

the Card of the Week: 18R → 11
Having the goal of "going back to Heaven," none of your thoughts and emotions are important.
That is because there is no such thought in Heaven.
If you have this understanding, you will see it is not necessary to sympathize with someone's feelings.
Since it is totally meaningless, just keep forgiving and leaving everything to the Holy Spirits without being held up with it.

Soul #1: 10
Keep looking at the whole picture of the situation with the Holy Spirits.
As you do what you currently supposed to do,have your mind stay quietly with the Holy Spirits.
Then, you will receive a great opportunity in front of you now.

Soul #2: 16R → 6
No matter what the situation is, the question you should ask is "What would J do?"
You know that light will shine through the world closed in darkness if you think of the question and follow the answer, 
The moment of choosing the the Holy Spirits and following Them is called "Holy Moment."
It is a whisper to encourage awakening of a sleeping child of God.
As you build it up, the world will be filled with light.

Soul #3: 9R → 4
No matter how deeply you contemplate by yourself without the Holy Spirits, your thoughts are completely meaningless.
If you want to come back to right position to stand and keep your mind peaceful, what you should work on first is to accept this concept, "my thoughts are meaningless."
It is upsetting, but the Holy Spirits know that you will accept this concept.
That is because the Holy Spirits are yourself in the future who are back in Heaven after overcoming numerous hardships.

Soul #4: 3
The right way of using creativity is to use it to amend wrong creation in the past. 
It seems passive, but if you don't want to create any more such nightmares,isn't it the best way of using your creativity?

Soul #5: 13
All kinds of small but annoying issues is gone while you are unaware.
What you are facing now is like the source of your thoughts and fears that are your core elements.
However, there in no large nor small in miracles. 
No matter what kind of thought attacks you, it is just a mistake. 
As usual,keep forgiving and leaving it to the Holy Spirits without being emotional.

Soul #6: 5
Your task to share the understanding, that you have reached, with your brothers have started.
People,who are given to the Holy Spirits,are still in a deep sleep, and they can react to something visible only
Therefore, turn your understanding into something physical such as meals, sweets, sewing flowers and so on to deliver to your brothers.
It is fun job to do(,too)♪

Soul #7: 2
Regardless what you do or what you don't do,we are always one with God.
Try to remember and appreciate this simple fact as often as possible during this week.
Then, something wonderful that will solve all your problems will happen.

Soul #8: 21
Walk as you imagine sharing your happiness with the world.
If you spend your time as if you are dancing, its Joy will expand toward your brothers by God.
When they receive the Joy, you will truely understand what you received from God.

Soul #9; 7R → 15
Like last week, various emotions will come to you, but none of them is the truth.
Bring your consciousness to rather what is eternal and steady than such wavering emotions.
It is a quiet space.
And your only wish is to invite the Holy Spirits and God to this space. 

week card    18R→  11 :  「天国に帰る」という目的からすると、あなたの思考や感情は何一つ重要ではありません。
この理解があれば、次々に沸き上がってくる思いや感情を汲み取る必要はない と分かります。
soul ①    10 :  聖霊と共に、静かに状況全体を見つめ続けてください。
そうすることで、今 目前に迫っている大きなチャンスを受け取ることができます。

soul ②    16R→  6 :  どのような状況下にあっても、あなたが自らに問うべき質問は「Jならば どうするか?」です。

soul ③    9R→  4 :  聖霊のいない場所で、あなたが一人でどれほど深く考えたとしても、その考えには全く意味がありません。
自分の立ち位置を正しい場所に戻し、心を平和な状態に保ちたいと願うなら、まず取り組むべきことは できるだけ早くこの概念(自分の思考には意味がないこと)を受け入れいることです。
だって聖霊とは、「数々の困難の後に天国に戻った 未来のあなたである」とも言えるのですから。

soul ④    3 :  この世界での創造性の正しい使い方は、過去の誤創造を訂正するために使うことです。

soul ⑤    13 :  あなたを悩ませていた細々とした物事も、いつの間にか消え去りました。

soul ⑥    5 :   あなたが到達した理解を、今、兄弟へと分かち合う仕事が始まりました。
soul ⑦    2 :   何をしていてもしていなくても、私たちは常に御父とひとつです。

soul ⑧    21 :   あなたの幸福を世界に分かち合うようにイメージしながら歩いてください。 

soul ⑨    7R→  15 :   先週に続いて様々な感情が去来しますが、それらに何一つ真実はありません。




the Card of the Week: 7R → 21
why don't you be happy rather than be logical?
For example, while it is hard to accept "my forgiveness", it gets much easier to accept the whole situation if you see it as "our forgiveness."
During this week, try to practice "our forgiveness" whenever you have a chance.
Then, you will get a hang of creating a dream like Heaven.

