

the Card of the Week: 20R → 8
Concentrate on yourself. 
By truly saving one person, even though it may take time, a number of people around the person will be also saved without by God.
That is because there is only you and your projection in this world.

Soul #1: 11R → 19
If you invite a miracle in this world, the truly effective way to do so is to keep choosing the Holy Spirits.
Therefore, accept that all of "the past you didn't agree" were "merely mistakes" and have them amended.

Soul #2: 4
Once again, confirm basics.
There is only you and God in this world.
And it seems that the only reason for this world to exist is for you to notice "mistakes of I" and have the mistake disappeared.

Soul #3: 1R → 4
It is always possible to make a choice again.
Since past and future is just a image exists only in your mind, if you make up your mind and call for the Holy Spirits, it is really easy to correct your past and amend your future.

Soul #4: 17R → 14 
For a healer who is complete healed, there is no brother whom the healer cannot heal.
For brothers waiting to be healed and for God waiting for you to come back, have "yourself" healed first as soon as possible.

Soul #5: 10
Spectacular flow is happening.
It's so wonderful that you may feel wanting to escape from it, bu t hang in there.

Soul #6: 2
You are about to experience the joy of being Trinity.
If you doubt "how long does it last" even just a little, that is exactly the point for you to forgive. 
Catch it promptly and give it a big hug.

Soul #7: 18R → 13
You have already understood that the darkness doesn't exist.
Now, it's time to dive into the deep darkness that we fabricated.
But, don't worry. 
This journey of dismantlement of the dream will be filled with ultimately filled with ecstasy.

Soul #8: 15
By admitting that even material affluence is a tool to expand Love of God, its quality will be transformed.
Keep walking "the path that doesn't exist in this world" that all your brothers become affluent by you keeping to choose Joy.

Soul #9: 16
You have recognized the difference between what is built up diligently and completed eventually and the other.
You will live a few more decates either way, why don't you built up what completes?

week card    20R→  8 :  あなた自身に集中してください。
なぜならこの世界には あなたと あなたの投影しかいないのですから。 

soul ①    11R→  19 :  この人生に奇跡を招きたいのなら、常に聖霊を選び続けることだけが真に効果のある方法です。

soul ②    4 :   基本的なことを今一度確認しましょう。

soul ③    1R→  6 :  選択し直すことはいつでも可能です。

soul ④    17R→  14 :  完全に癒された癒し手にとって、もはや癒せない兄弟は存在しません。

soul ⑤    10 :  目を見張るような素晴らしい流れが起こっています。

soul ⑥    2 :    三位一体であることの喜びを体験しつつあります。

soul ⑦    18R→  13 :   既に闇は存在しないと理解しました。

soul ⑧    15 :   物質的豊かさでさえも、神の愛を拡張する道具であると認識し聖霊と共に使うことで、その質が変化してきます。

soul ⑨    16 :   コツコツと積み上げ、やがて完成されるものと
どのみち あと数十年は生きていくのですから、完成するものを積み上げていきましょうよ。


1/22 〜 1/28

the Card of the Week: 11R → 6
Give more than a passing thought that we are literally walking "path of miracles."
Now we are taking it for granted, but it is something really miraculous.

Soul #1: 4R → 16
Cerebrate the long path you have walked.
Even if it seems you make a mistake, if you see the incident through the view of the Holy Spirits, you will see that everything was necessary to go back to Heaven. 

Soul #2: 10
You see the wonderful broad panorama of the world. 
However, don't forget that it is also a dream, and walk toward Heaven as you cerebrate the beautiful scenery.

Soul #3: 1
True creativity is exerted by remembering yourself as God created and thanking it. 
Be free of formality.

Soul #4: 20
Your latent talent is about to waken and shine.
The infinite affluence and joy never fades is around the corner.
Now, what are you gonna do?

Soul #5: 17
You already know that we can experience ultimate happiness even on this earth.
Accept the joy in gratitude and share it with your brothers as it is to make it the right tradition of a child of God who live on the earth.

Soul #6: 13
Since you notice the truth,you have a duty to save everyone of yourself in the past who believed otherwise.
This job is so much fun since it also gives infinite joy and peace in time and space in the past.

Soul #7: 8
Fantastic affluence is poured toward you.
Now, you can test to see the doubt "affluence corrupt you" that made you afraid unconsciously is correct or not,right? 

