思考を選択し続けてください。

soul ③    20R→  4:  もしあなたが寂しく過ごしているとしたら、それはあなたが人々の中にキリストを見いだそうと努力していないからです。

soul ④    14 :  兄弟の中にキリストを見るように努力し始めて、あたかも生まれて始めて感じるかのような強烈な抵抗を体験しているかもしれません。

soul ⑤    3 :   自分の変化がよく分からないときは、3年前の今頃の自分を思い出してください。

soul ⑥    9R→  19 :  人々の表面に見えるものではなく、その内側にある真実に目を向けてきたからこそ、今の穏やかさがあるのだと理解してください。

soul ⑦    11R→ 7 :   どれほど強い悲しみや恨みですら、いつか癒されていくものです。

soul ⑧    13 :  全ての夢は「自分は肉体である」という間違った思いこみから生じています。

soul ⑨    1 :  世界が冷たく澄んできたと同時に、あなたの心もまたクリアーになってきました。
あなたにゆだねられている「聖なる仕事」は ここから始まります。