Soul #1: 15
I assume you are fully satisfied by delivering "my happiness."
It OK to stay at this stage for a while, or it is also a good idea to start a new learning for making another leap forward delivering "my happiness."
Have no worries one way or another.
The Holy Spirits will keep supporting you until you become capable of thinking and acting like J.

Soul #2: 9R → 14
The healing by the thought system of the Holy Spirits is always practiced based on "there is no world."
Also, through your experience, you have understood how hard it is to have your brothers accept this concept.
On that basis, compliment yourself for trying to tell them that.
By doing so, you will be able to bless your brothers sincerely who are trying to accept a thought that is hard to accept.

Soul #3: 12R → the Fool
Even if the world seems to be something hard to understand (and it really is hard to understand this world), you task is not to understand this world. 
Your task is to "keep forgiving" regardless what the situation is.
When you stop asking for a reason to forgive, you will understand what true freedom is for the first time.
It's a wonderful thing to happen.

Soul #4: 17R → 13
Now you have understood that "our abundance (wealth & income)" is the core of your thoughts, you cannot help ignoring yourself in the past who had not understood that yet.
However, as long as you keep procrastinating working on it, your task offered by the Holy Spirits (aka your boss) won't be completed,and you have to stay in this world (aka detached duty).
If you want to complete your task promptly and go back to Heaven (aka headquarters office/home),share your current understanding with yourself in the past and maintain your mind to be able to work on your task in integrated condition.

Soul #5: 8
Your abundance was given with blessing when God created you.
You are wasting your time doubting or denying that, aren't you?
Of course, it is not a sin, but the thought isn't aligned with your biggest wish,"contribution to the world."
This week, reflect on your life throught the view point of "How fortunate and happy am I?", which you haven't thought about too much.
With the help of the Holy Spirits, you will notice that you have been terribly fortunate, but it will be comfortable with it once you understand that that is something every one of your brothers has.
True contribution to the world will start from this understanding.

Soul #6: 20R → 19
The circle of Holy Family will expand dramatically by walking with the Holy Spirits.
Even if a person in front of you say something unlike J,it is important to keep looking at Christ inside of him and trusting him.
It's not like he will change by doing so, but your mind will be able to stay peaceful by God.
Then, from bottom of your heart,you will thank him who play the role as a very good opener for your awakening.
Can you accept "him" as a member of the Holy Family?

Soul #7: 18R → 1
Even if you try your best,to be misunderstood by others would happen.
If you get dippressed about it each time, you cannot be a teacher of God.
You should rather understand that "I need more healing."; step behind the Holy Spirits; and ask what is needed to be amended.
This humility is a very important credential as a teacher of God.

Soul #8: 3R → 5
Never rush to tell your brothers the message you received from the Holy Spirits.
However, when you try to tell something beyond words, the principle is "as promptly as possible."
By doing so, you will have to face the situation that you have to tell verbally, but in most of such situations, they are the one who come to you asking for words.

Soul #9: 4
During this week, you may have a problem of emotions that you don't do well.
If you still have an anger even after the problem is solved and the situation is better, remember that the cause is not outside but inside.
Or it could be just a simple desire to "be angry."
In other words, you just have a gigantic energy that has no place to go.
If you show the energy direction, such as creativity, it will be the foudation of your new stage of your life.
Have fun working on it.

week card    7R→  21 : 論理的であることよりも幸福であることを優先してはいかがでしょう。

soul ①    15 :  「私の幸福」を実現し、充分に満足されたと思います。

soul ②    9R→  14 :  聖霊の思考システムによる癒しは、必ず「世界はない」を基盤に実施されています。

soul ③    12R→  愚者 : たとえ世界が理解し難いものに見えたとしても、そして確かにこの世界はそのようなものなのですが、この世界を理解することはあなたに課された仕事ではありません。

soul ④    17R→  13 : 「私たちの豊かさ(富・稼ぎ)」が自分の思考の核であると理解した今、そうでなかった過去を「信じ難いもの」として無視しがちになるのは否めません。

soul ⑤    8 :  あなたの豊かさは、御父があなたを創造された時、祝福と共に贈られたものです。

soul ⑥    20R→  19 :  聖霊と共に進むことで、聖家族の輪が飛躍的に拡張します。

soul ⑦    18R→  1 :   たとえ最善の策を尽くしたとしても誤解されることは多々あります。
それにいちいち へこんでいるようでは、神の教師とは言えません。

soul ⑧    3R→  5 :   聖霊から受け取ったメッセージを兄弟に伝えるときには決して急がないこと。

soul ⑨    4 :   今週はあなたの苦手とする感情の問題が浮上してくるかもしれません。




the Card of the Week: 7R → 9
You should be getting used to walking a path based on "our joy."
Even if the situation around is changing, the is merely because your shifted mind have made the world seems different.
Please keep walking while you respect such "mind."