Soul #8: 7
You created affluence with the Holy Spirit and agreed to change this planet to the dream like Heaven by sharing the affluence with your brothers, didn't you? lol

Soul #9: 5R → 18
The world is carried away more than usual with illusion that comes and goes. For this reason, the silence that filled with your love is important now. 
Keep forgiving your brothers infinitely as the Holy Spirits do so for us.

week card    11R→  6  :  私たちが文字通り「奇跡の道」を歩いていることに想いを馳せてください。

soul ①    4R→  16 :  あなたがこれまで歩いてきた長い道のりを、どうぞ祝福してください。

soul ②    10 :素晴らしい世界があなたの眼前に広がっています。

soul ③     1: 真の創造性とは、御父が創造されたままの自分を思い出し、それに感謝しながら生きることで発揮されます。

soul ④     20: 眠っていた才能が目覚め、輝こうとしています。

soul ⑤     17:  既にあなたは、この地上でさえも、この上もない幸福を体験することができることを知っています。

soul ⑥     13:   真実に気づいたあなたは、そうでないと思いこんでいた過去のあなたを全員救済する義務があります。         
soul ⑦     8:  とてつもない豊かさがあなたへと注がれています。 

soul ⑧     7:   あなたは、聖霊と共に豊かさを創造し、兄弟へ分かち合い続けることでこの星を天国のような夢へ変えていくことに同意しました。
同意しましたよね? 笑

soul ⑨     5R→  18:  世界はいつも以上に、目の前に去来する幻想に浮かれ騒いでいますが、こんな時こそあなたの愛に満たされた沈黙が重要です。
どうぞ、そんな兄弟たちを無限に赦し続けてください。聖霊が私たちに そうし続けているように。



the Card of the Week: 2
During this week, try to be careful with your thoughts.
When you find anything other than love, forgive and leave it to the hands of the Holy Spirits without being emotional.
You will notice yourself that it became natural for you to think that I&we have never been away from God.

Soul #1: 15
Study if the thought system of the Holy Spirits coincide with your wish.
If you are not affluent now, that is because your wish is "I want to be affluent" instead of "I appreciate my affluence."

Soul #2: 11R → 7
You already know that within the limit of you and your family it always has been one with God in every situation.
Then, expand the limit to close friends.
And then, expand the limit to...lol

Soul #3: 19R → 10
If a situation doesn't change, it's a opportunity to review what in at the bottom of your thoughts.
Is that wish necessary for you to expand Love as an immortal Holy Spirit?
Or does it come from other desire?

Soul #4: 21R → 1
If a miracle does not happen, it is always because "something other than Love" is in your thought system.
Leave it to the hands of the Holy Spirit in a matter-of-fact way, and ask the Holy Spirits why you keep making the same mistake.
Then, you will hear a wonderful answer.

Soul #5: 4R → 6
It is really discouraging to know that everything you have tried so hard to learn is based on the thought system if ego.
If you leave the discouragement to the hands of the Holy Spirit, the world will be filled with light all of the sudden.
The life with the Holy Spirits is pretty attractive, isn't it?

Soul #6: 20
If you see through the view of the Holy Spirits, it is easy to understand the real intention of "I don't need to do anything."
How would "I, do not exist anywhere" do anything?
Accept your past trying to fight by yourself as just a mistake and forgive it. 

Soul #7: 9
Imagine yourself as a space filled with Love of God.
If you see your brothers and your emotion triggered by them,you will notice that anger doesn't and didn't exist anywhere.

Soul #8: 16
Stay away from the earth and keep sending light from rarefied height.
Trust the Holy Spirit where the light reach.
This is your original everyday life. 

Soul #9: 17R → 3
Creative power is approaching you like rising tide. 
Bring your consciousness in tandem with Joy rather than righteousness, and transform your time to more joyful and filled with laughter.



the Card of the Week:
Look at the world trough the view of the Holy Spirit.
Imagine what kind of yourself you are going to meet when you stay far away from the battle field and have the vision to overlook the world.

Soul #1: 19
Stay holding the hands of the Holy Spirits.
If you only be careful with that, you will become natural for you think "What the Holy Spirit would do in such case?"

Soul #2: 1
Trust your effort in the past. 
You must have understood the theory of the thought system of the Holy Spirits. 
Now, acquire it by "giving to" and "receiving from" your brothers over and over. 

Soul #3: 4R → 21
"All things happening are nothing else but good."
Try to remember this basic rule. 
It will bring you back to the correct place to sand on and gives the world order.

Soul #4: 7
Match the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and your thoughts.
Having any other thoughts is "impossible." 
In other words, it is just a mistake. 
If you understand that, forgive it and leave it to the hands of the Holy Spirits without committing to the mistake more then necessary. 

Soul #5: 11
Forgive and leave anything other than Love to the hands of the Holy Spirits without being emotional.
Just by doing that, you will be able to see the luster behind it and be able to accept the magnifience of a child of God.

Soul #6: 13R → 17
You are asked to have gratitude and consideration for yourself.
Your life is created by God and appreciating that means nothing other than lauding God.