Soul #1: 3R → 1
Even though the new season has started, its beginning is usually
However, no matter how much ego stirs things up, you have walked this far trusting the Holy Spirits and that cannot be denied.
What is needed to overcome this situation is your relentless effort.
Praise yourself♪ 

Soul #2: 15
If God's Will and your will is the same, your wish is the same as His for sure.
Now, focus your thoughts merely on "What is the God's will?"
With your commitment, God's Will comes true even in this illusion.

Soul #3: 6R → 20
See yourself as a member of the holy family.
If you try to take every small incident in daily life as "holy us",it will transform into something holy.
That is because thoughts of a child of God is creating this world.

Soul #4: 18
You should be getting used to the new thought system, but this is the time you are the most inclined to accidents.
Brace your nerves and move forward carefully while you make sure to stay with the Holy Spirit all the time.

Soul #5: 2
Through all kinds of incidents of this summer, you must have confirmed that you are not away from the Holy Spirits.
The task of this week is to teach this recognition to yourself in the past and persuade him, who didn't have such confidence yet.
What you have to do is to "write as if you are taking to yourself in the past with respect."
Have fun talking to yourself.

Soul #6: 4
Make sure that you are standing at the right position.
Regardless what your situation is, you are asked to be like Christ.
Forgive thoughts of others that is other than Love; focus merely on Christ inside of others; and bring your consciousness merely to God and Heaven.
That's right. This week is also "another peaceful week that is very you."

Soul #7: 10
We went beyond many limits while we were lead by the Holy Spirits this summer. 
Stay away from the world for now,and look at "the whole picture of this summer" with the Holy Spirits at leisure.
Look carefully what you learned and what you let go.
If you put your experience into words, you will notice that the leading of the Holy Spirits is so detailed and so wide-ranging that it is beyond our imagination.
Then you will be appreciative deeply.

Soul #8: 16R → 14
No matter how much you try, it won't come ture as long as it is about "outer happiness."
However, it is wonderful to notice that, and it is a major task for you to forgive such yourself.
This is the biggest opportunity of forgiveness of this September.
Seize the opprtunity! 

Soul #9: 13R → the Fool
It is not time to stop.
The healing of this summer is completed and the journey of a great joy has started..
Even if you are scared of going toward happiness and expanding Love, don't bring what has completed already. 
You should rather focus on something new and exting, and have fun getting ready for that. 
If you change the direction of your thoughts toward like that of the Holy Spirits, the world will change completey.

week card    7R→  9 :  「私たちの喜び」を基盤に置いて歩き始めて、ようやく慣れてきた頃だと思います。

soul ①    3R→  1 :  例え新しいシーズンが始まったにせよ、その始まりの頃は不安定なものです。

soul ②    15 :  御父の意志とあなたの意志が同じものなら、そしてそれは確かにそうなのですが、あなたの願いは御父の意志と異なるものではありません。

soul ③    6R→  20 : 自分を聖なる家族の一員としてとらえてください。

soul ④    18 : 新しい思考体系に移行して、ようやく慣れてきた時期だと思います。

soul ⑤    2 :  この夏様々な出来事を通して、自分は聖霊と離れた存在ではなかったと確信できたと思います。
その方法は、いつものように「あのころの自分に 丁寧に話しかけるように書くこと」です。楽しんで語りかけてください。

soul ⑥    4 : 自分の立ち位置を常に明確にしておきましょう。 
soul ⑦    10 :  この夏私たちは、聖霊に導かれるまま多くの限界を超えて進んできました。 

soul ⑧    16R→  14 :   あなたがどれほど努力したとしても、あなたの願いが「外側の幸福」にある場合、それは決して叶うことはありません。

soul ⑨    13R→  愚者 :  今は止まるべき時ではありません。




the Card of the Week: 12
The major lesson for you for awakening of this summer is completed in peace.
Some people may say that they never forgot to choose the Holy Spirits no matter what happened. Others may not.
Anyhow, it's time for everyone to take it easy this week.
If you haven't completed the lesson, make up lesson will come regardless you have a confidence or not. lol

Soul #1: the Fool
You have walked a path with the thought of "our happiness" during this summer and you must be moved by the affluent future you are seeing.  
Accept the vision and go into it.
If you step forward with Joy,brothers you love will start walking right behind you.

Soul #2: 18
A child of God has to prepare for the next task while the world is taking a break.
You found out that the source of illusion is the idea of "joy just for me and having attachment to it" and laughed at its silliness.
Then, the world is moving toward the experience of "our joy" now. 
Spend your time quietly while you listen to the Holy Spirits to find out what you can do to support awakening of your brothers.

Soul #3: 17R → 9
Even though you understand that the source of mis-creation is "attachment to joy merely for myself," it is just your temporal understanding.
To make the understanding firmer,you should urge ourselves in the past who are attached to "joy merely for myself" to understand it.
It surely is time consuming and difficult task, but realize that that is why time and space exist.
If you work on it with the Holy Spirits, it will turn to Joy promptly.

Soul #4: 8R → 7
This week,look at your thoughts with the Holy Spirits without getting lost in your feelings.
Especially,focus on yourself screaming that "I understand the concept of being as abundant as God,but my emotion cannot let it accept it since I've never had such experience.
As you focus on this thoughts with white light without falling in such emotion, you will notice yourself firmly willing that "anyone but I won't be abundant or be like God."
However, is this real "you"?
That's right. Your task for this summer hasn't been completed yet.

Soul #5: 10
No matter what happened, you always have trusted the Holy Spirits,and kept choosing them.
In other words, you understood the pointlessness of your thought system and chose the Holy Spirits instead.
That's you who are connected to Heaven directly.
During this week, focus on yourself and bless "who made a sensible decision and keep making a sensible decisions."

Soul #6: 19
You have been voluntarily working on fierce training for a few years.
The outcome is shown in your mind faithful to the Holy Spirits (it is based on your understanding that you and others are children of God.), and its entrenchment.

Acknowledge your history and celebrate your unshakable mind.
Then, the world will change to easier place to be as you appreciate that all of your brothers have the same mind as you do.

Soul #7: 1
While the world is taking it easy being done with academic ability test after summer recess, that is nothing to do with you.
That is because now you know that there is no other fun work like expanding Love with the Holy Spirits, expecially shedding light on your inner-darkness cry out for Love and make a swap with the recognition of the Holy Spirits.
It will set you off from the world,but you will be OK.
Everyone will be the same by next week.

Soul #8: 4R → 20
There is something you couldn't deliver no matter how much you try during this summer.
Your mind didn't ged bewildered about it at all, but don't worry about it.
No matter what happens or what doesn't happen, peace of your mind won't change at all.
Remainng unchanged will lead you to eternity.
Keep celebrating it.
Then, your brothers who are plaing a game of blaming themselves consistently will get tired of it in the course of time, come back toward Heaven.

Soul #9: 21
The recognition of being One will get accomplished when you bring your conscious to Heaven and God only.
It is rather like remembering what you have forgotten than learning something new.
Thus, pretend like you know it already instead of trying to understand it intellectually.
As you think, act and play as if you are already One, you will remember that you surely are One.
It is unfortunate for some people, but such a "illogical method" is the only solution sometimes. 

week card    12 :  この夏、あなたの目覚めのために準備されていた大きなレッスンは無事に終了しました。

soul ①    愚者 :  この夏、「私たちの幸せ」をベースに歩き続けたあなたは、今、目の前に広がる豊かな未来に心を震わせているでしょう。

soul ②    18 :  世界がのんびりと休息を取っている間に、神の教師は次の課題の準備をしなければなりません。

soul ③    17R→  9 :  誤創造の源が「私だけの喜び。それに対する執着」だったと理解したとしても、それは今のあなたの理解に過ぎません。

soul ④    8R→  7 : 今週は感情におぼれず、聖霊と共に冷静に自分の思考を見つめていく1週間です。

soul ⑤    10 :  たとえ目の前でどのようなことが起こったとしても、あなたは聖霊を信頼し選び続けてきました。

soul ⑥    19 :   この数年、あなたは自ら進んで過酷なトレーニングに取り組んできました。

soul ⑦    1 :   休み明けの実力試験が終わり、世界がのんびりしているとしても、それは私たちとは何の関係もありません。
なぜなら聖霊と共に愛を拡張していくこと、特に自分の内側の、愛を求めて叫んでいる闇の部分に光を当て、聖霊の認識と交換していく仕事以上に楽しいことはないと知った今、仕事を続けることこそが くつろぐことだと理解しているからです。

soul ⑧    4R→  20 :  この夏あなたがどれほど心を砕き、努力し続けてきたとしても、決して実現しなかったものもあります。

soul ⑨    21 :  全一である認識とは、あなたが天国と御父にのみ意識を向けたときに到達されるものです。