Soul #7: 15R → 6
Keep choosing the explication of the Holy Spirits is living with the Will of God as your own. 
And, to be one with Will of God is "Our Wish."

Soul #8: 8
Starting of the new year, your life and the world have the same vibe. 
Riding along with this vibe,fill the world with your blessing. 
It's simple. 
All you have to do is to ask the Holy Spirits to do so.

Soul #9: 20
In the quiet and peaceful breadth, your Holy Family has started to be awake. 
Through words without a word, sound in silence, share your blessing with your brothers. 

week card   12  :  聖霊の視点を通して世界を眺めましょう。

soul ①   19 :  常に聖霊と手をつないだままでいてください。 
それだけに気をつけていれば、自然に「こんな時 聖霊なら どう考えどう振る舞うだろう?」と考えるようになります。

soul ②    1 :  これまでの自分の努力を信頼してください。

soul ③    4R→  21 :  「全て、良いことだけが起こっている」

soul ④    7 :  聖霊の智識と自分の思考が一致していること。

soul ⑤    11 :  愛以外のものを、淡々と赦しゆだねてください。

soul ⑥    13R→  17 :   あなたへの感謝といたわりが強く求められています。           
あなたの生命は御父から創造され、それに感謝することは御父に感謝し ほめたたえることに他ならないのです。  

soul ⑦    15R→  6 :   聖霊の解釈を選び続けることこそ、御父の意志を自分の意志として生きることです。

soul ⑧    8 :   新春早々、あなたの生命の波動と この世界の波動が一致してきます。
この気に乗じて 世界全体をあなたの祝福で満たしてください。

soul ⑨    20 :   静かで平穏な広がりの中で、聖なる家族たちが目覚め始めました。



the Card of the Week: 17
Regardless what you do or what you don't do in this world, God doesn't care at all.
He just keeps loving you and pouring love toward you.

Soul #1: 21R → 12
Imagine looking at yourself from the place everything ended, Heaven.
If you look through the view of the Holy Spirits, you will see that there is nothing to worry about.

Soul #2: 14R → 8
Like God,we were created to be infinitely affluent.
If you don't move from there, the dream of absence that fills this world will disappear. 

Soul #3: 13
Go beyond the small frame of "I" and try to consciously think with the context of "Us."
This modest effort will redound surprisingly great result.

Soul #4: 6R → 18
You might often feel fear after making a major decision. 
However, this doesn't infect you since it's not Love. 
Keep forgiving it coolly and leaving it to the hands of the Holy Spirits. 

Soul #5: 20R → the Fool
If you notice anything that clouds your heart even slightly, go ahead and keep leaving it to the hands of the Holy Spirits carefully. 
Through Christ, your effort will expand toward your brothers.

Soul #6: 3R → 11
You cannot compromise when you expand Love. 
Even if there is an angry brother in front of you, if you understand that he is yourself in the past, you will understand that sometimes it is necessary to scold at him.

Soul #7: 19
No matter what happens, stay level since you are with the Holy Spirit. 
Even if you have an axiety, take it that happened because you have not acknowledge yourself as child of God and simply amend it.

Soul #8: 7R → 5
Celebrate yourself in the past who have given your Love and Joy through what is not words.  
The Holy Spirit has always been watching and lauding you. 

Soul #9: 10
You have kept trusting and watching Christ inside of your brothers instead of their moods. 
Now, it's time for you to get rewared for your patience.
Bless you!

week card   17  :  御父はこの世界であなたが何をしようとも、しなくとも気にも止めません。
我が子であるあなたを ただ愛し、愛を注ぎ続けているだけです。

soul ①    21R→  12 :  全てが終わった所、つまり天国から、今の自分を眺めていると想像してください。

soul ②    14R→  8 :  私たちは御父と同じように無限に豊かであるように創造されました。

soul ③    13 : 「私」という小さな枠を越えて「私たち」という文脈で思考するように、意識的に努力してください。

soul ④    6R→  18 : 重要な決断をした後は、しばしば恐怖に襲われるものです。

soul ⑤    20R→  愚者 :  あなたの心をかすかにでも曇らせるものに気がついたら、どうぞ丁寧に聖霊にゆだね続けてください。

soul ⑥    3R→  11 :   愛を拡張する際は妥協してはいけません。           

soul ⑦    19 :   聖霊と共にいるのですから、どんなことがあっても動じないでください。

soul ⑧    7R→  5 :   あなたの愛と喜びを、言葉ではないものに託して伝えてきた過去のあなたを祝福してください。

soul ⑨    10 :  あなたは兄弟たちの気分ではなく、彼らの内なるキリストを信頼して、ずっと見守ってきました。